Talk:Atamara Independent/Issue 5

From BattleMaster Wiki


Edidors keep da right ta delete anyt'in' we t'ink ain't da least bit interestin' ta da majority a da readers.

MOAR NEWZ PLZ! You should cover Dwilight as well. It's begging for the kind of journalistic fervor presented by the Atamara Independent! --Il Duce 10:07, 29 April 2008 (CEST)

Eds - Check the previous Exclusive Interview issue. More on Dwilight as the news develops - you don't expect us to just make stuff up, do you?

Bah, it's a pity such a colourless and decrepit realm as modern day Giblot has felled Outer Tilog. I thought I'd put an end to such nonsensical delusions of grandeur when I overthrew Thanatos and saved Outer Tilog back in Jan '06 --Revan 13:03, 29 April 2008 (CEST)