Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/Edara and Jenred's Royal Wedding/Harmonising Paperwork

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This...Was something new for Arlian. Well, several somethings. He'd never been to a tournament before. Bureaucrats weren't welcome, and he'd never bothered to put his pen down before, but he could hardly miss his brother and King's wedding.

But that wasn't the best part. The best part would be Harmony. She was amazing...Shared his interests in shinies and rocks, understood his past, and...Gods...Cared for him in...Such amazing ways.

Arlian was also not used to having envious looks tossed his way. The homely paper-pusher was more used to indifference...But when he had the prime contender for the most beautiful woman in Arcaea on his arm (although Sir Tenal might not agree...), the looks he got were...Quite astonishing.

She seemed to be having an excellent time, showing him around to the players, explaining how the productions would work...And he was more than happy to watch and listen and just luxuriate in being with her. She...relaxed him, in ways he never knew he was tense in the first place. And besides...

"OOh, Harmony! Look at this! The wardrobe cart went by, and the red robe, you see, with the gold embroidery? Oh, yes...Excellent! We have to see the play that uses that!"

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

Harmony was having fun. She’d been having fun for several days now. All of the worries of the past weeks were far from her mind. She was just enjoying herself...and enjoying being with Arlian. His constant contradictions charmed her...the obvious pleasure he took in her company warmed her.

And, she loved showing him around the players. Here was something that she knew...well...everything about. There were so many things that she didn’t know, but here she felt confident and knowledgable. Arlian’s interest in...whatever she had to say...well, it made her feel good. Most of the never listened. They were too busy ogling.

Oh, and his delight when he caught site of a gorgeous piece of fabric...she turned to see what Arlian was admiring and...



“Quil! Quiliarmus!”

Harmony darted from Arlian’s side and flung herself into the arms of a tall, dark-haired man, hugging him and kissing him wildly.

“Oh bless! When did you get here? Why didn’t you send word? Damn, I’m glad to see you!”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Ah. Well, that was more like it. Well, it had been a fun few days anyway. Tall, dark, quite handsome...And someone whom she used to know...Who she was now hugging and kissing...Yeah, that added up nicely. He'd thought...No matter. He'd leave them to their happy reunion. He wasn't quite up to the introduction yet, although he'd probably manage in a day or so.

Arlian turned and began to walk quietly away, hoping they wouldn't notice him, or the unshed tears in his eyes.

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

“Harmony Sangster as I live and breathe!” The dark-haired man picked her up and swung her around, “Well aren’t you a sight! I’d have sent you a message if I’d had any idea that you were here...what are you doing here?”

“Oh Quil...oh gods...there’s so much! My father...” Harmony caught sight of Arlian slipping away, “Arlian! Oh...damn and blast...Arlian!”

Harmony ran to catch up to him, grabbing his arm and turning him to face her. She winced inside at the naked pain on his face. “Oh...Arlian, you beautiful, silly man...come and meet an old friend of mine. A friend I’ve known since we were both children together. He’s as near to a brother as I have.”

She could see that her words were not really getting through to him. Harmony felt a trickle of anger. Had no one ever loved this man? Gods he had had so little...

She wrapped herself around him and kissed his mouth, “Arlian...don’t mistake my pleasure in seeing a familiar face. I’m not...we’ve never...he doesn’t even like girls, if you must know. He’s just a friend. You’ll like him...he makes clothes.”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian blinked. Friend...Brother...Didn't even like girls...Huh, at that, Arlian could see it. He'd mistaken which kind of feelings produced the happiness...Arlian was mortified. She'd told him it wasn't just a fling...But...Well...He still had trouble believing it...

"Oh...I...My apologies, I just..."

Arlian shook his head.

"Quil, you say? A...A pleasure to meet you. Especially if you were the man who made that robe over there..."

Arlian held out a hand, noting with faint pride that it wasn't shaking. The tremors were reserved for his other hand, which held Harmony's too tightly.

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

Quiliarmus shook Arlian’s hand and arched a brow at Harmony. He had watched her closely as she rushed over to the...well...rather homely man. Quil saw her grab him, kiss him...the way that she looked at him. Oh my.

