Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/Edara and Jenred's Royal Wedding/The Wedding

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By this point in the tournament the vast collection of vagabonds, hangers on, servants, advisors, merchants, mentors and children that always accompanied a host of nobles had turned the walkways between the rows of tents into a kind of regulated swamp. Venturing out into the mass of pushing people that constantly rushed about was not a thing for the delicate. Nevertheless, several scribes who would have much rather been copying out copies of important letters in cosy studies were forging their way to various strategically chosen crossroads.

"Hear ye! Hear ye!" the announcers shouted, producing variously tuned bells. "Hear ye, hear ye! The Royal Wedding is to begin at noon today! His Royal Majesty King Jenred Bedwyr of Arcaea and Duchess Edara Kindon of Nocaneb will be wed at noon, outside the Temple of Magna Aenilia Ecclesia!"

Throughout the tournament grounds the bells and voices could be heard, calling nobles and peasants alike to witness the joyous event. On the grassy space outside the moderately sized temple of MAE, a platform had been arranged to raise the bride and groom above the crowd. Its wooden construction was almost completely hidden by the expensive and colourful fabrics draped over it, with the holy Sanctum of MAE, the Royal Unicorn of Arcaea and the arms of the happy couple featuring prominently.

There was seating for the nobles in front of the platform, with a large area for their entourages at the back. Around the entire affair was a ring of guards, holding back the peasant masses who were eager to see their royalty married. A path was kept clear to the temple, and down this ran two curious thin wooden half pipes, connecting the stage to the temple.

Atop the platform stood High Priest Dren, doing his best to look calm and pious, dressed in a holy robe with the Sanctus featured prominently on his chest. He was joined by Auctoritas Ronon of Greater Aenilia and a lesser ranking priest-in-training. The tall, long featured high priest turned to the temple and drew a circle with a dot in the center on his chest. He mumbled a few words of prayer, and then turned back to await the couple and accompanying crowds.

Dren Kandurell High Priest of MAE

Jenred stood, eyes closed, taking long deep breaths. This was it.

He opened his eyes, and looked himself over again, looking for anything out of place. He was wearing a set of his formal leathers and cloak, but instead of his usual dark grey, he stood resplendent in cinnamon flames that matched his eyes, and his cloak flared a brilliant red. His usual Phoenix Ascendant emblem was picked out in ruby-red, with a green, flowering vine wrapped around it. His red-gold hawk-in-flight pendant, with ruby eyes, of course, to counter Edara's pendant with emeralds, rested just so. His hawkshead ring, in a similar red-gold with ruby eyes, crested his left hand. The new belt-knife rested on his hip, the hilt matching the rest of his adornments perfectly. The circlet of Arcaea, his preferred piece (the crown being an unwieldy thing only suitable for sitting on a throne), sat well upon him. His hair was hung loose, straight down to the bottom of his shoulder blades, with just a slight curl at the end tucking against him. It had been braided here and there with some gold...Something that made it look as though the raven-black of his hair was shot through here and there with gold. Jenred had seen it done, once upon a time, and asked Idelle knew where he could find someone to do it. Edara's handmaid had snorted, and summoned the lady's maid she'd hired some months before. Apparently the woman was skilled with dressing hair, but was a bit...haughty. He might have to do something about that, couldn't have any of the other servants looking down on Idelle...

Everything was set. He even had the braid of hair, and the new ivory portrait, safe in his secret pocket under his Phoenix and vine emblem.

He took one last deep breat, and strode out to meet Dren, meeting the shouts and applause of the assembled crowds. He could tell the High Priest was nervous as well...And Jenred just hoped that they would pull it off without a hitch. Because, by all the Aenil, he was going to give Edara a wedding to brag about!

