Unti Family/Philip/Act 4/Act 4 Scene 9

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Roleplay from Julia
The Amazon Princess was in the fore when evil Philippe appeared. He looked at Julia’s leather armor, reinforced with shining plates of steel. A full helmet covering her face leaving only two hazel eyes uncovered. A slender Amazon curved sword in her gauntleted hand. Slung on her back there was a crossbow

-""So,it is you who stands in defiance then" says a familiar voice as Philippe stepped out of the shadows

-"Stay Back! He is mine" she hissed

Julia paused and took a defensive stance.

Was this creature the kind man once thought she knew? Philip Unti, the noblest Avamarian, the only man Julia felt comfortable with? Could she ever be so wrong about a person? She remembered of her sister, now fighting under the banner of Perdan. She had left because of a man. How could this ever be possible? However, what she would have done if Philip had left for another realm? Was Philip really hers as she said to the party? So many chances they had together. So many strange night meetings out in Avamar’s streets… All lost. Now she had to kill the creature that has taken the form of Philip. She had to protect her friends, her people, and her realm. Above anything else she had to stand for her dignity and pride. How this cursed Knight dared to cheat her? How he dared to play tricks with her heart?

Thoughts and feelings disappeared as Philippe attempted the first blow. Julia easily parried. She felt the anger eventually dominating her body and soul. She felt the power of the blade running on her veins. She began to dance.

-"For Vengeance!" The Amazon said

And how sweet it was, that vengeance! How satisfying. So close to death was she and yet she felt more alive than she had ever felt. The bladedance. The art of Death. Julia’s destiny. To bear a sword into battle to fight and to kill.

As she fought, desperately parrying the heavy blows of Phillip, it seemed she didn’t merely fight this battle but a thousand others. Against the elf raiders that wiped out the Amazons Queendome. Against the raider that killed her mother and family in front of her eyes. Against the fat elf merchant that bought Julia and her infant sisters as slaves. Against a million men of this continent that tried to took advantage on her during the first years that followed the escape from the merchant’s house. Against every single male of this brutal and strange world, where women are considered inferior. Against the traitors in West Sirion that sold out their souls and betrayed their own people only to maintain their positions. Against the blood-thristy bandits of Sirion and Fontan that never allowed a single moment of peace. Against her own sister, her own flesh and blood, who betrayed Julia and left their mansion to follow a man. Against the cockroaches, the troublemakers, that flooded the City she loved recently. A life full of war, hatred, pain, blood and death. A cursed life. A wounded heart. A never-ending hell on earth.

Around her, the figures of the others were trembling and transformed to semi-transparent shadows as Julia danced. Even Philippe was nothing more than another enemy. An enemy that impersonated all enemies in Julia’s life. He was the perfect victim for all the hatred and desires for vengeance that flooded Julia’s heart. The Amazon laughed at them.

Her crystal clear and loud laughter was a weapon. It chilled the blood of those she attended the fight. It filled them with a great and unwholesome terror. Even Philippe’s transformation looked unimportant now as Julia was attacking harder and harder, laughing, following the steps of her frenzy dance of death, and radiating a strange almost magical light.

One blow was following the other with an incredible speed.

-"You bastard! How you dared! You cursed monster! You’ve destroyed everything I have ever loved!" but nobody could be sure to who Julia was referring

Soon the Amazon found herself behind Philippe’s vulnerable back. A strong kick just above his butt and Philippe found himself knocked down, unarmed with Julia climbed on his chest and the cold steel of her Khopesh touching his neck’s soft skin.

-"Finish him off! "a voice came from the indifferent and transparent figures around the couple

-"Yeah! Kill the bastard!" Somebody added

-"Take his head off!" a third one suggested

Julia ignored all the distant voices

-"So how do you feel now monster? Do you enjoy the position you have brought me so many times in this life?"

The Princess shouted, her face attached to Phillipe’s. The rest of the party, who was watching the scene, noticed that it was difficult to distinguish anymore who was the evil one in this struggle. Julia’s delicate features had been altered to a hideous mask of hate. And of pain.

-" See you in hell Ithuriel, Eluin, Vandero, Evylears, Sceptre, Handow, Dimarus, Doc, Alexi, Pipeta, Weylyn, Blodwedd, Briaerus, Philip"

As the last name was said something changed on Julia’s features. Spontaneously her old self returned, her eyes cleared and now it was the Amazon they all knew, looking Philippe deep into his eyes.

-"I... I... I can’t do it!" She whispered

Sword thrown away and Julia lips touched Philippe’s for a second. She stood up then dragging Philippe and slapping him violently

-"How you dared to take my man away? How you dared?"

She repeated, slapping half unconscious Philippe again and again, letting the tears drop from her burning eyes. It was definitely clear to everybody now. Old Julia was back.

Roleplay from Philip
-"Stay Back! He is mine" she hissed.

As Julia took up a defensive stance Philippe continued, "So I finally get my dual princess and to think, all it took was for me to threaten all you hold dear; had I known I would have done it sooner. Let us see if you're really worthy."

Julia hardly heard the taunt, he mind whirling away with thoughts of the past, of her many questions, of betrayal; but she did hear the sound of Philippe's foot falls on the flagstone and as the halberd descended her sword leapt up to the defense.

Thoughts and feelings disappeared as Philippe attempted the first blow. Julia easily parried. She felt the anger eventually dominating her body and soul. She felt the power of the blade running on her veins. She began to dance.

