Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/Boiling Stones

From BattleMaster Wiki

Harmony was drained. All the anger and fear that had been coursing through her were temporarily at bay, but they seemed to have routed out any finer emotions...she just felt...a bit empty and muted. She smiled at Arlian and attempted to drag up some humour. Somewhere there really ought to be humour.

“So, prepared to risk yourself on some of my cooking? We can be quite the scandal you and I...preparing our own food...” she lowered her voice and leaned into him with an exaggerated air, “Just like...peasants!”

She leaned back and made a face, “Hell, I expect I’ve a reputation already...The Scandalous Lady Harmony...there...that’s got a ring to it. Now…if you ever hear rumours that I do laundry or clean or anything as absurd as that…don’t believe a word of it…those are not things that I will ever miss.” She managed a grin.

Harmony held out a hand to Arlian, “Shall we?”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian took Harmony's hand with a grin.

"I do agree...Cooking is one thing...But laundry...Heh, I still have to contain my glee when I see all of my tunics freshly laundered and folded in my closet. Makes me want to cackle."

They strode through Nocaneb together, just relaxing for a time. Arlian did notice a few curious glances, and his grin turned a little crooked. Ah, yes...Everyone always wondered at the Beauty and the Beast...

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

“Hmm…yes…that was one thing in my very glamourous performer’s life that was less than appealing,” Harmony smiled in remembrance, “We weren’t a big enough company to rate actual servants. So we did everything ourselves: making costumes and props, making ourselves and each other up, cooking, bookkeeping, and, of course, the bloody, never-ending laundry that a crowd can make…regular clothing and costumes, just to double the load!”

She looked over at Arlian as they walked, feeling much more relaxed. It was easy to be in his company…perhaps because she never felt…like she had to perform…she could just be.

“Still…it was a fun life in a lot of ways…like a big family, with all the love and squabbling that that implies...all of the travelling, seeing different towns and different classes of people. There was music…we had quite a few singers and musicians in our company…so we were always singing bits of this and that at each other or with each other. And then…there was performing…ah…that doesn’t get old…and the applause…” Harmony closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, a look of sheer pleasure on her face.

Her violet-eyes were dancing as she opened them again, “Now that, Arlian, that you can almost live on. Almost being the critical word,” her smile turned wry, “There’s no winter like a lean one with no work and little prospect of one…we had a great deal of feast-or-famine...”

Harmony realized suddenly that they were approaching her home, “Well, bless…I’ve been babbling on for ages…I don’t think I’ve talked to anyone about…my old life this way,” she cocked her head at him, “You are really easy to talk to, you know? Now, turn about being fair play, as they say…you talk for just as long…tell me who is Arlian Bedwyr.”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian's smile as he listened to Harmony turned wintry at her question.

"I'm afraid there isn't much to tell...As a child, I was raised with my mother's family, with no mention of who my father was. Life as the bastard son of a peasant woman was...Unpleasant. The farming was also unpleasant, but less so. Darkwind found out who my father really was, and brought me into House Bedwyr. The rest of the House was...less than pleased. I ended up on the East Continent, where I discovered my deep and abiding hatred for killing other humans. Didn't feel much like home, so after wandering around the continent a bit, I went to Beluaterra to help fight off the invasion. I was helping a good cause, and best of all, there was almost no chance anyone would demand I kill any humans. Once the Invasion became manageable...Jenred wrote to me, and convinced me to give Arcaea a try."

Arlian shrugged.

"Along the way, I found out that I have a gift for keeping regions in order, that I will not kill humans, and I really really like being a noble. Being able to purchase my own shiny things is a distinct plus, on top of...everything else."

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

They entered her house while Arlian was talking, Harmony leading the way back towards the kitchens. The tone of his voice caused her to stop and turn to face him, watching him carefully while he spoke. The tinge of bitterness in his voice as he spoke of his childhood...the frost when he referred to House Bedwyr...the...rootlessnes that had kept him wandering until now...even his deep hatred of killing humans...all combined to make her feel...what? Not pity—no one who could wrap up a tale with his love for shiny things deserved her pity—but, compassion, maybe...empathy, though most of her life had been much more pleasant...

