Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/Edara and Jenred's Royal Wedding/The Entertainment

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(OOC Here's the music! )

Ah...There she was...At the tumblers' tent as he guessed. Jenred snuck up, walking softly, and slipped his arms around her.

"Learning any new tricks, ke'chara?"

Sir Jenred Bedwyr King of Arcaea

Edara sank back into Jenred’s arms with a happy sigh. No where did she ever feel such peace and happiness…well, not always peace…but that was fun, too.

“I am, love! Look at that!” Edara pointed enthusiastically at a routine that a youngish woman was practicing in front of them. “I bet that I could do that…”

Edara turned enough to look into his eyes, “I think that would be fun, don’t you?” She gave him a slow smile and returned her attention to the performers.

“Oh…and I had a message from Mother. She’s arriving in Nocaneb tomorrow,” Edara gave a small sigh, “I had hoped that she’d be here sooner…to…look at dresses and…talk to me…and…things. I guess with Grafan and everything…the celebrations are just so hard on her. I can’t believe that…he’s gone…just like that. Is it wrong for us to go on with the wedding…so soon?”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Jenred rested his cheek on Edara's head while he considered.

"Well...I think she wanted to come earlier, you know they were due in a week ago, but the boat was delayed...And no, I don't think it's too soon. I mean...If you were grieving about him, of course, that would be different, but...He's only tangentially related to you, really."

Besides, Dougal and Idelle were celebrating when they heard, I have no doubt...Jenred's lips curled into a small, feral grin for a brief moment.

Sir Jenred Bedwyr King of Arcaea

Edara thought about it, “I’m not really grieving for him, no…but for Mother…I…well, I feel badly for her. He was her husband. If I lost you…I think that I would die.”

She turned in his arms to wrap hers around him and hold him tightly.

“It just seems…horrible to be so happy right now. But I am…so very happy.” Edara pulled back to smile up at him.

“Oh! I can give you your first gift now.”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, she didn't seem too distraught about the whole thing, after an initial crying ses...Hm? Presents?"

Jenred perked up and grinned.

Sir Jenred Bedwyr King of Arcaea

Edara smiled broadly at Jenred. He was so adorable…he did love to get presents.

“Mhm…one present…for today. And one for every day of the tourney. Is that a good plan? I thought of that myself!”

She ducked her head and reached into her wallet, pulling out a fist-sized, paper wrapped parcel.

“It’s not…it’s just a small thing,” Edara pushed the package into his hands.

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Jenred took the parcel, and unwrapped it slowly, not sure if it was something breakable...To reveal a small heart, made of some green stone, the perfect size to fit in his hand.


Jenred's eyes lit up, glowing softly.

"You do know me...I only...have the one present for you though...It's a big one, but..."

Jenred looked up apprehensively.

Sir Jenred Bedwyr King of Arcaea

Edara’s nerves eased…it was so easy to tell when he was happy with something. He liked her gift.

“Jenred…my loveliest love…you know I don’t care about presents…and you’ve already given me so much. I just thought it would be fun to give you something everyday…but they’re just small things…tokens. This one was just to remind you…that you have my heart.”

She smiled at him, “I think you already know that, but I like reminding you. Now…every time you see that, you’ll remember.”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb