Shrine of Seeklander

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This page uses present-tense language to describe one or more realms, people, events, features, or other items of game-related content that do not yet exist, and may never exist, at least in the form described. It is, at present, a work of fiction written with the hope that it will become true.

The Stronghold of Shrine of Seeklander
Shrine of Seeklander-map.JPG
Region Map
Controlled by the Realm of Everguard
Duchy Shrine of Seeklander
Local Lord Henk Van Hoensbroeck
Knights None
Troop Centers None
Region Information
Type of Region Stronghold
Location Midland (west)
Weather West Hills
Population (Last Census) 934
Gold Production 230
Food Production 263

Shrine of Seeklander (pronounced: shrine of SEEK-lan-der) is a stronghold region located on the east-side of the north-western mountain ridge. This stronghold is key to the control of the mountain regions as well as keeping the monster populations under control and defending the realm of Everguard, which is located to the east, from them. Also the stronghold offers a safe retreat for many Guardians.


The climate is a lower alpine climate, a result of the location; right on the outskirts of Dwilight's highest mountain ridge. The three Mountains of Challenge all know an alpine climate due to their height from the sea level. As a traveller you are to expect snow in the higher region area's in the winter and in the early spring. Furthermore it is adviced to travel lightly towards the citadel, the thin air makes you short of breath and thus any heavy supplies and equipment are carried upwards by locals who have adjusted themselves on living on great heights.

Native Plants and Animals

The lower area's of the region aren't of any interest to the monks living in this region. What actually does gain their attention are the numerous of weeds and flowers growing on the mountain rocks. Local healers use the weeds to cure a varioty of wounds and deceases.

Pleione bulbocodioides 'Formosana'

Formosana or Tor's Flower

This interesting flower grows on the sunny side of the mountain ridges and this Orchid has a special meaning for the people of Seeklander. The flower resembles the 'bringer of light' and is often in one breath named as the flower of the Holy Tor himself. It is a commoner belief that where these flowers grow a divine spirit has set foot. Picking this flower goes hand-in-hand with excellent care, since the flowers are fragile and sometimes hard to reach. The flower is only picked by the monks living in the citadel of the Shrine. Before, while and after the Formosana is picked, there are certain rituals performed by the monks to please the gods for taking such a holy flower from the mountain. One could imagine that some rituals are extremely difficult to perform while hanging on a rope with nothing more than 3,000 feet of air beneath you.

While there are interesting flowers, plants and weeds growing acros Everguard, there isn't one single flower as interesting as the next one.

Sedum 'Matrona'

Matrona or Key to Heaven

It is a small, pale flower, not of any interest to man's eye at first. But a close dedicated study of the Seeklander monks revealed that this is truly the most interesting flower they've ever seen. When the juice from the plant is extracted it can be usued as an above average healing potion. It's powers are not limited to curing the flew, but it also cures infected wounds, all known deceases and it speeds up the healing proces when used with other poitions.

Every once in a while new interesting features of this flower pop-up. Like that it appears to stimulate the mind making it easier and more effective to meditate. But this is still under heavy discussing by the monks, some belief that this effect isn't caused by the flower, but that it comes from the water that they drink, which flows directly out of the mountains. While other think the meditational aspect of the flower is the main reason why Tor let it grown on the rocks of the Shrine of Seeklander in the first place.

Economy of Seeklander

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Military Culture

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Religious Significance

A group of nine Torenists celebrating Mass

The religion of Torenism views the northern mountain ranges of Dwilight as holy ground - the site of the revelation of Tor's will to the Messiah Luna Dawnstar came to the west at the Mountain of Betrayal, and since then many Torenist events of significance have occured there. Because of this, in the early days of the faith, the High King Fisc Arylon ordered a grand shrine built in the shadow of the mountains. This giant steppe pyramid that was constructed there serves as a waypoint for Torenists traveling west to the mountains on pilgrimage - or more properly those who ware "seeking" Tor. This is the genesis of the name "Seeklander", for it is land set aside for those seeking Tor's grace.

There is something known to Torenists as The Seeklander Creed - this is an ecumenical Torenist statement of faith used by the laity of the church to declare their belief system to themselves, and to others. It is recited during each Toren Mass Celebration, as well as all formal rites of passage for the religion. The creed was drafted by the church leaders in the first days of Torenism, at an ecumenical council that was held at the newly constructed shrine in the region known as Seeklander - thus did that area lend its name to the creed.

Today, Torenists consider the shrine housed at Seeklander to be among the most holy sites on the continent, perhaps ranking behind only the Mountain of Betrayal and the holy city of Valkyrja.

Lords who have ruled the Shrine of Seeklander

  • Duke Henk Van Hoensbroeck of Everguard - Ruled Unknown - Current

The Lost Kingdom of Everguard
Historical Realm Information

Everguard | Royal Line | Founders of Everguard | Peoples of Everguard | Wars of Everguard | Torenism | The Everguard Visionary