Dragul Family/Katrina/The Virtues of Nailyon

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The Virtues of Nailyon

The garden had a faint blue glow, the smell of the flowers was incredible. The night blooming Jasmine was in bloom, mixed with honeysuckle, roses and a myriad of other scents that Katrina could not immediately identify.

In the center of the garden was a stone bench. It had runes and elaborate knot work carved into it. Katrina made her way to the bench and sat down. There was a feeling of expectancy in the cool night air. She wasn’t sure what she expected, but knew she had to be here for a reason.

The blue glow intensified and a beautiful woman approached her from the western side of the garden. She knew she had seen this woman before. A woman of grace and regal beauty; her eyes were the blue of fine sapphires, and her hair was pale, not white or blonde but almost silvery, it was long reaching far down her back and flowed loosely about her face. She was kind and serene. Katrina remembered where she had seen her before; it was during a dream in the temple of the Way of the Dragons in Port Raviel. There before her eyes, as Katrina had watched in wonder, the woman’s features had changed into that of an ice blue dragon. The woman sat down beside Katrina, and the sense of peace and wellness permeated the entire garden.

Nailyon looked intently at Katrina. “I suppose you wonder why I have brought you here. There is something that you must hear, daughter of giants. Do you remember what I told you when last we met?”

Katrina remembered the dream from the temple, it had had to do with Duke Mathias and there was a prophecy contained there as well; “you are my chosen child. The task of your family is the task of healing. That is why your family has a motto of Service before Self. You shall be the ones to bring harmony out of chaos. You and your siblings shall bring peace out of war.” Katrina whispered these words more to herself than to Nailyon.

“There was more to that prophecy child; do you remember it as well?” Nailyon gently asked.

“Yes, as D’Hara grows, you will spread our teachings as no other—not even the prophet himself will be able to do,” Katrina replied. “But I really don’t see how I can do that, I am not even a priestess of The Way of the Dragons. Surely Kisharianda would be better for that task.”

“No, daughter of the giants, the one chosen for this is you. In fact that is the real reason why you are with me tonight. I wish to begin your lessons, the things you must teach the people of D’Hara, and all others who would listen. Right now, D’Hara is threatened from others, but more importantly from strife within. You must work for the healing that is necessary to make D’Hara strong again,” with that Nailyon smiled.

“Of course I will do anything that is asked of me,” Katrina replied. “I am just unsure of how much I can do…”

Nailyon stopped her with a smile, “You must teach them the lessons of virtue. We will begin with the lessons of Nailyon. First you must know of Fidelity. Fidelity means being faithful to someone or something. Fidelity is most important in terms of our faith and loyalty to our teachings. More than that, it means being faithful to an ideal. Right now, this may be the most important thing that you can give the nobles of D’Hara. Many have lost heart with the threats from outside, they need to hear that there is an ideal to be faithful to. The hearts of those who created the realm of D’Hara are pure. They believed in a better way of life for all. With the guidance of the Dragons, they can make this ideal a reality. The next lesson you must give them is that of Self Reliance. Being self-reliant means taking responsibility for ones life and actions. Things may be unfair, but it is our each one’s responsibility to deal with it. Along with that, it is each one’s opportunity to make what they wish for a reality. Only with unity and a reliance on oneself and each other can these goals be accomplished. The dragons watch with great sadness what is happening in D’Hara. It is our fear now, that D’Hara will tear itself apart. That would be a great loss to the world.”

Katrina looked to Nailyon, “what can I do if even the mighty dragons are afraid? How can I make any difference?”

As she watched again in wonder, Nailyon took on the appearance of the ice blue dragon. “You are the chosen one, you are the one who brings healing. Share with them the message I have given you.” Nailyon handed her a white rose. With that Nailyon rose into the night on wings of blue light.

The sun was shining into her tent and Katrina heard the noise of her men getting ready to move on to start their looting run. Katrina shook her head as if to clear the dream away, but it remained clear as if she had actually been in that garden. Beside her on the ground was a white rose.

Katrina rose quickly, she had much to think on as she and her men headed into Thysan.