Sir Jenred Bedwyr King of Arcaea

Siobhan admired all the trouble the Arcaeans had gone through, or rather, the Royals had. This was by far one of the most thorough, perhaps exaggerated displays of class, nobility and wealth she had ever attended. To host an event of this magnitude was already madness, but to do it in wintertime… Incredible. She watched as King Jenred entered the ‘arena’ as she thought of it. She noticed he too liked to express himself with semi-precious and precious stones, as did his future Queen, the Duchess of Nocaneb. She liked that. It even seemed as if they actually knew what they were doing with them and that they could grasp at the full magical potential gems provided. She stroked the large amber pendant on her chest, hidden under her dress. She felt somewhat out of her usual self, dressed like this, even though she had done so for many years, before she returned to the life of the sword. She focused on how great she looked right now, in a dress that brought out her eyes and hair, and discretely made-up. Not all of the lessons she learned from Guillaume had been about arcane knowledge and Truth…

Her gown was much less adorned than most of the ‘peacocks’ –as she called them- standing and sitting around. The only decoration of the indigo-blue dress was her crest, embroidered on the front of her right shoulder. It was the first time she wore it, even though she had it made a little over a year before, when she was made a Countess. There never had been good cause for it. She stood quietly, sided by her squire, also cleaned up for the occasion. Perhaps she shouldn’t have brought her but hey, it would probably be the high point of the girls’ life, to witness a Royal wedding from close-by. Siobhan just hoped none of her brethren would notice too much. She wouldn’t want them to start thinking she had gone soft, as most women do when the topic of weddings -or babies- comes up.

Lady Siobhan O'Ways Countess of Itomazh

Goffrey added the finishing touches to his armor, polishing it to a sheen, before giving it one last look over encase he had missed anything. Satisfied that it was in fact spotless, Goffrey began the long and tedious task of actually putting the thing on.

Normally Goffrey abhorred plate mail suits of armor, preferring the much more sensible and flexible chain mail undershirt over the cumbersome, uncomfortable, and damn near impossible to get on plate mail. But this was a wedding, a special occasion, and DAMN IT if he wasn't going to look good.

And look good he did, his armor almost polished almost white, it was a formal variation of the regular plate mail, so it was twice as cumbersome, uncomfortable, and damn near impossible to get on, but it was probably the most formal thing Goffrey owned, so he would have to endure it like he always did.

Goffrey did not know what the Best Man usually wore to weddings, hell he didn't know what regular people wore to wedding, as he had never actually been to a wedding before. He had no idea what to expect, or what would come at him, but he would deal with it when the time came. However that assurance did nothing for his nerves, which ate away at him, preventing him from sleeping all of last night.

An hour or so of getting his armor on, and Goffrey was ready to go, grabbing his dark blue silk cape and tying it in place as he strode out the flaps of his tent, pausing only to grab his helmet, before marching forth to face the day.

Walking towards the place of the ceremony, Goffrey pulled his helmet out from under the crook of his arm, still unsure if he was going to ware it or not. On his way he spotted Jenred, and fell in steep next to him, patting him on the shoulder in a reassuring manner, all the while smiling weakly.

"So," he said chuckling lightly,"Nervous as I am?"

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Madelena was so excited for Edara. She was just disappointed that there had been no time for the two of them to meet before the wedding ceremony. She had sent her a short note that morning saying that she was there for her and then had turned her attention to getting ready.

This was no easy thing to do. Tenal had brought her a new puppy to make up for the fact that she had lost her old friend Fangs and the little one demanded a great deal of attention. No sooner did she think it was asleep on its little bed beside her's in her tent then it would awake and start lightly chewing on something or someone.

She picked it up in her hands and rubbed her nose on his.

'Tenal thinks you are a mutt! But I think you must be pure blood for you are so cute!' She then cradled the little wriggly creature in her arms as Sarah desperately tried to do her lady's hair.

Then Cypreana showed up and there was much hugging and kissing for the two sisters had not seen one another since they had both left Sartania. Cypreana looked flushed and Madelena was tempted to prod and poke her for information as to why, but she was beginning to feel rushed and so pushed it to the back of her mind, making a mental note to bring it up later at the banquet.

'Cyp, I have to go. I have a role in the wedding. Can you hold him for me?' she asked, indicating to the puppy and half holding it out to her sister.