“If you’re going to be a bastard, there’s no better place to do it than in a Player’s Company,” she said matter-of-factly, “A bigger bunch of misfits and ne’er-do-wells there never was. Kept us off the farms, too...I’ve seen those women—the men, too, for that matter—bent and broken from the labour...old before their time,” Harmony gave slight shudder, “No...I have nothing but thanks for my childhood...but...”

She leaned against the wall outside the kitchen door and looked at Arlian ruefully, “It’s a bit of madness, isn’t it? No proper home...always wandering from town-to-city, village-to-estate, different realms...there was no...constancy...not even amongst the Company. Players came and went...and hardly a one of them had a lick of sense. My mother could lose—or give away—her share of profits between the Manager’s wagon and our own,” Harmony’s smile was dark as she thought of all the Company that had taken advantage of her mother’s generous spirit, “Until I got old enough to manage our funds...I wasn’t such a...soft my mother.”

She quirked her head at Arlian, “Still, I expect it sounds like a heaven after your youth. I just...wanted something...more stable. Don’t get me wrong, I loved performing...I have never had any objections to being the center of attention...but it wasn’t enough. I wanted a roof...walls...” she grinned at him, “A proper stove. So...after my mother...died...I went treasure hunting. Once I had enough to buy my tavern...I quit...became a respectable business owner.”

Harmony’s smile grew whimsical, “Then I discovered that you could be standing still—with your good roof and stout walls—and still be living a life that was just as transient...when my father came for me...there weren’t too many people I worried about saying goodbye to.”

She pulled herself up, “Then I came a realm where a bastard can be King...and a bastard Harmony, former actress and adventurer, can be a noble lady,” she smiled broadly and waggled her brows at him, “With one or two shiny things of her own.”

Harmony pushed open the door to the kitchen. Before she began running out the staff, she said, almost to herself, “Seems like anything is possible here...yes...just about anything.”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian followed Harmony in to the kitchen, as much to enjoy the faces of the flustered servants as to help with the stew. Besides, the conversation was getting interesting, in more ways than one...

"Anything possible, hm...Yes, I suppose it might be. This may not be, what is it, Dwilight? but it's still fairly new, compared to my home...More things seem reasonable when you have less entrenched lives..."

Arlian's face grew a grin suddenly.

"But...You do realize that having mentioned shiny things...I'm not leaving until you show me!"

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

Harmony shooed. She prodded. She flat out commanded. The head cook was reluctant to leave her fiefdom.

“But milady...we must feed your men...and all the rest of the household...”

“Go and buy food...they sell it in town, you know. I’d just send the men off to eat at a tavern, but I need them on duty. So go buy them something...or send someone to do it. I don’t care. Just get out. This is my kitchen, and I want to use it.”

Ignoring the cook’s last reproachful glance, Harmony retrieved a large pot and handed it to Arlian, “Would you mind filling this?” Without waiting for his answer, she skipped off to the store rooms to start gathering foodstuffs. She returned to the kitchen with a basket full of root vegetables, onions, legumes, a variety of herbs, and a nice hunk of fresh mutton that she turned her attention to dismembering. Harmony had forgotten how soothing it could be to focus on a simple, tactile task. Of course, she wrinkled her nose, it wouldn’t be soothing if you had to do it day-in-and-out.

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

It took a moment, but Arlian found the water pump and filled up the pot before Harmony returned. Once she started chopping and cutting...She looked at peace. And, distracted enough that Arlian could just watch her, enjoying her obvious pleasure...

Oh...That's really not fair, you know...Why, precisely, did she have to look so damn cute when she wrinkled her nose.

Arlian sighed. That was just cruel and unusual.

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

Harmony had almost forgotten her companion…Arlian was just so restful. With everyone else she was always thinking, gauging reactions, tweaking her performance. Even with Edara, as casual as she was, there were bits of herself that Harmony felt best to cloud. Maybe it was because Arlian’s life had been far more difficult than her own…and even “lower” (by her standards—by village standards, farmers were respectable while Players were thieves and whores). Maybe it was just because he listened when she talked.

She turned her head towards him and looked pointedly at the pot, “Did you want your stew hot, then? Because I really don’t have a particular fancy for raw bits of meat and veg.”

Harmony seemed to have interrupted him in some reverie because he looked slightly blank for a moment, “Fireplace…hook,” she gestured towards the large hearth with its assorted hooks and spits. She grinned as she returned to her preparations.

