Atamara Independent/Issue 2

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The Atamara Independent
"If ya read it here, ya knows it's da troot'!"

Head Editor: Ole
Junior Editors: Sven, Lars, Lars

Issue 2

Special to the Independent by War Correspondent Fruedlich von Jinkleheimerschmidt

In another sign of how pathetically elitist the various Atamaran Council's have become, a recent poll showed that 4 out of 5 Carelians - one of two major powers in the attacking side of the new Southern War - have absolutely no idea of why they are fighting. According to one source, "with no explanation from anyone we marched off to war". Is anyone surprised that, when faced with the armies of their former beloved King Kronos, large numbers of nobles chose not to engage in this war?

Certainly, Carelia is a monarchy, and the King's will must be done. But there comes a time in every soldier's life when he or she needs to reach down inside and pull out something extra, whether it be a forced march or rallying the men for one more assault even when the casualties have decimated the unit.

How deep would you reach when your leaders won't even give you the courtesy of telling you where you're going or why you are there?

Ja, dat's right - Sordnaz, Dictator fer Life a da Barony a Makar, has decided dat bein' friends wit' everyone is da best way ta go. From now on, all vikin's are supposed ta smile at least ten times a day an' say "please" an' "t'ank you". As a gesture a his good intentions, da Strongman added Suville ta da list a friends a da Barony, leavin' only Protectorate a Magnus an' Minas Ithil on da "not quite friends list". In unrelated news, da Dictator got a new pet pussy cat taday, an' has decided on da name "Poofy".story by Ole
Special to the Independent by War Correspondent Fruedlich von Jinkleheimerschmidt

As the armies of Atamara marched on the Ash Sea Islands, the usual banners were visible. Tara, of course, after its old capitol; Darka was no surprise; Carelia was no stranger to conflicts in the south. Eston's effort was unusual but quickly revealed itself to be no more than a few religious zealot out to take advantage of the situation.

But - Talerium? What was this insignificant land, known for its sand, camels and gold-tipped pyramids, doing in the middle of a looting spree?

The fact is, Talerium is poised to be Atamara's next Bad Boy - a robust, bullying nation that could gobble up part of the Carelian Empire and Eston and make Falsan its looting playground. Fantasy, you say?

Sources close to King Amaarent of Darka have confirmed comments that "Talerium saved our *** when the monster plague hit us, and we won't be attacking them". With Darka and Eston safe frontiers, and CE being hammered in their misguided war, what's to stop Talerium from grabbing the Western half of CE and fortifying it? Falsan would love to have a two-front war - might even pay for it (are you listening, Darka?).

With Talerium a few regions richer, why not Tintar and Nazamroth? Empires crumble; others rise. Is it Talerium's turn to shine?