SWI News

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Revision as of 12:18, 27 October 2005 by Bob (talk | contribs)
http://wiki.battlemaster.org/skins/common/images/bm-logo.png The South-West Tattler
Price: 1 Gold Editor: Various Issue: 1

Taselak gains ground as Torenite resistance crumbles
Date: Oct 27 2005

In a decisive move earlier in the month, the armies of Taselak invaded the crucial forect region of Neralle, sweeping away all resistance and taking control of the region in just four short days. The Takeover did not go unhindered however as the Torenite army , under the command of the Gilead, the former Lord of Neralle and Marshal of the Army of Toren. However due to overwhelming advantage in fortifications and numbers, as well as excellent leadership from the Taselakian General Lord Merum, the Torenite advance was halted with brutal fighting and many casualties on both sides. With this recent victory and possible Ikalakian aid not to be seen, it is clear that without any assistance the realm of Toren will not last long against the Taselakian War-machine.

Military Expansion Continues II
Oct 27 2005

In accordance with the speight of military takeovers and maneuvering, Sandalak has now brought the majority of the East bank of the river under their control, with the recent subjugation of Mewun. This recent addition to an already bulging empire has given Sandalak the upper hand in its bid for total rulership of the South West Island.

Disappearing Ale Mystery Strikes Taselak
Date: Oct 12 2005

In bizarre circumstances yesterday, the realm of Taselak was apparently visited by a mysterious demonic force, which made off with large quantities of fine ale. The ale, which was located in a storehouse in Lesthem, had been left there by the local lord, Eldarion. It was a particularly good quality type, and Eldarion had been saving it for a special occaision. When we spoke to him earlier he was understandably upset. "I just don't know who could have done it. I mean, who in their right mind would steal my ale?! It's just not fair! *sniff* I bet it was one of those Toren bastards, they have no decency. Ale stealers the lot of them!"

Nobles at the scene of the crime were also baffled by the disappearance. There'sh shomethin' strange goin on. It'sh like *hic* the ale jush walked off by itself. Heehehe *ahem* yeshs, said Lord Xerxes, who was the first at the scene of the crime.

The Tattler can offer no explanation for this mystery, and urges nobles to be on their guard for any suspicious demonic activity.

Toren invest in pink whips
Sources from within Toren have been reporting upon the large number of pink whips that are now in production in the realm. "I've no idea what they're for", said one noble, "all I know is that Doomgiver told us to make as many whips as we could. And to make sure they were pink."

That Tattler has several varying opinions on what the whips could be used for, but in the interests of public decency will not speculate. However, the multiple skirmishes that Toren have had with troops from Taselak suggest they could be used as part of military tactics. Only time, and scars, will tell.

Attractive peasants demand more nobles
"South-West Island just doesn't have enough good men to satisy me. Myself and my sisters are willing to try many new things, but there just isn't enough people about."

This comment, from a particularly pretty maid, expresses an opinion that can be seen throughout the island. For the good of the public, the Tattler urges all nobles to heed the ladies call. Battle and war need you. Women need you. South-West Island needs you. Of course, this editor is quite happy about the lack of noble blood on the island, as it opens up many exciting avenues for his own exploits.