“I might consider showing you my shiny bits, by the way, but I think I’ll need a viewing of yours in return. Nothing could have surprised me more than to find that Arlian Bedwyr was a magpie.”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian was startled, but relieved that Harmony had either missed or misinterpreted his sigh, and plonked the pot down on the appropriate hook.

"My shiny things, hm? I can manage that. Most of them are fairly easy to move, and small at that...Easy enough to bring them over here for a viewing."

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

Arlian was startled, but relieved that Harmony had either missed or misinterpreted his sigh, and plonked the pot down on the appropriate hook.

"My shiny things, hm? I can manage that. Most of them are fairly easy to move, and small at that...Easy enough to bring them over here for a viewing."

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

“Hmm...small, portable shinies...that sounds very promising. I ought to make you show me yours first, really. I’m quite curious what sort of things you might have been collecting. Yes...I expect that they are much more interesting than mine. I’d like a peek into...well...what pleases you, I guess. What makes you happy...”

Harmony continued cutting while she talked, looking up at Arlian at this last. She gathered up her ingredients and added them to the pot, then returned to the table to sort through the herbs and spices she had collected.

“What does make you happy? Your work?”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian grinned.

"Well...Said shiny things, mostly. I enjoy collecting them. Beyond that..."

Arlian shrugged.

"I'm not really sure. I've spent many years wandering, and haven't...yet...found my true place."

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

Harmony nodded thoughtfully as she placed some spices into a mortar and handed it and a pestle to Arlian, “Grind, please,” she smiled and picked her knife back up to chop the herbs.

“Finding a place...somehow...I think that I am finding it here. Learning how to live...less like a Gypsy...actually touch the people around me,” Harmony grimaced slightly, “I certainly seem to be touching people in ways that I didn’t intend.”

She chopped quietly for a moment before taking her herbs and adding them to the pot along with a generous handful of salt.

“Things do seem possible here. Things I never thought could be...” Harmony stirred the simmering pot and shook herself, “Ah...well...maybe that’s just the noble effect. Lots of things are possible when you’ve the money and position to make them happen.”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian closed his eyes in pure happiness and paused in his grinding. Oh...Yes...Perfect straight line...

"Well...From what I hear...As part and parcel of all that money...You seem to be touching at least a few people the way you intend...From quite the positions, too..."

Arlian's grin nearly split his face.

"And yes...You handed that one to me on a platter, with a glass of wine and silverware to boot."

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

An astonished laugh burst from her mouth and Harmony turned from her stirring to arch a brow at him, “Oh! Arlian Bedwyr...I must say...”

She paused, walking over to examine the spices in the mortar.

“I knew that you had a wicked sense of humour, but really,” she waggled her brows, “Refering to a...lady’s...personal life is so outré. I’m shocked...shocked and appalled...” Satisfied with the consistency, she took the mortar from him and stirred its contents into the pot.

“Appalled and...and...Oh..offended! Yes...offended...” Harmony gave him a mock stern look, “Besides, I have no idea to what you refer, sir. I am a chaste and innocent young thing...your innuendo just...sails right over me.”

She grinned at him then and grabbed a couple of apples from a basked on the counter. Tossing him one, Harmony crunched a bite from the other and sat down on a bench, putting her feet up on to it.

“Might as well rest for a bit, my degenerate friend...stew’ll be a bit before it’s fit to eat. Be better if we had hours, but it will still be damn tasty.”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Yes...Humour...Good way to keep his head clear.

"Chaste and innocent, hm? Yes...It just might surprise you to know that you're not the only patron of the House to talk with the courtesans...And they do gossip. So...Away with ye and thy false declarations of 'innocence'!"

Arlian struck a pose copied off the preacher who had denounced sinners (his mother chief among them) on a regular basis back in Dorton. Given his now-seated position, his face, and the vigorous motions...It came off far closer to a disgruntled walrus than a preacher.

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

Harmony laughed and then narrowed her eyes at him.

“Patron of the House?” she asked, “I didn’t know that you were...a customer...there. Hmm...not sure that I like the boys and girls gossiping with the guests...particularly not about me.”

She felt oddly discomfited for a moment. For some reason she hadn’t considered Arlian...she hadn’t thought about him using the services of the House. Of course, he was a man...and single...why shouldn’t he visit the ladies? It just...for some reason...she hadn’t thought of it.

