Cagilan Citizen/Volume Four

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CE-Logo.png Cagilan Citizen
Cost: Free for noblemen, 10 gold for peasants Honorable Head Editor: Aðalbjörn

Honorable Assistant Editors: Ja, we're still needin' some a dem

space space
The honorable interpretation of events of the Cagilan Empire!

Lootin' laws Repealed in Glorious Pillage a Rabbitland!

Ja, dat's right! Da glorious legions a da Cagilan Empire swept inta Nazia like a infestation a army ants, over runnin' everyt'in' in deir pat's an' totally pillagin' da place. Why do youse care? Cuz da infinately wise Judge Strider saw dat da old laws a no lootin' were crappy, an' decided ta repeal dem. So now, if yer in da armies a da Cagilan Empire, ya can feel free ta loot as much as yer wantin'! Ja, dat's right! Even dough he ain't updated da bulletin yet, dis reporter has heard dat's it's only a matter a gettin' aroun' to it, an' youse should feel free ta do as ya like in dat area from here on out.

So, if yer one a dose realms dat's lootable, ya better hide yer goats, don'tcha know!