Perdan (Realm)/Lost/Thorad

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Thorad Jorvik

The moments before and after his death

Letter from Thorad

Message sent to everyone in your realm (139 recipients)

You have now challenged Johann (Knight of Partora) to a duel to the death. Wait for the reply and remember that for the duel to be resolved both of you must be in the same region

I'll never shut up

Letter from Thorad

Message sent to everyone in your realm (139 recipients)

Duel accepted Johann (Knight of Partora) has accepted your challenge. Meet him in the same region and the duel will be resolved at the next sunrise or sunset

Sometimes you should have to hold your line.

Knight has left

Thorad was killed in a duel against Johann today.

His unit, the =PCW= Perdan's Glory III has been partly converted into a militia unit.

Duel Death

Thorad has suffered a fatal blow in a duel against Johann. He died quickly.

Letter from Johann

Message sent to everyone in your realm (138 recipients)

As for Thorad, I am sorry to have had to kill him, but if I would have turned the duel down I would have been labeled a coward twice over.

Report from Tamerran

Message sent to everyone in your realm (138 recipients)

Thorad, it was a sad way to die, but you are a hero in my eyes.

  • Raises in silence his mug for Thorad, while a tear wet his face...*

Letter from Maelg

Message sent to everyone in your realm (138 recipients)


His name was Thorad, you could at least learn the mans name. Although you seem to feel that you have the right to throw dirt on a dead mans name, he had more honour in his left foot than your entire body. He did not run away when people decided they did not like him, only to return to stir up crap after finding out that some people have forgotten the inconsequential knight who decided to try and negotiate peace without authority.

Learn your place in the realm.

As one of my knights, Thorad will be interred in the Hall of Heroes in Dimwood.

Letter from ][osferatu

Message sent to everyone in your realm (138 recipients)

Duel Death (5 hours, 16 minutes ago) Thorad has suffered a fatal blow in a duel against Johann. He died quickly.

Why did it have to come to this? We lost a good TL for nothing. I don't want to see something like this happenning ever again! If you feel your honour is insulted, solve it with a duel to surrender, NOT to death! Many TL's are taking a nap in Partora for days now. We just lost someone who kept following orders.

And Domingo, I'll hear no more insults to Thorad from you. Read above and live up to his example if you want to have a right to critisize.

Letter from Thrydwulf

Message sent to everyone in your realm (138 recipients)

For sure it is sad that Perdan lost Thorad. He was a good man, full of humour, and full of the joy of life. I hope the person responsible for this, wishes they could turn back time and resolve this differently.

Letter from Magnus

Message sent to everyone in your realm (137 recipients)

My Sheild Brothers and Sisters!

Today I mourn the death of Thorad the Viking, not his death, but the departing of a kindred soul and true sword thane of the old ways. Today, he sits amoung the Honored Dead in Odin's hall of Valhalla because,not only did he die with a sword in his hand, but because he died for something he believed passionately. ...this death comes at a horrible time for Perdan, we will miss him, we will miss his sword!

The rest is an RP........

The procession moved out of the hastily built chapel dedicated to Odin that very morning, and into the driving rain of the day. Six tall Huscarls carried upon their shoulders a pallet drapped with the Colors of Perdan upon which rested Thorad the Viking, Sword Thane and Sheild Brother. He laid in state resplendant in his armour worked and chaste in silver and intricate runes. A sword, the kind which is rarely seen anymore lay point down upon his body, his large hands much calloused by sword, sheild, axe and mace rested clasped upon its hilt. It seemed that the gloomy day brightened a bit due to the presence of the honor guard. The stately procession was lead by the Solarin family skald who had made the long journey from Atmarra to lay a true Viking in the earth. Count Maelg Vallejo, Ser Magnus Solarin, his cousin Karlson Solarin the Cavalier, and many others followed behind as honor guard to the man they had drank, fought, and laughed with on so many occations.

The steep cliffs were broken by a niche carved from the living rock. Bas reliefs of warriors, dragons, Heroes, men at arms locked in Heroic and Glorious combat decorated the lintle and post of the massive doors leading into Dimwood's Hall of Heroes. As the procession past from the lands of the living into the Halls of the Honored Dead, it seems that whatever light the party had bourne with it was drank away by the shadows of the Hall. From deep with in the confines on the Hall of Heroes, the Viking Prayer boomed out and echoed out into the gloom of the day.

Legendary hero buried

The Jorvik family commemorates the dead hero Thorad, a legend known all over the world. Admirers, friends and even enemies visit his grave.