Harmony regathered her wits, “Ah well, I see that my careful disguise has been penetrated. I guess I shall just have to remain the Scandalous Lady Harmony forever more.”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

"I wouldn't worry too much. They knew that I knew you, and after that unfortunate incident with that blockhead brother of mine...It's not like your activities were terribly secret anyway."

Arlian pondered.

"Harmony the Horny? The Scarlet Lady Harmony? Actually, come to think of it, I have a few things that we could really make you scarlet with...That one wrap that just was too good to pass up, a few bits of the garnet jewelry..."

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

Harmony nearly choked on the bite of apple in her mouth. Horny, indeed! She was glaring at him when her attention was arrested by the remainder of his thought.

“Garnets?” her eyes glittered, “I love garnets. Of course, amethysts have always been my favourite, for obvious reasons, but garnets…yes…”

She looked at him in amused curiosity, “Are you telling me that your collection includes clothing and jewelry…for women? Are you really interested in the shiny bits? Or are you just gathering them up so you can drape them around your lovers?”

Her comment engendered an odd look on his face. Harm was concerned that perhaps she had offended him…but…surely not. Her jibe had been extremely mild as his mention of gemstones had completely derailed her “indignation” at his remarks. What was that look?

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian had nearly choked on her last suggestion. Surely he hadn't been so obvious...She can't possibly have guessed what he'd been thinking about her...No, the quizzical look on her face made it quite clear...

"Ah, sorry, just felt like I was about to sneeze for a moment. Terribly uncomfortable...Ah, I really just like any kind of shiny thing...Although I do get some odd looks from shop owners wondering who, exactly, I'm buying for..."

Sneeze, that was the best he could come up with? Oh, good gods...

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

For the first time since they had been talking, Harmony caught a false note from Arlian. He was uncomfortable about something. What had she missed? She thought about what she had said…hmm…that could be misconstrued. He had talked about putting his shinies on her…then she had asked if he put them on his lovers. Did he think that she was angling to be his mistress? Whatever he had thought she meant…Harmony had disrupted the ease between them.

“You know, I liked you the first time I met you,” she began conversationally, “Well…I didn’t precisely like you…actually, I sort of wanted to kill you a little. But…after I had had time to reflect and realize that you were right about everything…I admired your passion and your self-conviction. And I really liked that you didn’t treat me any differently than you did Goff. You didn’t give me a pass for this,” she waved her hand at herself, “I felt like you saw me.”

Harmony looked away from him, down at her hands, “Didn’t care much for what you saw, but me, nonetheless.”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian seized on the new topic.

"Bah...Everyone makes mistakes. And...Heh...I've seen that outsides don't necessarily mean much."

Arlian's grin grew a little crooked, and he gestured at his face.

"When you look like this, you kinda have to believe the outsides don't matter."

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

She looked at him. Really looked at him. Somehow Harmony had forgotten that he was...well, some might call him ugly...she tipped her head sideways as she considered Arlian...trying to remember how she had seen him when they first met. He hadn’t been lovely...his lumpy face purpled with rage...but she had been so incensed at how he spoke to her, how he had made her feel. And later...after they began to be friends...well, he was Arlian. She never really thought much about how he looked.

“I am a good actress...very good," she said it without pride, a statement of fact, "But, I could have stood there and said my lines like a plank of wood...they would have applauded me just the same. They were applauding this,” Harmony gestured at herself once more.

“There’s a play...about a man who murders his way to the throne...and it has witches. I never loved applause more than when I played one of those witches, made up as a crone, bent double and cackling...because I knew that they were applauding my performance...and not my face.”

She smiled wryly at him, “I will never tell you that it’s a curse to be beautiful or that I would rather be ugly...I’m not mad...I’ve opened too many doors with this face not to see the value of a tool. But I am just as aware as you are that the outsides are not what really matters.”

Harmony jumped up suddenly, “Stay here for a minute...stir the stew...I want to show you something,” and she ran out of the room.

She was back in just a couple of minutes holding a lumpy, dark rock in her hand, “See this,” Harmony held it out, “Just an ugly rock...but...” she turned it over and hundreds of purple crystals caught the firelight and sparkled where the stone had been split in half, “A miracle inside.”

