The Awakening

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The Awakening is a new religion, begun within the Obsidian Islands, whose Prophet Gauihu Olik claims to hold both true knowledge of the nature of reality, and the answer to suffering and torment.


The Gift

Gauihu has, in his preachings, made the case that death is a Gift given to the world by a single god; that without it, mortals would live without dying, their bodies becoming decrepit and rotting, unable to die. This Gift can be refused, however, for a number of reasons. Mortals who refuse the Gift are said to return to their dead bodies, living in torment as Undead. According to Gauihu, the Gift is given by one of the few gods who have compassion for mortals.


The Awakening acknowledges the existence of many gods (more than could be counted or named, and more than are accounted for by all the world's religions). However, Gauihu's teachings focus on the Gift, and the one god who gives it - although Gauihu has used the name "Vaun," possibly in reference to this god, even Gauihu's followers are still uncertain who gives the Gift.

Position on Other Faiths

The Awakening doesn't consider any religions to be evil, misguided, or variants; so far, its one Priest has made no mention of other religions whatsoever. Gauihu's preachings have indicated a cynical position towards gods, however - according to him, they are petty, conceited and vindictive, playing endless games of power and dominance, and using mortals as pawns.


The Awakening currently has about 100 converts, all within the Wasteland; there are no noble adherents to the religion other than Gauihu.

Religious Buildings and Places


The only Temple of the Awakening is located in Wasteland Village, situated at the dead-end of the Wasteland Road, overlooking the plain and the rocky coast, at the foot of the great volcano of the Chaos Temple. It is a simple, circular stone construction, described by observers as a "quiet black stone."

There is also a shrine of the Awakening in this region, located a few miles west of the Village, in the middle of a desolate, deserted plain. Nonbelievers have a hard time finding it, since it is a "found shrine" with no actual construction involved: a series of stones arrayed in a semi-circular formation at the peak of a small rise.

The Wasteland is a "dead-end region;" accessible only by a single road leading to and from the Chaos Temple. The coast is too rocky and dangerous for boats or ships to approach. As a result, travelers never pass through, and the shrine - like the Temple - seems only to exist for those who go to see it specifically.


The Awakening began when Gauihu was granted a special opportunity by his lord and sovereign in the Wasteland. Gauihu first preached to the people of that region, converting 30 within the space of twelve hours.


  • (2008-03-07) Gauihu founds the Wasteland Temple and becomes the Prophet of the Awakening.
  • (2008-xx-xx) Gauihu builds a shrine in the Wasteland.

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