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All Tilogian Regions: Hugo's HullNaan ForestNidaleryOuter TilogVolkanita
Region Details
Continent Colonies
Region Type Rural
Geographic Area Central
Population 651
Economy Farming, Fishing
Realm (rogue)


Volkanita has been isolated from the rest of the Colonies for much of its history, both geographically and culturally. The mountains of Hilly Holes to the west, and swampy river delta in the north make getting to Volkanita a difficult prospect at best. Most traders are deathly afraid of what awaits them in such a clearly Tilogian land, and avoid it at all costs.

Politically, Volkanita has exchanged hands several times between the realms of Outer Tilog and Alebad, and currently belongs to the former. This cycle of welcomed Tilogian oppression and discouraged Alebadian generosity has caused the Volkanitan people to resent most outsiders, regardless of their motives. Not surprisingly, this attitude is fairly typical of all Tilogians. When not fighting off a takeover attempt, Volkania offers plenty of unspoiled wilderness and pristine beachfronts for enjoyment, but we're working on fixing that.

Notable Landmarks

During an early period of occupation by Outer Tilog, a "laundry" facility was constructed deep in the swamp. Essentially a giant mudpit, many a Tilogian's clothing was rendered sufficiently filthy to be worn in public. Nobles from miles away would send their wardrobes for a special treatment of Volkanitan swamp mud. The laundry is typicaly ignored during Alebadian occupation, due to it being cleverly disguised as a giant hole filled with mud.

Another notable landmark in Volkanita is, of course, Anita. Normally a person would not be classified as a landmark, but, well, Anita is so frequently visited, if you get my drift, that here we will consider her a landmark. Over the past few months, visits to Anita have been occasionally marred by horror stories involving the bag falling off her head. Something clearly needed to be done, so Garm the Devourer, Resident Wolf-Beast/Warg/Dog of Outer Tilog, fixed the problem once and for all by bravely placing the realm's one and only farseers' helm over her head. This has produced excellent results with regards to Anita, but has led to some spectacular Tilogian-style victories on the field of battle.

Former Lords

  • Angus Na Leodaich (Outer Tilog)
  • Angelina Von Borghoff (Alebad)
  • Sphalerite Erstwile (Outer Tilog)
  • Tiaro Flightwing (Outer Tilog)
  • Many others lost to history.

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