Unti Family/Philip/Act 4/Act 4 Scene 7

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Roleplay from Julia
- "Kultan? Lalakis? Tzoutzoukos? Thanfedal? Eilowny? Lina? What are you waiting for?" Lady Julia says to the nobles that stays hesitant outside Unti’s family property

- "It is obvious that if we want to help Philip and solve the mystery, we have to enter this interconnected warehouses complex. Avamar is in danger!" The Amazon Princess draws her curved sword, and a small crossbow appears at her left hand

- "Move on!" Julia says as she kicks the heavy wooden door of the big warehouse in front of the party wide open

The small party enters cautiously the dark room. Windows are sealed and not a single sunbeam breaks the utter darkness of the warehouse’s interior. Nothing is heard apart the rhythmic drumming beat of our heroes terrified hearts

- "Dam du du dum" Kultan whispers, unable to resist to the beat

- "Kultan, do you mind if you compose your next dance hit later on?"

- "Ummm...Sure Julia, no problem at all"

- "Besides, Article 133.12, paragraph 1.a3 of the Avamarian Act of People’s Interaction in Public Places, clearly states that..." Sir Lalakis announces formally

- "Lalakis, will you shut up your mouth as well? Please?"

- Ummm...Sure Julia"

- "Hey is this an elven underwear?" Tzoutzoukos says enthusiastically pointing out with his sword a tiny piece of clothing in front of him


- "What? Is it not?" The Duke of Avamar leaves the piece of cloth disappointed

- "What’s wrong with you all people? Can’t you remain silent for over a minute?"

- "Sure we can my Lady Julia! We are Drows after all and our skills in sneaking and moving silently remain unmatched!" Thanfedal says and clicks his heels loudly, the army way.

- "Mother Earth..." Julia closes her eyes and holds her breath, trying to control her nerves

- "Julia is right. If you don’t remain silent until we are out of the warehouse, I’ll impose a fine of 125 gold to Kultan, 100 to Lalakis..."Lady Eilonwy enters the conversation

-"I protest! Why am I to pay more than Lalakis? As General he is the one to set up the example to us all and..."Kultan interrupts Eilonwy

- "Excuse me but I have a question. As a non-Avamarian is it possible for me to be fined?" Tomaas requests

- "Look Tomaas, this depends on the interpretation of Article 11.4 paragraph 2.a34,2" Lalakis offers himself to explain

- "YOU ALL, SHUT UP NOW! THE NEXT ONE TO SAY A SINGLE WORD WILL FEEL A STEEL ARROWHEAD RESTING AT THE CENTER OF HIS OR HER EMPTY HEAD" The Amazon is really mad now shouting and gesturing and aiming each one of the party with the crossbow, held by a trembling and extremely nervous hand

- "So here you are!" the echo of a deep voice coming from somewhere further inside the warehouses complex interrupts abruptly the escalating argument

- "You have finally decided to enter my lair. But thanks to this beautiful Lady’s loud voice and hysteric screams I’ve spotted you on time"

Julia faints out...

Out-of-Character from Kultan

I thought Lalakis' post from a few days ago (about reading the riot act to Philippe) was hilarious, but Julia, you just took the cake.

Brian Hoessler

Out-of-Character from Eilonwy
I resemble that implication!

Hehe, that was so funny, captured our sterotypes so well.

I've been slightly busy lately, but I'll be posting later today.

Morgan Evans

Out-of-Character from Julia
I'm glad that you liked it :)

I really consider sarcasm and self-sarcasm as one of the greatest personality advantages

Alexia-Julia (Jon)

Out-of-Character from Thanfedal
Well here I am at work, OMG and the phone rang and my customer was hearing me stiffle a laughter, man was he getting angry, he problably thought I was laughing at him. That was the best.

Miguel Gutierrez Sanchez

Roleplay from Philip
Breaking down yet another door in the manor Philippe's gaze swept around the room in an effort to locate his opponent, but instead he found a sitting room.

Suddenly he turned his head to face a seemingly random direction and seemed to sag.