Grinning, she handed it to him to admire, “There, that’s one of my shiny of my favourites.”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Thalathafn watched as the silhouette of Adine moved with stealth and grace. It hadn't taken long before she disappeared into the house. During the time while Adine was away he had fashioned a simple lean-to and started a small fire. He knew the risk of the fire being spotted, but had hoped the trees and the lean-to would shield most of the light from the village. The night was slightly too cold to go without and the fire light would help guide Adine in the right direction.

Thalathafn grasped at the hilt of his sword as Adine emerged from the woods in front of him. "You are good. Nearly caught me off guard, without trying even." Thalathafn jested. Now onto more serious matters as Adine presented the locket. Thalathafn passed his thumb over the beveled crest. Kneeling down beside the fire Thalathafn pulled out one of the worn notes from his leather binder. Sure enough the lettering matched that on the inner face of the locket. "The girl said this belonged to her aunt" Thalathafn mumbled to no one in particular. He tinkered with the locket for awhile longer while Adine looked on. The original contents were well worn and faded beyond recognition. Thalathafn closed the locket and turned his attention to the torn letters. It had been a few years since he read those letters, no clues or anything out of the ordinary. Except for one little detail, none were signed, only stamped with the family crest.

"There were only two members of our house in Arcaea at that time, one is my retired uncle and he didn't write these, the lettering is different. That must mean..." Thalathafn paused. "You see Adine I was raised by foster parents in Anacan, these letters were are all I have that link me to my birth parents." Thalathafn spoke, but never looked up to see if she was listen. "This locket would seem more valuable then a few letters, it doesn't make sense for it to ever leave the recipients side. Speaking of which, I think it best be returned." Thalathafn passed the locket back to Adine. "We still have a few hours before dawn, why don't we make use of this fire for warmth before it fades."

Sir Thalathafn Urominiel High Marshal of Arcaea

Arlian's smile was that of child-like delight.

"I have...Seen such things before...But never managed to snag one myself..."

Arlian sighed happily.

"Remind me to show you my stone collection..."

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

Harmony laughed, “Oh, Arlian…you can be sure that I will. Then we can compare it with mine…happens I’ve a few stones myself.”

Still laughing, she went to stir the stew. Whatever had been upsetting Arlian seemed to have faded, and she felt the easiness return.

“You know, I might know where I can get my hands on another one of those rocks, if you’re interested,” Harmony smiled at him before taking a taste of the stew.

“Hmm, more something…more something…” she returned to the table and poked around the herbs and spices she had left there, sniffing them. “Ah…yes…this is it…hmm…and this,” Harmony added additional grains-of-paradise to the mortar along with some cloves.

“Would you mind doing a little more grinding?” she asked holding the mortar out to Arlian, “You are stronger than I be.”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian grinned.

"I'll be happy to grind. And I can just see us now...'Oooh, that's pretty...Can I trade you my oddly shaped hematite piece for that hunk of cool green stuff?'"

Arlian began grinding as he talked.

"Hmmmm...Maybe I could trade you some of my jewelry pieces for some of those stones..."

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

Harmony was watching as he pulverized the spices. His strong arm making much shorter work of it than she would have done.

His words drew her attention, and she arched her brow at him, "Trade some of your jewelry for my stones? What's to say I wouldn't want to trade you some of my bits for your stones?"

She leaned over with her elbows on the table so that she could look up at his face, "What's your poison, I wonder? Coloured gems...rubies, emeralds? Or are you a diamond man? Pearls? Opals? Or is it the metal that you like...the gold...shiny bands? Filigree? Scrollwork?"

Harmony shook her head, "You are a curiousity."

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian shrugged as well as possible while grinding.

"I always liked coloured stones...Reds and greens the best, although I really like reflective black. For metals, gold is my favourite, and the better the craftsmanship the better of course. Complicated designs, so long as they don't detract from the natural beauty of the metal and stones, are excellent."

Arlian grinned.

"And I suppose I am a bit curious...But I swear, it's not my fault!"

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

Harmony peered at the contents of the mortar, “That ought to do it,” she said, holding out her hands for it.

“Your sense of humour is dreadful, by the way...just dreadful,” she smirked at him, taking the mortar and emptying it into the pot. She stirred carefully, closing her eyes and breathing in the fumes, “Yes...that’s going to be good...very soon.”

She returned to Arlian, “I like colours, too...purple, of course...and red...but what I really love...opals. And pearls. Mmmm...mother-of-pearl. Yes...I won’t you trade any of my bits of those.”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian sniffed the stew happily. This was going to be good...