“Winged Cupid painted blind, pet?” he asked her pointedly.

Harmony narrowed her eyes at him, “A woman would run through fire and water for such a kind heart.”

“Oh...yes.” Quil smirked at her, “I’ve been waiting for this for a decade. You’ve finally fallen! Told you it would happen someday,” his face softened into a genuine smile, “And if this is who you pick, then he must be extraordinary.”

Quil gave Arlian an elaborate bow, “Sir...I salute you. Truly, you have accomplished what many thought impossible.”

Harmony looked sidewise at Arlian, his hand still caught fast in hers, trying to see how he was taking Quil...and if he was feeling more steady. She mentally cursed herself for not considering his reaction before she had greeted her friend so effusively.

“Enough, were right; I was wrong. But for now, have you time for a drink with us? Catch up a bit?”

He sighed, “Alas, my dove, I am overrun. We must pull out all the stops for an event as big as this one. We are performing for a King, you his wedding...”

Quotes are Shakespeare

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian raised a brow, still a little shaky, but...

"Need some help? I am...Heh, the best organizer you will ever find. Leaving aside my skills in the area, my name ought to clear out any potential problems you might have...Arlian Bedwyr, brother to King Jenred Bedwyr, at your service. A friend of Harmony's is a friend of mine. Especially if said friend might be amenable for a commission or two after the performance..."

Arlian managed a weak grin.

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

Quil’s face lit up, but before he could speak Harmony said firmly, “No. You are not working, Arlian. We are having a holiday.”

Her old friend’s face had a peculiar look on it, “May I borrow the lady for one moment, Sir Arlian,” he asked formally, drawing Harmony aside.

“The King’s brother? Not getting a bit above yourself, are you girlie? I told you to fall in love...not fall in love with some noble that’ll be breaking your common little heart.”

Harmony gave Quil a rueful look, “That’s part of what I was going to tell you. The...uh...bride...the my cousin. And it isn’t’s Kindon. Lady Harmony Kindon, dame of Nocaneb.” She curtsied to him, miming the skirts that she wasn’t wearing.”

Quil opened and closed his mouth a few times, blinking at her, “Lady Harmony,” he drew back, reserved, “I didn’t realize...”

She punched him on the arm, hard, “Don’t you start that with me, Quiliarmus. Are you, of all people, going to hold accidents of birth against me? I’m still me.” She gave him a wicked grin, “I just have a lot more money now. And Arlian,” she stepped back to include him into their discussion, “Was not kidding about could do rather well here, my friend.”

Harmony sought out Arlian’s hand once more. For the first time, she understood Jenred and Edara’s constant touching. When she had to let go of Arlian, she felt bereft. She smiled at him, a broad, beaming smile that lit up her face. Had she ever been so happy?

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian was still mired in some confusion, but there was one thing that needed clearing up...

"And, for heaven's sakes, call me Sir Arlian if you will, but my background is even more humble than hers. Dirt-grubbing bastard son of a father who refused to recognize me...And my brother's is the same, although you'd never know it to look at him, and I advise you not to take him as anything other than the King. He's kind enough in his own way, but a tad vain, and very conscious of his accomplishments. I doubt it'll be a problem, though, he looks and acts like a King, whereas I...Heh."

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

“Whereas you...what?” Harmony looked at Arlian dangerously, “Aren’t as pretty? Aren’t as vain?” She smiled and kissed him soundly, “Aren’t marrying a dinky little red-head...having a preference for tall brunettes?”

She stroked his face, “I like you just how you are.”

Quiliarmus was looking a bit fidgety, so Harmony hugged him goodbye, “We will see you later...when you’re less busy. I’ll pay for the ale...just like old times!”

Quil smiled sardonically, “Not quite as generous an offer as it used to be...I’ll make up for it by drinking twice as is good to see you, girlie. really has been a pleasure meeting you. I will look forward to knowing you who can spill our Harm from her comfortable perch above the rest of us mere mortals...well, there’s a man with something to him, I reckon.”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)