Bluelake Family/NinaRP/Faries?

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Out of contact in Gaston

Nina and Brandon were making their way to Darfix, the city most to the north of the known world, and for a few days she didn't know of her companion. The monsters were hard to beat in that wild and partly abandoned city, giving the hunters much trouble and many bruises.

Looking for Brandon

After not having heard from Brandon for days, Nina started asking around. All she grasped was that, a few days ago, he was seen headed to a monster's lair to the north of Gaston. The hunter spent the morning and the beginning of the afternoon trying to find tracks to that lair, for she didn't have the map to it anymore, but it was useless. As she stopped to eat her light lunch, a moan came from the creek nearby. Nina looked, but couldn't see anything unusual. After a while, the wench stood up. There had been only one of that sound, and it might not even be Brandon, but what if...

It took her three, four hours looking among brushes, rocks, caves and trying to scare off monsters and beasts that were roaming around. But Nina finally found a boot, and then another one, and Brandon.

He was lying with a heavy wound across his chest, and she had to close her nose to the smell of it. The bandages were poorly tied, as if he had been barely conscious when he did it. Yet the hunter sighed in relief. He was alive, after all. Deep down, the Other One moved, as if displeased.

A few days later

The huntress returned to the stable from another hunting trip. She was fatigued, but still wrote the new map for the monster's lair.

Monsters Location (group #3 in Gaston)

It was an exhaustive hunt, yet, this time Nina had succeed. She managed to get some of the monster's blood before she was defeated. After cleaning the stall in which her pony was, the wench went to check on her companion. Brandon laid on a carefully built straw bed, with his goat fur and leather to keep him comfortable.

- Sorry, I couldn't afford a room, you know. - she said to the sleeping hunter - Which was good, for he wouldn't help you if I had... - Nina said, pointing with her head to a curious figure sleeping in a corner of the stall.

It was a tiny humanoid male figure, around two feet high, sleeping curled into himself. She could see his arms, strong but thin, and his muscled legs, coming out of a well sewn tunic. The tunic had a beautiful combination of symbols and colours, giving an aspect of wealth to the slender figure. In his feet were strong boot made through braiding slices of some sort of tree branches. And now he would make her the antidote for the poison in Brandon's veins, from the monster's blood.

Sitting back, Nina smiled. The farie male didn't understand her very well, and she didn't quite grasp what he said either, but he quickly realized what was going on after seeing the hunter's condition.

- Yes, Brandon, he understood it right away! But then, I think there is something magical indeed about those creatures. He came looking for the Belt, you know. - the wench sighed. The healer said that talking to an unconscious man would help him improve faster, but she did feel kind of silly. Touching the bracelet in her arm, she continued - I had found out earlier that it seems this belt was from one of their kings, or something... And it comes with a curse. Of course I didn't believe in the curse, and then this... thing came after me. I fed him and he seemed pleased, offered to help you and all. I understood they don't usually allow their relics to remain in human hands for long, but he was very afraid when he looked at me and interested looking at you. I did nothing, I say, but he was wary.

Nina continued talking with her back turned to Brandon, while the small creature woke up, took the vial of blood from her and did something to it, secretly. With his tiny knife, the farie opened a few cuts into Brandon's skin and poured what Nina hoped would be the cure to what was inflicting him. The smart little eyes stared at her face for a few moments, and then the little man smiled, made a courtesy and left.

Nina stood up and ran outside to see him go, but the creature was nowhere to be found. Sighing, she came back inside, to speak once more to the recovering hunter.

- See, Brandon, another thing I learned about them... the faries... Remember those mischievous monsters of Mountain of Chrysalids? The faries ride them. The monsters are peaceful, but the faries are troublemakers... Legend says they protect the Chrysalids against us humans...

Lifting her eyes from her maps back to Brandon, Nina smiled. Who could say it would work so fast?

- Ah! So you're awake! Do you have an appetite already or am I being too optimist?

Not bad at all

Brandon woke slowly, Nina's words at first just a distant but pleasing buzz in his ears. With a slight shake of his head things began to swim back into focus. To the mention of food he nodded mutely, his tongue feeling as if it weighted down with lead. Working his mouth a few times he managed to slip the word "drink?" through his lips.

Upon eating and drinking Brandon began to feel a bit stronger and less weary. Sipping some water, he looked up at Nina. "I beleive it would be good to move on once I am well again, however where should we go? How did I even get here? Last I recall I was running, some rather painful wounds about me, then I fell. Also, what happened to that blasted platemail?" he asks.

Brandon lay back a little on the makeshift bed, once more bringing the sweet water to his lips.

'It's amazing; the kinds of things we do for a little gold out here. The various tortures we endure and somehow manage to survive.' he thought to himself. Finishing the water his eyes rest upon Nina for a moment. 'Still, it's not all bad.' he concludes mentally, laying back waiting to hear Nina's stories.