Arcaea/Dining Hall/Training the Troops

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Aimii looked upon the messenger who had delivered the message for her to remain in Remton for an audience with the Duchess of Remton. Not wanting to disappoint, she dismissed the messenger before turning to face her men, "Saddle up. We're going to do some hard training. We want to impress."

As her men and her climbed onto their mounts, a few peasants they had hired were working on setting up some dummies. Taking her men for some riding exercises while they setup, they spent a few hours in the nearby fields before returning to practice their charging on the dummies. After about an hour, Aimii turned to face her men, "Excellent work. Now, time for a little fun. We're going to have a mock battle. You seven there are the blue team, and the others are the red team. Make sure you take it easy, but not too easy. I shall keep watch, as we don't want the sides being uneven."

Her men trained hard for the next three hours, having a half dozen 'battles' during the time. As the group finished and gathered once more, they had begun discusssing not only combat techniques, but also the occasional aspect of their personal lives. Slowly but surely, Aimii knew, the men would become more and more like a unit, working together for a common cause rather than individually.

Lady Aimii Anthas (Noble)

Euran strode on ahead of his men, who were strung out in an irregular fashion behind him. They had barely passed the outskirts of Remton, and while normally the massive baron would have been on the watch for bandits he considered the likelihood of their appearance here extremely low. Most of his equipment was carried on a cart that sat in the center of the group, but a fair amount was carried on his person since he didn't trust his men with it. Their spirits had risen since being in the city - they were obviously a bunch of weakling pampered townies - but Euran was still not prepared to trust them too much.

He was moving at a fair pace, but as the last remnants of Remton's sprawling housing was finally left behind Euran spotted a noble's camp arranged for training. He didn't recognise their sigil, so they were obviously either foreigners or new to Arcaea. New nobles had flocked to Arcaea recently, and for good reason; the realm was in the throes of a revival, and there would be opportunities for all. Drawing volumes of air into his lungs Euran called, "HALT!" The men behind him fell into silence, and began bunching up. "You have five minutes."

Seeing the horsemen finish their training, Euran approached the camp. He was a large man, far taller and wider than most. A huge and weighty white animal skin covered his shoulders and back; the item from which he recieved his second name. Of viking stock, scars covered his face and half an ear was missing. Spotting the rider who was obviously of noble blood, he began striding purposefully towards her, and raised one massive callused hand in salute. A voice boomed across the shortnening gap between them. "Greetings! Lady Aeimii Anthas? A pleasure." Finally approaching near enough to lower his tone, he continued, "I am Baron Euran Kandurell. I saw the conclusion of your training - fine men you have, if a little wet behind the ears. Are you new to Arcaea, or recently come of age?"

Euran Yetisbane Kandurell Baron of Lantzas