Some distance away, "So here you are!" the echo of a deep voice coming from somewhere further inside the warehouses complex interrupts abruptly the escalating argument

"You have finally decided to enter my 'lair'. But thanks to this beautiful Lady’s loud voice and hysteric screams I’ve spotted you on time. This is a disappointment though, not only are you trespassing but I told you all to return to your homes while I dealt with this. I have noted who you are, and when I am finished you will all pay for not following my direction."

Back in the manner Philippe straightens just in time to raise his defenses against Lina's attack.

Roleplay from Philip
As the voice fades the ragtag band of would-be heroes hear a different sound coming from up ahead; a clicking scrape.

Kultan was the first to speak up, "Well that's it we're in trouble now..."

Julia glares, "I thought I said no talking."

Kultan continued, "Look we're in an evil lair and we just heard a disembodied voice and then a scraping; so obviously a massive monster of some form is coming for us as we speak."

The others all look at each other thinking, "He's got a point..." save Julia.

"I said no talking, now move!"

Reluctantly the group shuffle down the hallway keeping an eye on every shadow, which proved difficult since there was more then two. None the less they made it to the office at the halls end without any trouble, though Eilonwy stubbed her toe.

Listening carefully they could all hear the clicking noise from the other side of the door but a raised eyebrow spurred everyone to boldly push the door open with a sword. Kultan, who was at the front, was greeted by a wall of teeth and promptly jumped backwards knocking everyone down.

Untangling themselves eventually after death didn't claim them the group found themselves staring at the crazy creature that Philip had used as a mount. Democratically it was decided that Kultan would deal with this problem since he had the most experience and was easily pushed to the front again; besides it liked him.

Roleplay from Kultan
Gods, I sometimes hate democracy Kultan thought despairingly as his "allies" pushed him forward once again to the door. I mean, shouldn't I get credit for realizing that there would be a monster? Shouldn't somebody else do the heavy work?

Realizing the futility of arguing, Kultan opened the door again to reveal the row of teeth. Man and beast stared at each other for a few long seconds, as Kultan fervishly tried to think up a plan. Thinking back to his one and only encounter with it, he wished there was a squirrel around to distract the creature. Wait a minute, that gives me an idea ...

" ... " Kultan tried to find his voice. "J-Julia, go outside, take one of the guard's mounts and tie it up somewhere in plain sight so that it cannot move. Thanfedal, go out and help her. Make sure there is a clear path between the entrance and the mount, and get the guards ready to attack the beast as soon as it starts eating the mount, not a moment sooner!"

"But Kultan" interjected Lalakis, "what makes you think the beast will leave here to go after a h ..."

"Silence!" Kultan hissed. "It may know that word; at least, I hope it does. Julia, Thanfedal, go now. Give a blast on a trumpet once everything's ready. Remember, have all the guards ready to attack it, it'll probably take a lot of damage, and for gods' sake keep the way clear!"

Julia and Thanfedal nodded silently and made their way out. Tzoutzoukos, Lalakis and Eilonwy looked at Kultan, curious as to what he had planned.

"Ok now, everyone stand to the side, but be prepared to rush in once he's gone." The three melted into alcoves along the side of the corridor; Kultan picked one out for himself, but stayed to the side of the beast for now. It didn't pay him much attention, just stood and sniffed the air a bit.

A few minutes later, a trumpet sounded. "Alright everyone, take cover ..."

Still standing to the side of the beast, Kultan addressed it. "Hey, I'm guessing you haven't been fed much here now that you master's away ... but if you're hungry, there's a nice big, juicy horse outs ..." His speech was cut short as the creature barraled forward with amazing speed; throwing himself clear, Kultan barely avoided being trampled. Hopefully they can handle him outside, though I know that if anyone can, it's Julia ...

Quickly picking himself up, Kultan and the other three strode forward into the office ...

Roleplay from Gousgounis
Near the warehouse, Gousgounis and his men patrol the streets of Avamar.

"A boring job to do but someone has to do it" Gousgounis says to his men.

Until now he hasn't known anything about Philip and his change. But now, as he steps in front of the warehouse and sees the mount, Julia, Thanfedal and many guards with armed crossbows around, he realize that something is going on.