"Ooh, I like blues too...Pearls, you say? Hm...You know, I picked up a set of pearl jewelry once...I'm really not a fan, but it was part of a larger collection I wanted..."

Arlian eyed Harmony appraisingly.

"I wonder...There was this gown, with matching necklace and earrings...I have no idea if the shoes would fit you or not, although we could have the pearls moved to new ones easily enough..."

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

Harmony’s head jerked up; her eyes gleaming.

“ Oh my...” she practically purred it, “These I really must see! And quite possibly have...”

She pondered, “Hmm...and what do I have to trade you...I do have some interesting stones that you might like...Oh...and are you partial to fabrics at all? I...uh...” Harmony grew embarrassed for the first time, “I have rather a large quantity of silks and things...not made up into anything...just the fabrics. I like to look at them...and touch them."

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian grinned wider.

"You know...I have a few...well...ah...maybe a few dozen...bits of fabric myself...I'm sure we can work something out...Besides, you need a good dress for the wedding, no?"

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

Harmony stared at Arlian for a moment, taking him in from the top of his practical brown head to his practical brown boots. And she laughed. First she giggled. Then she snorted. Then she guffawed. Holding her sides and panting for air, she laughed.

After a minute she managed to choke out, “Oh one would ever credit it...I can hardly credit it. Least I look like a magpie. I love it! The most practical man I know...such a secret, impractical side. Oh my...”

Still chuckling, she went to gather a loaf of bread and a couple of bowls. Ladling some stew into them, she placed them on the table and wiped her eyes.

“And yes...I do need a very good dress for the wedding. Can’t have the bride’s cousin looking like a caution.”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian snorted as he broke off a hunk of bread and dipped it into the stew.

"Well...Most of the work I do takes me in dusty and dirty places where things sticking out get caught and torn. Nor is it my fault that I look like a Viking in a tu-tu wearing any of that stuff."

Arlian paused to bite a bit of stew-soaked bread off.

"Mmmf...v'ry g'd..."

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

Harmony watched him eat for a moment until she was sure that he liked it, then dipped into her own bowl.

“I didn’t mean that, idiot-boy. Do you see me wearing any silk dress at the moment,” she indicated her own practical leathers, “You may recall me being in a bar fight in a dress and having to cut half of it off,” she pouted, “I liked that dress.”

She chewed contemplatively on a mouthful of bread and stew, “I just meant that you are a practical person. I like that about you. I like practical...I love practical. Do you know what it’s like growing up with a bunch of artists and dreamers? You could have put all the common sense of the entire company into one person, and they still wouldn’t have had the sense of the average five-year-old child.”

Harmony continued eating for a moment, “It just amuses me that you gather up bits of beauty the way that I do...Oh...and isn’t it lovely to have the buy the best bits...instead of just dreaming about them?”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian savoured the food for a long moment before regretfully swallowing and answering Harmony.

"I suppose I hadn't considered it...I was actually considered somewhat...Fanciful in my village. Not particularly practical at all...And gods yes it's nice to have the money to buy them all!!"

Arlian sighed with pure unalloyed happiness. A fellow magpie, plenty of money, the prospect of good trades, more shiny things to see, excellent food, a beautiful woman to converse with (who he wasn't even paying!)...Life was good.

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

“ were the fanciful one?” Harmony tried to envision it, “Fanciful in other ways? Are there more hidden facets? Shall I have to undo all of my thinking?”

She continued to eat, watching him enjoying his food. One thing about cooking...if it was good, it was good because she had made it so...something that she had actually accomplished. Kitchen didn’t care what you looked like.

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian blushed a little.

"I...ah...Drew. Portraits, landscapes, stars, trees, animals, everything...Came in handy with my work, I could make excellent plans for reconstruction projects."

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

Harmony stopped eating and stared.

“You draw? Arlian…why didn’t you tell me this? You have to show me your drawings…are you…are you blushing? Are you embarrassed that you draw?”

She sat back, still staring at him, “You can draw and appreciate beautiful things, and you are sensible…” Harmony shook her head in wonder, “Who even knew that was possible…”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian shrugged.

"I...Well, I don't know. I still feel guilty about some of it...All the village elders lecturing you on how you shouldn't be wasting your time on such nonsense rubs in after a while."

