Everguard Visionary/Issue 3

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Founder: Arthur Spindle
Editor In Cheif: High King Fisc Arylon
Authors: Fisc Arylon
In the beginning, there was only Tor, and the beginning has a lot in common with the end. Price: 2 Everguard Marks
Issue: May 2008
Third Issue

Everguard.png Everguard's Claim Disrespected Yet Again
Nobles from the realm of Morek have traveled across the monster-plagues Mimer Peninsula and established an independent colony in the city of Libidizedd. The port city of Libidizedd is a great prize for the new colony. It is located on the central sea, and connected to many other ports on the sea through shipping and trade routes.

In the young history of the continent of Dwilight, no realm has been forced to face invasions of their territory, their territorial claims, or their sphere of influence - none that is, other than the realm of Everguard. Anonymous men label the realm and her High King as aggressors, antagonists and yes... bullies. But what is the truth of the situation? While the eastern realms of Springdale, Morek, Pian en Luries and the southern power of Madina have sat comfortable in their corners of Dwilight unharassed by colonists and usurpers - the untamed lands of the west have attracted considerable attention.

Much like their eastern neighbors, when the fifth independent nation of Dwilight was formed, it had designs on commanding

a specific territory - a certain territory descending down from Valkyrja to Eidulb, and including the Libidizedd Island. To the west, there are already claims on the cities of Gaston, Chrysantalas, Itau and others that otherwise could have been taken by Everguard, yet they will now not be able to command.

That claim was challenged once, by the colonists who now sit in Golden Farrow, known as Caerwyn. The end result of that was intense negotiations, and a peaceful resolution that avoided war for both realms, and allowed the Caerwynians to center their realm in a wealthy and prosperous city. Everguard's meager claim of land was respected, and both realms ended up the better for it - a triumph of diplomacy for both, and hardly an acrimonious and aggressive bully pushing around the new kid on the block.

And now, with the entire Mimer peninsula available for colonization, the new colonists have arrived in Libidizedd

and are entrenching themselves, despite objections from Everguard regarding a violation of their claim. The colonists have made a counter-claim they say stretches further back than that which the High King made. Neither recognizes or acknowledges the other's claim, and a conflict looms.

At current, the High King has offered a peaceful resolution to the issue by providing the Morek Colonists with what their chief goal was - religious freedom on the island, and free passage to the westland so that they may spread their faith across their vastness. In return, the Everguardians ask for political control of the island, and the relocation of the colony to the city of Mimer. The High King believes it is a solution that gives both what they want - but only time will tell if the new colonists value peace and stability with their new neighbor, or if they are insistent to push their claim. But one thing is certain, the realm of Everguard does not bluff.

- Editorial Board,May 2nd

The Lost Kingdom of Everguard
Historical Realm Information

Everguard | Royal Line | Founders of Everguard | Peoples of Everguard | Wars of Everguard | Torenism | The Everguard Visionary