'Of course I can Maddy. Where did you get him from? I heard about Fangs. I can't believe he is gone.'

'Tenal got him for me. He is around somewhere. His tent is next to mine. Where are you set up? I shall have to come and look for you later, or you can come here.'

'Tenal!' Exclaimed Cypreana. 'I have a bone to pick with him!'

'Oh Cyp, please be gentle with him. He showed me the scars from where you hammered glass in his back,' and Madelena giggled. ' I wish I had been there to see it!'

Cypreana couldn't look cross if she tried when Madelena was in such a good mood and she certainly seemed to be extremely happy.

'OK I'll be good,' conceded Cypreana. 'But if he hurts you one more time I swear it will be the last time he draws breath!'

Madelena hugged Cypreana and then handed over the puppy as she rushed off to the place where the wedding was to take place. She slowed down as she drew near and stuck her chin in the air. She pretended to feel the part even if she didn't think she looked it and smiled at everyone as she went by, hoping to make out Tenal's face in the crowd.

Lady Madelena Rossini Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea, Countess of Orbeh

Jenred grinned wryly at Goffrey.

"Oh, probably more. I've only been planning this for more than a year, with an Aenil seemingly dogging my steps to spike this wedding every time I turn around. I just keep wondering what will happen next..."

Jenred kept himself stilled, breathing long, deep, slow breaths to stay calm. He nodded and smiled at Dren and the other Priests, attempting to radiate a soothing aura of command. He normally pulled it off nicely. He figured his odds today were...somewhat lower.

Sir Jenred Bedwyr King of Arcaea

Edara made her way out to the platform feeling…oddly calm. Leading up to this day, there had been so many things that had worried her: the vows, the gifts, the tourney, the ceremony…but now that it was actually happening, she was serene.

She also felt quite lovely in her gorgeous dress. The dark green satin bodice fit her curves perfectly, and was edged along the front lacing with little silk lily flowers. The flowers crossed her shoulders where a filmy gauze in the palest celadon draped into full sleeves. The same gauze floated from her waist over a full silk underskirt that swirled in varied hues of green. Edara was most delighted with her cunning satin boots that laced all the way to her knees and added a couple of inches to her less-than-lofty height. A delicate circle of flowers crowned her gleaming red locks, which fell, otherwise unrestrained, in long waves to her waist. She wore, of course, her hawk-in-flight pendant about her neck, the emerald eyes a sparkling match for the drops at her ears and in the hawks-head of her ring.

Her attendants—the Imperial Magistrate Countess Madelena Rossini of Orbeh, the Duchess Marle Crowley of Remtom, and her own cousin, Lady Harmony Kindon of Nocaneb—were all resplendent in their own wedding finery. For once in her life, though, Edara felt she held her own, even in the company of the undisputed beauties of Arcaea.

As she approached the platform, Edara did not hear the crowds nor see the watching nobles. Her eyes were only for Jenred. He had never looked more beautiful.

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Looking on the wedding procession, with Duchess Edara looking radiant, and King Jenred so handsome, everything looked perfect. Tenal felt a distinct pang of jealousy somewhere in his gut. Which was odd. Large ceremonies were never his 'thing'.

Nevertheless, he was cheering and clapping along with everyone else. The grand event had come.

With a grin, his eyes slid towards Madelena, looking like an angel in her dress. After that, Tenal wasn't certain where to look at. The royal couple, or his love. Everyone looked so happy and beautiful. Truly a magnificent day.

Sir Tenal Quasath (Knight of Orbeh)

Arlian struggled...And utterly failed to keep his eyes on Jenred and Edara as he should. His gaze kept wandering to Harmony, standing on the opposite side of the circle, opposite Goffrey. She was...gods, gorgeous...The white dress, splashed with pearls, was perfect for her vibrant beauty. She shone through her dress like the sun blazing through a prism...

Arlian smiled like a sot, drinking in her beauty...

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

"I still don't understand what was wrong with what I chose."

