Arcaea/The Royal Line

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The Patriarchy of Arcaea

In times so ancient that all we know of them is that which was preserved by the monks of Ossai, a warlord from Nocaneb rose up to conquer the surrounding city states of Akanos, Remton, Niel and Lasop. His name has been lost, but we do know that he was crowned the first Patriarch of Arcaea. His dynasty went on to conquer essentially the entire north, annexing the country of Brevnea. Thus was the Arcaean Empire formed. One of the greatest challenges the dynasty faced was from the Hadet; fierce raiders who were mainly found in the North West of the continent. Queen Anne was known to be one of this dynasty, and after her death were founded the Knights Hospitaller to protect her daughter, who was crowned Queen Anne Hospital.

Ultimately, the secession of Colasan under Duke Daran sparked a wave of Ducal independence, and the Empire fell apart. Lord Yarah, the greatest advisor of Serko, the last Patriarch, made an attempt to wrestle the Empire back together; he succeeded in maintaining the existence of the Kingdom of Arcaea, but could do no more. Lord Yarah and his supporters left, believing the realm to be doomed.

Queen Trinity

Arcaea was a shadow of its former self, and the Sartanians were quick to take advantage of this. After the Rape of Saex, however, Queen Trinity succeeded in convincing Lasanar of Sartania's true nature; without this backing Sartania was confidently driven back by High Marshal Shun. After this war a period of peace followed, which quickly turned to apathy. Although Arcaea helped Lasanar in the final siege of Anacan, ending the Antozan Commonwealth, most of those in power in Arcaea were content to let the realm drift, gradually losing power and influence.

To remedy the situation, Queen Trinity adopted a plan suggested by High Marshal Shun. Arcaea became a mercenary realm, selling its soldiers to the highest bidder. Its first and only contract was to Arcachon; Arcaea was more than happy to join Arcachon against their ancient enemy, Sartania. After some time, however, it became clear that the concept of selling Arcaea's honour was not something that could continue; the realm ceased to be mercenary.

Upon Lasop's second defection to Arcaea from Ethiala, Queen Trinity decided to make a stand. Arcaea and Arcachon stood together against Sartania and Ethiala. Initially, Arcaea's chances seemed good; Lasop was firmly held, and Baron Rhathar defected from Ethiala to Arcaea. However, the war quickly took a turn for the worse; this was compounded by the lack of help from Arcachon. Cathay and Ethiala joined forces to march on Larmebsi, retaking the region. While these forces were in disarray, some pacifying the region while others were dug in, Queen Trinity lead a daring counter attack. It almost succeeded. Despite initial success, eventually the greater size and number of Cathayan and Ethialan troops were the telling factor.

For some time forces struggled over Larmebsi, but eventually Sartania threatened Nocaneb, forcing Arcaea to retreat to defend their own borders. Lasanar joined the war. Intense fighting followed, particularly in Saex and Lantzas, where Baron Rhathar Frostbane fell defending his land. The situation was beginning to look hopeless for Arcaea, when Arcachon finally joined the war. Sartania was severely damaged by the raids, but eventually Arcachon had to withdraw to their capital to reequip their army. Queen Trinity was taken prisoner by Sartania, and wounded by an assassin upon her release.

Ultimately the war ended with Arcaea retaining very few of its regions. The realm was exhausted and almost destroyed by the war, but had managed to cling to its existence yet again. Skirmishes were to continue with Sartania, but essentially the Great Northern War was over.

Riar Dynrode Windsoul

King Riar proposed a plan by which the woodsland of Saex would be exchanged for the stronghold Nocaneb, an ancient region with noble ties to Arcaea. This deal would bring peace between Sartania and Arcaea. However, the majority of nobles in Arcaea (lead most vehemently by Olga Krawolga) disliked this plan; they felt that giving up either of the regions which had belonged to Arcaea for so long was inexcusable. In the face of this opposition, Riar stepped down and left Arcaea.

Queen Dentara

Brought to power by the support of Arcaeans for the retaking of Arcaea's traditional regions, Queen Dentara had a clear initial mission. When Euran Yetisbane defected to Arcaea, bringing with him the region of Lantzas, Arcaea had a clear opportunity to retake its heritage. Nocaneb was swiftly seized, and Sartania looked doomed between the combined forces of Arcaea and Arcachon. Cathay intervened to prevent the imminent destruction of its ally, demanding that Sartania continue the fight alone, without external help. Queen Dentara skilfully negotiated the gain of Obtal for Arcaea, while Lady Madelena brought Orbeh to the realm of her own accord.

Queen Dentara managed to bring Arcaea back from the brink of destruction, and made the realm one of the most influential in the north. After a long reign of peace and prosperity, Queen Dentara decided to step down to let someone else with new energy and vision take the throne.

King Jenred

Recommended to the throne by his predecessor, Queen Dentara, King Jenred was elected with over 80% of the vote. Having previously served as Imperial Chancellor and Imperial Magistrate, King Jenred was seen as having great experience and preexisting diplomatic ties that would serve him well.