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

Harmony cursed fluently.

“Oh yes…wasting time on nonsense…” a tang of bitterness laced her words, “At least you practice an art that leaves a tangible result. Try asking ignorant people to find value in an art that moves the heart and feeds the mind…but that you can’t smell or touch or taste once it’s gone. Now…make your living selling this amorphous art…”

She grinned wryly at him.

“Don’t forget to have your art associated with loose virtue for some reason. I think the first time someone called me a whore, I hadn’t even grown breasts yet. Not sure how many times we got run out of provincial villages…usually post-performance and pre-payment, I might add.”

Harmony’s smile softened, “Now…you should certainly not feel guilty…or embarrassed…just because the louts say a thing, doesn’t mean you have to listen to them," she paused, "You will show me your drawings, won’t you?”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian raised an eyebrow and spoke dryly.

"You really want to make this a contest to see which of our past lives was worse? I can assure you, I'll win."

His tone softened a bit.

"But yes, I'd be happy to show you my drawings. I've been working on a collection of Nocaneb...I'd draw out the plans, as I mentioned, but I'd also draw the space as it was, draw what I thought the new building would like like, and then go back later and draw the finished structure. Sometimes I'd squeeze in a few of it under construction, but those were harder."

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

“I’m confident that not an hour ago I already said that you won…that my childhood was delightful,” Harmony’s own eyebrow was raised and her tone was acerbic, “Your experiences merely reminded me of some of my own. I compare them only to highlight their similarities…explain my own…gut reaction to your story. It’s just conversation, Arlian. I’m not competing with you…you still get to have the worst life ever.”

She rose as she was speaking, taking her empty bowl and carrying it to the sink. She was a little hurt by his reaction. She’d thought they’d been on the same page…friends…sharing their stories… Silly Harmony. Every time she’d opened up…he’d either ignored it…or shut her down. Her back to him, she breathed for a moment and put a charming smile onto her face.

Turning back to him she said, “I’d like to see your drawings…I bet Edara would, too. A series on Nocaneb? Yes…I think she’d be delighted.”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian sighed.

"Harmony...Ponder for a moment that the only other people I've spoken to about my drawings dismissed me with scorn. I bring them up with you, and express the problems I have discussing it. Your response is laced with bitterness. I don't know you terribly well. I reacted with my gut as well, which responded by telling me that I had been a fool to even mention it in the first place, and that you were bitter that I thought my problems were really difficult. Yes, I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. But if you think I can't see the difference between your real smiles and your professional ones, you underestimate me. You're a good actor, but the put-on smile only works on those who haven't seen you truly shine with happiness..."

Arlian looked away briefly. That was a little too much at the end, but it had just slipped out...

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

Harmony stood still...‘professional’ smile frozen on her face. She had been able to fool her own mother when she wished...would Arlian ever stop surprising her? For a long moment she just looked at him, studying his expression and gathering her thoughts. Finally, she nodded at him, acknowledging his...apology of sorts.

“You misunderstand my bitterness. It wasn’t directed at you...but at every ignorant lout in every damned hole of a village who can’t see past the end of their pitchforks. Every person who thinks that anything that isn’t obviously hard work is worthless nonsense. Every priest more caught up in saving mortal souls than in improving lives.”

She took a step towards him, then hesitated.

“Have you had so little that you mistake shared pain upsmanship? Arlian...I’ve seen your life played out in hamlets and villages across half of Beluaterra. Sensitive boys and thoughtful girls slapped down and trodden upon until they fit into the mold...or they’re lucky enough to get out. I told you that my childhood was a joy...and I knew it...because I could look around me and compare.”

Harmony closed the gap between them and reached a hand to touch his face.

“I’m an actress That means I’m more used to pretending than being real and I’m self-centered as hell. So let me spell this out: Your childhood makes me ache...I’m delighted to find that my friend, the supremely practical bureaucrat has a secret artistic side, and I can’t wait to see your work...and...I will never underestimate you gain...”

She dropped her hand and took a step back.

“I’m sorry if I didn’t make that clear the first time.”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Gods...She'd actually touched his face...Damnit, he had more control of himself than this...! He bit the inside of his cheek, the pain bringing his mind back into focus.