"Men, take positions with the elit city guards. I see trouble ahead and I move forward to join the others"

Gousgounis, sides Sir Thanfedal, the kind and polite Drow.

"What is going on here? Who is in there?"

Gousgounis asks and takes out his bastard sword

Roleplay from One
I can’t believe Lalakis tricked me into securing the perimeter. That’s the job of soldiers not nobles. Well I think it time I check out this place out myself; after all it’s just a warehouse, not like there’s anything to be scared of.

Coming upon the warehouse One notices that one of the guards horses has been tied to a tree in a rather crude manner. Can’t our soldiers do anything right?

Just as One gets to the rope to untie it a rather loud trumpet is sounded in the nearby bushes were Julia immediately appears from.

“One run you idiot!”


Roleplay from Philip
With the warm-bloods all running around smelling of fear it seemed like the perfect time to finally get out of here; that was until they closed the door. Now he had to try that stupid door opening device.....

Before ZZxYzzert could get too irritated about having a door slammed in his face it was opened again, this time however there was only one warm-blood and the hall was cleared of obstacles.

Freedom at last! Flashing the silly one a smile and giving him two thumbs up ZZxYzzert made a run for the street.

Roleplay from Eilonwy
Eilonwy follows the others forward, crossbow held at the ready. While the other watch where the group is going, she does her best to figure out a solution to this problem. Philip . . . a monster? Surely, that can't be . . . he is good, he must be . . . but what to do about this problem? Can we rescue him somehow?

Roleplay from Julia
Just as One gets to the rope to untie the horse a rather loud trumpet is sounded in the nearby bushes were Julia immediately appears from.

"One run you idiot!"


Shortly after the loud sound of the trumpet, the door of the warehouse opened and the hideous creature barraled forward with amazing speed. The poor horse nickered terrified by the creature and the obvious future that awaited it in between the sharp, blade-like teeth.

Lord One looked firstly the creature and then Julia surprized and unable to move.

"I said RUN" Julia repeated, sword at hand, her back now turned to One. She positioned herself, ready to confront the extra-dimensional creature

"Mother Earth, help your daughter" The Amazon prayed, lifting the Khopesh in a defensive stance

The curved sword reflected the bright sun, partially blinding the guards around. It was an Amazon fine steel sword, crafted by the arch-weaponsmithess of her mother’s Queendome. Silver-plated and decorated with unicorns, the tree of life and other symbols of her now extinct race, the Khopesh seemed to absorb the sunlight. It was pulsing like the heart of a living being.

Julia concentrated, trying to remember one of the sacred arts of her race, she had been taught as the young princess and successor of the Amazons throne. It was the “bladedance”, the dance of death, the swordfighting murderous technique every warmistress should posses before even entering her youth.

The creature approached and its rotten smell reached Julia’s nostrils. She kept her concentration though, her hazel eyes still like glass.

The dance begun as the creature entered the radius of her sword. Turning around herself, moving forwards and backwards again and again, Julia danced in a frenzy rhythm of destruction, hacking and slashing, slashing and hacking. She easily parried several lashing blade-like teeth and claws. Although the creature possessed superhuman strength, all its powers seemed to have eventually left it. Again, it was stronger and deadlier than any other monster of this world, Julia had confronted.

Still fighting and dancing she relaxed her body and felt the power of light flowing into her blade.

She hacked and slashed. Pieces of flesh and disgusting green slime had filled the area. The Amazon blade whined and thirstily sought the heart –or whatever was the organ that kept the creature alive- of the gruesome monster.

Roleplay from One
One realizing the clear intelligence of this creature knew he had to stop Julia before it was too late. Though he had never been taught the act of swordplay he did know a thing or two about farm life.

Now lets see if I can remember how to do this.

Grabbing the rope One quickly creates a lasso and with a mighty throw manages to get it right over Julia’s head and around her body. With a quick tug Julia falls to the ground with a thud. But alas it was to last, the poor creature was already dieing*.

  • dieing is when one is dying but won’t die till they reveal important information to the plot.