Arcaea/Dining Hall/Reginald's Revelations

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Reginald raises his hand to call a halt. As his Captain rides up, Reginald says: " Bring along a gaurd and let us see if those poor fellows, that are having such a hard time could use a hand.....If they are headed to Talex as we are, then dispatch a few of the men to help clean up..and establish a perimeter to ensure we dont get surprised while doing so."

Reginald II Von Borghoff (Knight of Talex)

Reginald sits astride his war horse as his men move towards Arempos.realizing that the last battle was not much more then a warm-up,for the troops of this new land ,in which he has come to live in. It is his hope that the coming batle with The ethalians will serve as a worthy test of his men...His Captain rides up. "Sir? we have crossed over into The enemy's lands..what are your orders?.Reginald smiles; " When we arrive at the camp with the others. set up the camp and have the men see to their mounts, feed the men. Then communicate with The Army's Captain of the watch to see when our men will be needed to help with guard duties.." His Captain salutes and rides off.

A strange feeling wafts over Reginald.One , not felt since the early days of LOF. he looks at his temple Guardians Amulet..But there is no glow of warning as of yet.

Reginald II Von Borghoff (Knight of Talex)

Reginald's men seem just a bit unhappy.These fights,so far seem rather lacking. Hopefully the nexts ones will provide some experience to his men. as He rides under a small stand of oak trees, He raises his hand to call a halt.."We'll camp here Captain" .A shadow passes overhead, it's passing sends a slight shiver through Reginald as he thinks back to another time, another place.

Reginald II Von Borghoff (Knight of Talex)

an Introduction: The RP which follows, will begin to broaden your awareness of who Reginald is , who he was before coming here, and, what he hopes to become..I generally write "closed" RP's(not open to additions unless invited)...Comments ,of course are always welcome.

Information on the early days of Reginald , His beginnings as a Noble, and his religion; "The Light" , are contained in the wiki..Under The Light, Light of Fontan, and Reginald's introduction..I hope you enjoy.

Reginald II Von Borghoff (Knight of Talex)

Reginald climbs down off his horse, whose reins, he hands to his squire..His Captain comes to tell him that all has been done as he ordered.He then salutes and leaves.

Reginald sits down under a very stately oak tree and begins to think..He begins to reflect upon life to this point..He notices a glow coming from his Lunar Amulet..Not a glow of impending danger, but The Gods of "The Light" wish to reveal something ,as is their way. He takes the amulet from it's place under his tunic...... A scene unfolds before him,it is The Gardens of The King.He remembers that night very well,Lycastus(Pontifex of LOF) , The Lady Morea, and Reginald were in the garden....He relives the evening as it rolls by..The arrow flies,narrowly missing his head..........The images fade ,as does the glow from the Amulet..Reginald returns it to it's customary place.and he thinks to himself: "Why am I seeing things things now? and I never got to pose the third point to Lycastus....and we never found out who that arrow was intended to hit."

suddenly , comprehension dawns upon him;"The lady Morea,and The Lady Edara, whey they could have been....."

Reginald II Von Borghoff (Knight of Talex)

Still sitting under the Magnificent oak tree, Reginald ponders the things The amulet has shown him.."The Late Lady Morea,who was his one and only love, could have been a twin to The Lady Edara,these thing puzzle him, but at the same time, explain why he felt so drawn to The Lady Edara, before he discovered she was infact , the wife of The King.

Perhaps , The Gods of "The Light" , are not done with him yet....No longer having a Temple to worship in or even a shrine, He would have too first,ask permisson of The King to re-establish his religion..."

Reginald rises and walks over to watch his Captain putting the men through their paces.

Reginald II Von Borghoff (Knight of Talex)