Poryatown Press/Lurian Weekly/Special 1

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Lurian Weekly
Price: Free! Reporting on the Big and the Small! Special #1
Previous Issue Mar. 06 - Mar. 11 Next Issue
Previous Page Page One of Four Next Page
Election in Pian en Luries
With the abdication of King Kaennji Shenron from the throne, the crown of the realm is up for grabs. With this special edition of the Lurian Weekly we will cover the various candidates, their goals and views, as well as the debates between them. For ease of reading mostly we'll do overall coverage on this page, with other pages just for details on the individual candidates.
Candidate Alanna Anaris Candidate Dann Cuvelier Candidate jabato AveFenix
The first to announce their candidature, Alanna Anaris is otherwise known as the Grand Imperatrix. Long has she been critical of the former King Shenron, and just as long she has lead the armies of the realm in their taking of new lands. More on Page 2. Not very well known, but how he might affect the voting remains to be seen. His main playing point seems to be that he plans on giving more ducal sovereignty, effectively restricting the power he may have if he were King. More on Page 3 Little is known of jabato, even less than we may know of Dann. His biggest downfalls may be his odd spelling of his name and his strange manner of speaking. The most we believe he may contribute to this election is to take votes away from those supporting Lady Alanna and Sir Dann.