Wetham (Realm)/Elements

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The government of Wetham is made up of the four elements in balance. The Air Lord sets the course for the Road to follow. The Fire Lord drives us along the Road. The Water Lord keeps the road clean and free of impurities. The Earth Lord keeps the Road paved so it may be traveled.

The Air Lord

Clarity: The Air Lord has the ability to perceive what is relevant and useful in a given situation. He can synthesize ideas and concepts from many different sources or disciplines into something that is cohesive and comprehensive. He has the gifts of discernment, wisdom, intellect, reason, perception, and analytic thought.

Communication: The Air Lord is a master of language, writing, persuasion, and verbal expression. It is given to him to communicate with other realms, as well as aid in communications within the realm.

Organization: The Air Lord is responsible for maintaining the structure of the realm and the social hierarchy. He keeps peace and harmony within the realm.

  • Symbols: the east, sunrise, springtime, the soul and the breath of life.
  • Colors: pale blue, yellow, silver, gold, and white
  • Imagery: wind, clouds, breezes, breath, vibrations, wind storms, tornadoes, cyclones, hurricanes, windswept hills, windy beaches, high mountain peaks, high towers, smoke, and incense.
  • Creatures: eagles, hawks, doves, song birds, winged insects, air dragons, fairies, flying horses, and angels.

The Fire Lord

Will: The Fire Lord governs that force that keeps the realm selecting goals and moving toward them, dealing with the obstacles and challenges found in the path. He motivates the realm and helps everyone work together for a common purpose.

Courage: The Fire Lord gives the realm inspiration and faith. He is the kindling divine flame of spirit that gives us hope and energy even in the darkest night.

Protection: It is given to the Fire Lord to oversee the defense of the realm. He has the power and the strength to keep the realm safe.

  • Symbols: the south, noon, summer, the driving force of life.
  • Colors: red, scarlet, crimson, orange, and bright yellow.
  • Imagery: sun, flame, blaze, candles, torches, fireplace, forges, dancing around fires, flaming sword, Lightning, volcanoes, eruptions, explosions, desert, sulfur, and blood.
  • Creatures: Tigers, lions, serpents, lizards, scorpions, horses, unicorns, fire dragons, and the phoenix.

The Water Lord

Purification: It is given to the Water Lord to cleanse the realm when it is needed. His actions bring about the healing and rejuvenation of the realm.

Mysticism: The Water Lord is holy and capable of great insight and intuition. He has the gift of spiritual perception may have visions through dreams or meditation.

[???]: The Water Lord is the caretaker of the realm. Using strong compassion and conscience, he nurtures and supports the nobles, lords, and regions.

  • Symbols: the west, sunset, autumn, the [???] of life.
  • Colors: Blue, blue-green, green, grey, blue-grey, aqua, indigo, purple, light grey and white of sea foam in moonlight.
  • Imagery: goblet, chalice, cauldron, mirrors, the sea, rivers, lakes, streams, wells, ponds, springs, rain, mist, fog, floods, rainstorms, whirlpools, waterfalls, tides, beaches.
  • Creatures: fish, whales, sharks, shellfish, sea horses, water birds, crocodiles, water snakes, sea mammals, water dragons, mermaids, and the leviathan.

The Earth Lord

Prosperity: The Earth Lord ensures abundance and fertility in the realm. He directs the end result of the realm's agriculture and industry in order to provide for the realm's monetary and nutritional needs.

Stability: The Earth Lord ensures the permanence and security of the realm. He reliably builds structures and policies that will outlast the current situation. He is thorough, patient, and committed to the long view.

Practicality: It is the responsibility of the Earth Lord to be the grounding force of the realm. To be the voice of realism and truth amid chaos and uncertainty.

  • Symbols: the north, midnight, winter, provider of the resources of life.
  • Colors: bright and dark greens, beige, black, brown, and deep violet.
  • Imagery: crystal, stone, salt, soil, herbs, gems, foliage, forests, boulders, mountains, chasms, caverns, groves, fields, standing stones, canyons, valleys, farms, gardens, earthquakes, and mudslides.
  • Creatures: bulls, bears, burrowing animals, moose, buffalo, hoofed animals, forest dwellers, earth dragons, gnomes, dwarves and the sphinx.