Light of Fountain/Tournament

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I am proud to announce that the first ever Light of Fountain Realm Tournament will soon be held! If you are interested in participating in this event then please send me a message. You will have until Sunday, August 27th. After that the participants will be randomly paired up and the tournament will begin.

Tempest Dragon, Fiduciary of Light of Fountain


1. Duels will be TILL FIST BLOOD ONLY!!! If there are any duel reports of anything other than first blood then BOTH participants will have a discussion with our judge.

2. Orders come first. If something comes up and we are needed elsewhere then the tournament can and will wait.

3. To participate, send your registration form (a message) to the Tournament Coordinator.

4. This tournament will be held 4 times. If you win one, you will not be elegible for the next one. Once all 4 tournaments have been completed, the winners of each of these 4 will face each other and the winner out of these 4 will be considered the winner of the tournament.


The winner of the tournament will receive 200 gold from the council as well as well as the position of Realm Champion in the EIDA guildhouse (if they are a member or sign up soon after winning).