Tharion carefully made his way to a seat, being careful not to swipe someone with the scabbard that hung from his belt, or to get his cape caught on anything. He was thankful to have arrived in time.

To say that Pierre le Fon had been horrified after walking in and seeing Tharion dressed in his typical black leggings and tunic would have been doing a diservice to all those who have ever demonstrated the physical and emotional displays of an horrific experience. Tharion wasn't really sure what he could call Pierre's reaction but it did include bouts of crying, one period of fervent prayer, extremely colourful (and entertaining!) language and threats of both a physical and spiritual nature. He wondered whether such emotional outbursts were typical of the Arcaeans but had decided not to pose the question out loud.

For his part, Pierre argued that he couldn't understand how a man who warred in golden tinted armour could be so averse to expanding his wardrobe beyond black and white.

Tharion did believe that not having to wear a bright green hat adorned with a dyed yellow ostrich feather was a reasonable request.

A unicorn and snowflake, for the love of the Aenil!

Tharion spent a lot of the argument looking threatening which was a lot easier than forming a coherent argument.

Pierre threatened to leave Tharion's service.

Tharion was disappointed that the threat wasn't carried out.

"What about the cape?"

Tharion's eyes lit up.

"It's twirly."

Watching the exchange, Rowan couldn't help but think that his Lord was a complex man.

Tharion Frostnova Duke of Lasop

Tammo arrived at the Temple wearing silken robes colored a deep forest green. After making sure that the man he had hired was in the proper position (all the while sincerely hoping that after the wedding was not too late to give his gift), Tammo took a seat towards the back in order to better see the whole proceedings. The atmosphere was so charged with excitement, it was impossible not to be happy. It was incredible to see all of his friends and many more nobles he did not know all present in their full fashionable glory. There was Goffrey looking every bit the hero in a gleaming suit of armor; Lady Harmony appearing as beautiful as always; and of course the celebrated couple themselves dressed to the nines and beaming with joy. Tammo had never been too concerned with romance - he had always been preoccupied with more bellicose arts - but the scene before him was enough to make any man want a woman of his own.

Tammo leaned back in his chair, glad to see that the sky above was sunny and a beautiful clear blue. He rather hoped that sky artillery show - what was it called...ah yes, fireworks - would be on display tonight. He had set up his tent right near the group that conducted the show; they were extremely loud, but damned if it wasn't a sight to see.

The sound of the proceedings beginning brought Tammo's attention back to the wedding. He could hardly believed that the long-discussed wedding was actually happening. Aenil be praised, this was certainly Arcaea at its finest!

Tammo Hlessi Count of Saex

At the wedding, attention is drawn to Sir Baz Grindle, as he storms through the crowd, without really waiting for them to part for him. As he bumps shoulders with another man, the man notices him carrying a bloody dagger part-concealed under his coat.

Baz: Yes? You want something?

Baz tosses his head and goes straight to the food, taking a plate, ignoring the queue, and piling it with meat, before standing generally in the way of things, trying to dilute his bad temper with food.

Sir Baz Grindle (Knight of Rrerat)

Watching the King and his future Queen approach, in all their royal regalia, brought a swell of Arcaean pride to Dren's heart. The most caring Duchess in the land and the most popular King ever to sit on the throne of Arcaea, each with a love for the other stronger than anything the High Priest had seen before. There could be no better match.

He felt a stab of doubt, and suddenly the realisation dawned that here he was, standing in front of a great gathering of the nobility, with countless peasants watching on, about to marry what were probably the two most powerful nobles in the kingdom. He was a viking! A warrior! The priestly robes felt very silly, all of a sudden. Closing his eyes Dren held back these feelings, before looking directly at Jenred. Even on the day of his wedding, the man was capable of exuding an air of confidence. This was the mark of a King. Drawing strength from this embodiment of royalty, the High Priest returned the King's smile, turned to nod to the priests either side of him, and raised his arms for silence.