-"For Vengeance!" The Amazon said

As shining blade met black armour Philippe began to whisper like the clawing of talons on the soul, "Yes that's it. Strike with rage, let hatred burn your heart, pride fill you. kill, Kill, KILL!"

And how sweet it was, that vengeance! How satisfying. So close to death was she and yet she felt more alive than she had ever felt. The bladedance. The art of Death. Julia's destiny. To bear a sword into battle to fight and to kill.

With the whispers flowing like water around her Julia fought on as the Amazons of old, unforgiving of her foe or herself, beyond the limits of endurance and with skills rarely seen twice. But for every swing of a shining blade Philippe was there, turning blows aside and tempting her towards hatred and rage.

Around her, the figures of the others were trembling and transformed to semi-transparent shadows as Julia danced. Even Philippe was nothing more than another enemy. An enemy that impersonated all enemies in Julia's life. He was the perfect victim for all the hatred and desires for vengeance that flooded Julia's heart. The Amazon laughed at them.

Suddenly the whispers could go no further; Philippe faltered momentarily as Julia somehow shut him out. Frowning at her new found resistance Philippe tried to increase the grip he already held while he deflected a series of blows each more skilled then the last as the dance seemed to consume all of her being.

Her crystal clear and loud laughter was a weapon. It chilled the blood of those she attended the fight. It filled them with a great and unwholesome terror. Even Philippe's transformation looked unimportant now as Julia was attacking harder and harder, laughing, following the steps of her frenzy dance of death, and radiating a strange almost magical light.

One blow was following the other with an incredible speed.

-"You bastard! How you dared! You cursed monster! You've destroyed everything I have ever loved!" but nobody could be sure to who Julia was referring

"Not yet, but the night is still young!" called Philippe as he brought his halberd around for a powerful roundhouse swing.

Soon the Amazon found herself behind Philippe's vulnerable back. A strong kick just above his butt and Philippe found himself knocked down, unarmed with Julia climbed on his chest and the cold steel of her Khopesh seeking his neck's soft skin.

-"Finish him off! "a voice came from the indifferent and transparent figures around the couple

-"Yeah! Kill the bastard!" Somebody added

-"Take his head off!" a third, One, suggested

Julia ignored all the distant voices

-"So how do you feel now monster? Do you enjoy the position you have brought me so many times in this life?" The Princess shouted, her face attached to Phillipe's.

Cursing Philippe desperately tried to restore his view of the world as The rest of the party, who was watching the scene, noticed that it was difficult to distinguish anymore who was the evil one in this struggle. Julia's delicate features had been altered to a hideous mask of hate. And of pain.

-"See you in hell Ithuriel, Eluin, Vandero, Evylears, Sceptre, Handow, Dimarus, Doc, Alexi, Pipeta, Weylyn, Blodwedd, Briaerus, Philip"

As the last name was said something changed on Julia's features. Spontaneously her old self returned, her eyes cleared and now it was the Amazon they all knew, looking Philippe deep into his eyes.

-"I... I... I can't do it!" She whispered as the last of the talons were cast free of her mind.

Grabbing the helmet from his head Julia ripped it off, breaking many of the jousting clamps. Sword thrown away and Julia lips touched Philippe's for a second.

Finally Philippe was once again fully aware of the world, light returning to his eyes just as Julia's lips touched his own.

She stood up then dragging Philippe and slapping him violently, "How you dared to take my man away? How you dared?"

Stunned, Philippe made no effort to stop the first bow as it smashed home with ease, but his hand shot up as the second descended and held her arm in place effortlessly. Holding Julia by the throat at arms length Philippe's thoughts whirled and skipped around the last few moments in a confused jumble. Then he heard it, an echo of his mask was calling to him, trying to influence him; it was... happy, or something anyway. The realization that the mask still had substance worried Philippe; it should have shattered long ago and left him be. Realizing that he had neither the time nor the structural integrity to sort this out Philippe’s confused emotions turned to anger and he glared at Julia saying, "I have taken nothing, woman. If the light was better you'd see, there is no man here," stepping more fully into the circle of the sputtering torches Philippe continued, "only stone and iron...."

The assembled crowd gasped in shock as Philippe came into view. Where normally there would be the face of a man there was but the glittering stone that Philippe had 'worn' at the masquerade ball. His eyes were two glassy rocks, his mouth chiseled in and only the shape of hair graced his head.

Stretching out his other hand Philippe pointed to his helmet and, with a gesture, pulled it to him. Setting it back in place he reattached the jousting clamps and then forced them shut. "Every day, I wore my armour and not once you asked why.... well now you know, though a tad too late. The foolish girl was right, I'm not really here; but this construct serves my purpose well enough. It is my avatar you could say.... though I doubt you even know what that means."

"It means you pull the puppets strings and it dances as you wish," breathed Tomaas in disbelief, "Motion to the motionless, life to the never-living..... it’s true, you do possess the power of animation...."

"Yes, a rare talent to be sure, which further proves my superiority..... though I'm surprised you know that much."

Ignoring the others Philippe once again glared at Julia, "I could crush your throat princess, stone is good at that.... " his threat trailed off as he studied her, finally bringing her closer he says, "Or I could finish your training in the code, teach you to direct your anger, to expand your hatred of men to all lesser creatures; to make you the full Black Knight you were meant to be."