Poryatown Press/Lurian Weekly/Issue 16

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Lurian Weekly
Price: Free! Reporting on the Big and the Small! Issue #16
Previous Issue June 8 - June 21 Next Issue
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Lurian Troops Storm Poryatown
June 9th Macal
The newly seceded realm of Verus Luria, headed by former ruler of Pian en Luries Kaennji Shenron, appears already to be doomed to destruction. Last night the Guardians of Giask succeeded in forcing entry to the city; they should shortly quell the remnants of resistance. It is surely inevitable now that Poryatown will be returned to the benevolent rule of Queen Alanna.
Management Reconstruction
June 16th Macal
While the Lurian Weekly is reorganised, revitalised and renovated, issues may be produced at a somewhat slower rate. For the next month and a half or so, readers should expect to receive new editions of the newspaper every other week. This may come as a disappointment to some, but the Editor would like to assure all readers that this is only a temporary measure to allow the Lurian Weekly to be improved beyond the excellent standard it has been left in by the previous editor.
Possibility of Peace?
June 16th Macal
Earlier today, the Duchess of Poryatown issued the following statement to Poryatown Press:

"Verus Luria has requested peace talks with Pian en Luries.

"The New government wishes to sue for peace. The new General and Duchess of Poryatown is Katayanna Ogren, and she (me) is attempting to negotiate a peaceful solution that will benefit both Pian en Luries as well as the remaining nobles of Verus Luria."

In its currently overwhelmingly greater military position, it is hard to imagine that Pian en Luries would accept anything much less than Verus Luria's unconditional surrender; the realm has suffered from a flood of desertions, betrayals and setbacks since the beginning of the secession. It remains to be seen whether skilful negotiation by Duchess Ogren might preserve some dignity, or even the sovereignty, of Verus Luria.