"Welcome to this most joyous occasion," he declared to the crowd, "where King Jenred Bedwyr of Arcaea and Duchess Edara Kindon of Nocaneb are to be married! The Aenil truly smile upon this blessed union, and it is with great pleasure that I stand here as proof of their approval. I have seen the great love that King Jenred and Duchess Edara hold for each other, and I know that their union can only lead to happiness. The Aenil value pure intentions, and I can think of none purer than the love between this couple."

With a clap of his hands around twenty children ran out from under the stage, the sons and daughters of minor noblemen, and began to sing and dance. There were pipes and drums to accompany it of course, and the tunes were light and merry. While this occurred, Dren turned to the priests behind him and gave them a smile, before holding a quick whispered conference. Deganis, the least senior, disappeared off the back of the stage. When the song and dance was finished, the High Priest addressed the guests once more.

"King Jenred, Duchess Edara, tradition bids me now caution you on the solemnity of the pact of marriage that you are both about to undertake. Once you have joined yourself together in holy matrimony, before the sight of the Aenil, there can be no going back. Your intentions must be pure, and if there lingers in your mind even a small doubt of your sincerity, then you should not go ahead.

"Edara Kindon, are you certain that you wish to be married to Jenred Bedwyr?" Dren waited for her reply, then continued, "Jenred Bedwyr, are you certain that you wish to be married to Edara Kindon?"

Dren Kandurell High Priest of MAE

Edara smiled at Jenred and then at Dren.

"I've never been more certain of anything in my whole life."

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Siobhan was watching the spectacle the High Priest was making of it with her arms crossed. ’Typical of a male-dominated religion… mistaking impression and effort for results…’. The dancing and singing children at least were nice. There was always an air of sincerity to children, even if they were performing a strict routine that they had probably been practicing for the better part of the year. What a pity it would be if one of them were to trip right now… it would break the entire atmosphere of exuberance. She contemplated a small spell but finally decided against it. The brittleness of shows like these proves itself best over time.

When the High Priest finally spoke up, he asked the King and Duchess a question that boiled down to ‘are you really, really sure?’ Siobhan grinned and her sarcastic side spoke up inside her: ’Absolutely. No, she should say; “Come to think of it, no. What the hell was I thinking to want to marry this pompous over-dresser that will probably be more interested in his horses than me in a year’s time, when I will have bore him a son?” Sure. That’s what she’ll say and we’ll all go back to the tourney grounds, drink until we fall over and sing lewd songs in our nice dresses.’

Nah. She wasn’t all that bad, and that King bloke looked like a decent enough chap that she’d allow to buy her a couple of drinks, provided they be strong. But that High Priest sure looked like he had seen better, more glorious days… She was sure he’d feel a damn sight better swinging his axe through a monster horde any day.

Lady Siobhan O'Ways Countess of Itomazh

At the back of the temple, Aerywyn stood alone amidst the crowd, content to watch the proceedings till it was his time in the proceedings. He watched bemused as the children ran about, half-hoping that they do something inappropriate, at least for the hell of it. Dren too amused him, for not even the robes of a priest could stop a viking sticking out like a drunken bastard at a tea party.

He was finally adjusting to the idea that perhaps there might be a day or two free from any cares, woes and worries, when there was the sound of a distant but noticeable ruckus behind him. Aerywyn hissed a curse and resisted the urge storm out too violently lest he offend the bride-to-be. The crowd rustled like a wave outward from him, and the giant wooden doors were thankfully muffled a bit by the murmurings from the front of the temple, all those too oblivious to notice the commotion. After being asked, a guard led him to the dining-entrace hall, where the noise had been heard.

The guard nodded towards the brute stuffing himself with all kinds of delicacies. Aerywyn scowled. His eyes went straight to the cloak held protectively over something. The captain on duty marched towards the Chancellor, standing to attention and quickly explained.

“Sir Baz, so we know… it’s a bloody knife if your wondering…”, he stated bluntly.

Aerywyn sighed wearily, not knowing whether to deal with this personally and risk missing the wedding, or to just let someone else handle it. He rubbed his forehead, before locking eyes with the captain again. He looked to be a capable man. Aerywyn couldn’t stop his mouth quirk at the corner.

