Dwilight/Sallowsitte Dawn/1.5

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Reign of the Arexi


The attempts of the tribes to cease the fighting arexi were ignored. Initially, there was no violence between the tribes and arexi and so the arexi kept on with their function. Eventually, the recuperating Dur’anath, who suffered drastic defeats during the Onduran Eruption, raided an arexi camp. The raiders were massacred. The arexi overlooked the incident and continued their war, but the Dur’anath fumed over their defeat and used it as evidence that the arexi were out of control. Largely unconvinced, the rest of the tribes continued to press the arexi to cease their fighting. Then, an On’onath caravan was caught on a road where a heavy battle occurred and was completely obliterated. The arexi apologized, though said that the caravan was lost because of the carelessness of the On’onath. This became another item used by the anti-arexi tribes. Still not willing to fight the beast, the tribes tried to make superficial peace between themselves to show the arexi that the war was over; however, by that point, the arexi were fighting a war all their own. The arexi were fighting for honour, prestige and glory for their army, things that superseded the tribes’ control. This terrifying truth silenced all diplomacy, and the tribes united to prepare for war. Unbeknownst to the tribes, the arexi developed their own family unit and were reproducing for themselves. This, plus the contributions from the tribes, made the arexi a quantitative force. Time and time again, it has been debated by many tribesmen why the tribes did not cease giving children to the arexi, and the only logical answer given was that they feared the relentless wrath of the arexi if they stopped giving them children to grow into warriors.


When the tribes formally admitted they were going to war with the arexi the people panicked and rioted. Chaos broke out in all tribes and the people demanded the declaration be rescinded. Too late, the arexi discovered the plot and marched in at the most opportune time. The people lost all confidence in the chiefs and the hierarchies all but dissolved. With the loss of leadership and order, the arexi entered the tribal capitals and met no resistance. Thus began the Reign of the Arexi. This marked the first time the tribes of the Sallowsitte Cape had been united under one leadership, and overall this was actually to their benefit. The first unifying Sallowsitte ruler was Sallow, an arexi of the Mondorii family, and of whom the two regions and the cape receive their names. Prince Sallow sought no subjugation or reprimand for the insolence of the tribes, and allowed them to continue without hindrance so long as they paid tribute and obedience to the arexi. That is not to say that this early period was not without strife, it is just that the problems were external rather than internal.


Nomads and tribes were starting to pour into the Sallowsitte Cape from the islands, apparently escaping some sort of catastrophic ordeal. The influx of refugees caused great problems for the arexi, who wanted more order from the mass of migrants. In order to control the flow of foreign people from the islands, the arexi decided to build a stronghold at the best landing point from the islands. That stronghold became Sallowtown. The nomads and tribes were already frightened by the reputation of the arexi, but saw no other alternative. So in exchange for the construction of Sallowtown, the nomads were given land to the north and to the east, and were required to give tribute and obedience to the arexi. This is the origin of the regions Nyuushi, Axewild and Girich, then eventually Shyussei. The migrating nomads and tribes were notably similar in culture and language to the Securians who came from that way long ago. Naturally distance had altered the two once relatives to markedly different degrees, but the common origin was present nonetheless.


The arexi valued the family unit, and their government was ruled by dynasties as a principate. The ruling dynast would be placed as Prince, which means first among many. Family houses and clans (the uniting of family houses) became a major feature of the arexi rule. This system made a large impact on the society of the Sallowsitte Cape, and for the first time, the strength of the tribe was shrinking into the strength of the family. To stop this trend, the tribes began to mimic the organization of the arexi clans, and it became a major pursuit of the tribal clans to install a tribesmen family as the ruling dynasty. Though none of the tribal clans were permitted to compete with the arexi, this did not stop them from creating intrigue against each other. During this time, the tribe of the Syunjit migrated out of Sallowwild and conquered the people of Nyuushi. This went uninhibited by the arexi, and in fact allowed them to expand their reach to the region of Shyussei.


The arexi reign was stable and long, and due to peace the population boomed. Once again through intermarriage new tribal clans were formed, and this period saw the foundation of the tribes Unbeto’tonanth, Hurak’akanth, Xanc, Fedalor, and the Syunjit, who would later occupy the region of Shyussei. This period also saw the creation of a shared law, one that was placed on a massive pillar in Sallowtown and on the borders between the Desert of Silhouettes and the Divide Mountains, and on the frontiers of the arexi domain. This way, whoever enters or exits the principate would be subject to its laws.


At the height of its power, the arexi Principate, centred in Sallowtown, controlled the entire Desert of Silhouettes, the two regions north of the Divide Mountains, and as far south as Mattan Dews and Lupa Lapu. Ciarin Tut was in the process of being arexianized, and the bridge from there to Garuck Udor was built by the arexi, when suddenly the Great Purge occurred.