Gibson Family/Ferdinand

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Ferdinand, the son of Timothy and Drieir Gibson, set out from his home in Nida soon after his 20th birthday. Unsure of what he sought, he decided to try a more exciting life than that of managing his father's estate by becoming a knight. He had heard that the city of Skalk would be an excellent place to start his search for a liege, and was not disapointed. Entering service under the Duke of Skalk, Dakkon Blackblade, Ferdinand entered his new career with ghusto. Ferdinand was assigned to The Lightning and participated in several key campaigns against Falasan. He assisted in the take overs of Nazgorn early in February (2009) and Beleriel. Ferdinand became a Knight of Barad Falas, when it was acquired by the Cagilan Empire and the Dukeship was transfered to Duchess Rennee Quaseth. He is also the proud owner of the helmet, the Daemonic Helm of the Vulcano, which is currently being repaired with the help of Freeman Connor.