Fontan (Realm)/Judiciary/Trials/Congress of Democracy -v- Lord Jon Paul

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1009 -- 6th February -- Congress of Democracy -v- Lord Jon Paul Ogren, Count of An Najaf


That on 29th January 1009 Lord Jon Paul used his authority as Count of An Najaf to first sack and then destroy a Small Guildhouse of The Congress of Democracy in his jurisdiction, unlawfully seizing 62 gold and causing the Guild to be disbanded by the local authorities.

Full details of the evidence presented by Lord Armstrong acting on behalf of the former members of the Guild have been filed with the court and a copy is available for public scrutiny as "Case Against Lord Jon Paul Ogren" in the realm archives.

This court will investigate the following matters:

  1. the sacking and destruction of the guildhouse in An Najaf, amounting to the theft of 62 gold and damages in the order of 350 250 gold;
  2. the breaching of an oath of loyalty to the Congress of Democracy;
  3. perjury before the High Court.

The court clerks have been instructed to make full details available in the realm archives under the index Fontan/Judiciary/Trials.

Lord Jon Paul, you have five days to present your defence against these allegations, following which I will weigh all submissions and render judgement in this matter.