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Revision as of 23:56, 10 December 2007 by Chénier (talk | contribs)

Great idea Aarth, am i still going to be judge? Also, there could be duels regurlarly or a sword fight against the general for disobeying realm orders etc. Losing a duel lowers you honour in the realm and winning gains it (not actually altering your h/p). --Bengrindy

I have some ideas to offer:

Religion: have the realm support two religions, one based on Buddhism and one based on Shintoism.

Buddhism: multi-theist, meditation, suffering, enlightenment; focuses on mountain regions; name/symbol revolves around lotus or the eight-spoked wheel (Way of the Lotus? The Eightfold Path?)

Shintoism: nature worship, community, the seasons, the harvest; focuses on woodland regions; name/symbol revolves around nature (Naturalism?)

If Tom ever cracks down on national religions in non-Theocracies, this will give you ample protection.

The honor code should be simplified and clarified, or you'll have lots of arguments over whether someone violated #3 in order to follow #5, or whether #2 or #4 is more sacred, and silliness like that. I suggest something simple such as:

Honor, Duty, Glory

Or slightly more poetical:

Honor over Duty / Duty over Glory / Glory before Death / Death before Dishonor

Not sure if I want to join the ream yet. No character slots left. Anyway, hope that helps. GoldPanda 00:01, 11 December 2007 (CET)

Unless you get more players, and a decent ammount of ressources, you'll need to pick some remote baren lands on the western half as well, as land grabs won't be easy. -Chénier 00:56, 11 December 2007 (CET)