“Take it off him however you can, and get him either to calm down or… well carry him out if you have to”.

Before the captain could reply, Aerywyn had already turned on his heel and was sliding quietly through the doors beyond into the temple proper.

Aerywyn Haerthorne Imperial Chancellor of Arcaea

Jenred breathed out the words.

"Oh...I've known for years..."

Jenred's eyes blazed, glowing brightly with cinnamon flame.


Sir Jenred Bedwyr King of Arcaea

Ronon stood in his place, watching the activity. He knew what his place was, but if he had been able to control the ceremony, he would have removed certain parts. He understood how rare an occasion this was, being a wedding and a royal one at that.

He looked out over the crowds without appearing to, a skill he had mastered long ago. He noticed several nobles looking less than joyous. Standing out more than the others was a women with her arms crossed. As he looked, she grinned, and Ronon almost lost his composure. He thought she may have seen him looking. He quickly looked away.

Ronon Bellamon Auctoritas of Greater Aenilia

"Excellent!" Dren exclaimed, trying not to smile too foolishly. Feeling the solemnity of the occasion becoming unbearable, he leaned forwards to share a private word with the happy couple. "Between you and me, I really wasn't expecting any huge surprises."

He turned around to see his acolyte, Deganis, and Auctoritas Ronon hefting two heavy amphoras onto the stage. They were patterned with the holy symbols of the Aenil, with a definite motif of water. Striding over to a table set up on the platform, the High Priest produced two intricately carved miniature ships. To the nobles arrayed in their seats they would be just recognisable; the peasants would see but distant glints of gold. Only Jenred and Edara were able to fully notice the attention to detail with which they had been carved, the gold and silver that had been laid into the wood, and the colourful gems encrusting them.

"Let the Ceremony of the Twin Ships commence!" The models were indeed identical in every way, save for the J (for Jenred) on one sail and the E on the other. Dren stepped forwards to hand Edara and Jenred their respective ships. "Just as I said," he murmured, "You must each release your ships down your respective channels, when the priests pour the water."

The High Priest looked up and addressed the crowd. "Although we may not all remember it, the Aenil surround us every moment of our lives. Just as water can be found everywhere that humans reside, so too are the Aenil drawn to us, permeating our plane with their influence. Like water, the Aenil are necessary for our survival, for it is they who provide our spiritual nourishment." He turned to gesture towards the amphoras held by his assistant priests, who were by now standing by the twin wooden half pipes. "The water within these two containers was drawn from the sacred spring in Sasat; the source of the river Remtonas and the second most holy site in the eyes of the Aenil. Just as we are tossed about on the waters of life, and go through much spiritual turmoil, these two ships represent the journeys that Edara and Jenred have taken up to this point."

He gave the signal to Ronon and Deganis, who immediately began to pour the water down the channels.

"The next, most holy, part of the ceremony must take place within the Temple of the Aenil. If you will join me there, we shall finally wed the King and Queen!" Turning to Edara and Jenred, he said, "After you, your highnesses." Edara might not be officially be known as a 'highness' yet, but it hardly seemed to matter now. Dren dismounted the stage with the couple and began to walk towards the temple, striding along beside the holy waters of Sasat as they flowed down the half pipes. He was accompanied by the children who had sung and danced earlier, and joined them in singing a well known hym. The High Priest had a rough voice, but he sang with the conviction of a true believer.

Sacred is the Spring of Sasat To the Holy A-e-nil So-urce of the river that Allows us to drink our fill

Chorus: Aenil grant us Wisdom! Stoicism too! Let us each Honour our Kingdom Every day through and through

Sacred is the Holy City Known to us as Idapur There we travel to seek sanct'ry From the bitter strife of war


Sacred are our Holy Churches Where we praise the higher plane Our thirst for sp'rts the priesthood quenches The Aenil's nature they explain


Dren Kanurell High Priest of MAE