" sorry as well. I keep forgetting that there are...Some who don't sneer. I just...Heh, I don't need to tell you...You fall back into your acting in the same way I tend to lash out..."

Arlian reached out and took her hand.

"You don't deserve that from me."

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

Harmony smiled at him—a real smile—glad that they had hurdled this little bit of miscommunication. She would be sad to lose his friendship when they had just made it. She always felt so comfortable with Arlian. Well...she usually did. Actually, right at this moment...with her hand in his and him looking at her so closely, she felt...odd. Not uncomfortable, exactly...just...a flush rose in her cheeks...odd.

Harmony squeezed his hand and nodded, “I do fall back on’s like breathing...I’m more like to be pretending then not, as it happens. I like not having to pretend with you.”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian smiled back.

"I'm glad you don't have to pretend...And...Well...If there's anything I can do to help you feel more at ease..."

Arlian forced himself away from this dangerous line of thought and shifted his smile to a grin.

"Like smack you upside the head when you need it...Then I'm your man!"

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

Harmony laughed, “You may have noticed that I always feel at my ease,” she raised her brows, “Or at least, when I don’t, I pretend that I do. So, perhaps we can just avoid the head smacking...I’m not really all that partial to it.”

She stood there grinning at him, “I suppose you’re on to that, though...not really sure how you are so blasted clever as to see through me, anyway. I am a mighty fine actress! Do you have magic eyes then?”

Laughing, she stared hard into his eyes as if to find the “magic”...her laughter died and she cocked her head to the side.

“You have really lovely eyes, do you know that?”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

", I didn't know I had...interesting eyes..."

Arlian flushed again, a deep red washing up his face.

" are a good actress...But...Artist, remember? The lines around your eyes...Don't fit quite the same pattern. So, once I saw a smile that I knew was your real one, I just look, see if the patterns match or not...And...besides...Not like I mind looking at your eyes..."

Arlian trailed off.

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

“I didn’t say interesting…I said lovely. They’re like…” Harmony continued looking into Arlian’s eyes, “…like brown velvet,” she smiled at that thought: she loved velvet.

“What’s interesting is your face. It’s all your own…has character,” she had the urge to touch it again, but though her free hand twitched up, she stifled it.

Harmony looked at him, no longer studying his features, “You are clever…you do see things that other people would miss. I shall have to be a bit more careful around you, I see.”

She grinned, ”Now, it happens that I know that my eyes are rather uncommon, so I rather expect people to go staring at them,” Harmony fluttered her eyelashes outrageously, “How many girls have you met with eyes like amethysts then?”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian laughed.

"Character? Yes...I suppose you could say that, if a potato has character...And as for your eyes, well...Who else could have gems for eyes, save a goddess?"

It was a joke. She would roll her eyes and laugh. He had ended it on a laugh, with a grin, right? Right. Yeah. Joke.

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

Harmony started to sigh at him for mocking his own face, but the rest of the sentence had her catching her breath instead.

She’d had her beauty praised...inumerable counts and commoners...poets, merchants, warriors. She’d been compared to everything from delicate flowers (really?) to shining stars and everything imaginable in between—including a farmer’s favourite cow, which still made her wonder about life on that farm.

Something about Arlian saying something so charming...even as a joke...was he joking? Wake up, Harmony! She didn’t think that he was joking.

“I...I...well. That was...really lovely,” she just stood there, dazed. She hadn’t been paying attention...granted, she’d had a few things on her mind of late, being kidnapped and all. But...her stomach fluttered...he wasn’t joking. And she had missed...the signs...and now...Harmony didn’t know what to say. She she gave Arlian a dazzling smile.

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Oh...gods damn...that was just cheating...Oh...What the hell...He was already neck-deep already...

" not as good with words...But...well...You know, better than any, how much I like my collections...I' them all...For you to always smile like that."

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

Harmony swallowed and opened her mouth. Nothing came out of it. She didn’t even know what she wanted to say. This was ridiculous...she always had words. Something...a quote...anything...

What did she want to say? How...moved she was? How...incredibly, beautifully romantic Arlian had been? Something...beautiful of her own...that’s what she wanted...

“Arlian...why is my stomach so damn fluttery?”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian swallowed.

"At a guess...Same reason mine is...And...I...Heh...Can't believe you would know...For me..."

Arlian's grip on her hand tightened, pulling her a little closer.

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

We'll let your imagination continue