Eston/Service Medals

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Eston Service Medals

To recognize excellence amongst all nobles in the realm of Eston, leadership has implemented a system of medals to distinguish members of the aristocracy amongst their peers.

Time-In-Service Medals

Eston 100-Day Service Medal 100-Day Service Medal.jpg

Awarded to a noble after successfully being active in the realm for 100 days.

Eston 300-Day Service Medal 300-day Service Medal.jpg

Awarded to a noble after successfully being active in the realm for 300 days.

Eston 500-Day Service Medal 500-day Service Medal.jpg

Awarded to a noble after successfully being active in the realm for 500 days.

Eston 700-Day Service Medal 700-day Service Medal.jpg

Awarded to a noble after successfully being active in the realm for 700 days.

Eston 1000-Day Service Medal 1000-day Service Medal.jpg

Awarded to a noble after successfully being active in the realm for 1000 days.

Medals for Merit

Eston Aristocracy Service Medal Eston Aristocracy Service Medal.jpg

The Eston Aristocracy Service Medal is awarded to nobles who have served the realm of Eston honorably and actively for a period of at least 30 days.

Eston Valiance Medal Eston Valiance Medal copy.jpg

This medal is awarded for nobles that willingly face danger without flinching, ensuring the betterment of Eston. This medal recognizes the valiant bravery shown in and out of combat.

It has also been known to be awarded for success in increasing Eston's honor and reputation on Atamara.

Eston Meritorious Service Medal Eston Meritorious Service Medal copy.jpg

The Eston Meritorious Service Medal is awarded to to those that sacrifice the battle to keep Eston's regions in top order. Also awarded for selfless service that troop leaders endure in various situations. It also been known to be issued to troop leaders who help their fellow nobles, in advice and battle.

Eston Distinguished Service Medal Distinguished Service Medal.jpg

The Eston Distinguished Service Medal is for the noble that has served in a position on the Royal Council (Ruler, Judge, General, Banker) with distinction.

Awarded when a noble on the Royal Council leaves the Council for any reason, the remaining three members vote on whether or not the third served with distinction sufficient to be awarded this honor.

Eston Distinguished Candestine Service Medal Eston Distinguished Candestine Service Medal.jpg

The Eston Distinguished Candestine Service Medal is awarded to the infiltrator that distinguishes himself as a valuable clandestine agent for the realm.

It is awarded to any troop leader in the class of infiltrator that shows exceptional abilities and selfless service to Eston through their service as an infiltrator.

Eston Medal of Honor Eston Medal of Honor.jpg

The Eston Medal of Honor and the Eston Royal Medal of Distinction are the highest honors that can be awarded a noble in the realm of Eston.

For those who distinguished themselves as to having a high level of personal integrity, on and off the battlefield. It shows they stand firm against any enemy, foreign and domestic, and always strive to increase the reputation of Eston.

Eston Royal Medal of Distinction Eston Royal Medal of Distinction.jpg

The Eston Medal of Honor and the Eston Royal Medal of Distinction are the highest honors that can be awarded a noble in the realm of Eston.

This medal may only be awarded by the King or Queen. It is awarded to any troop leader who shows a superior level of achievement in the role of Hero, Cavalier or Soldier. This medal allows troop leaders to identify themselves as a Personal Royal Guard, allowing their unit to carry the prefix of "Royal."