The Word/The Fallen

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Revision as of 02:40, 26 November 2007 by Bert (talk | contribs) (→‎Xanio)

A list of messages respecting our fallen heroes.


Battle in Amdor (8 hours, 38 minutes ago) 11/06/2007 Barony of Makar, Eston, Talerium vs. Falasan Estimated combat strengths: 26000 CS vs. 23000 CS Coriander Rivendale (Dame of Massillion, Eston) was captured by Falasan forces. The hero Sir Horace Malitia, Minister of Defense of Talerium, Baron of Mattlu was killed. Golrug Gellander (Knight of Wispen, Barony of Makar) was captured by Falasan forces. Averian Revilian (Dame of Mapaxal, Talerium) was seriously wounded. Herotious Brookshield (Knight of Xotaxa, Talerium) was captured by Falasan forces. Elenmir Shadowspell (Knight of Quetli, Talerium) was captured by Falasan forces. Gracus Bander (Knight of Mapaxal, Talerium) was captured by Falasan forces. The hero Xanio the Great (Knight of Ptaphoc, Talerium) was killed. Bjorn Janssen (Knight of Lower Tell, Barony of Makar) was captured by Falasan forces. Benjamin Stormclaw (Knight of Nazamroth, Eston) was captured by Falasan forces. Defender Victory!

Request from Bertie (6 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (71 recipients) We of the Word would like to extend our sympathies to the families of those we lost. Both were stalward men. Bold in Battle and dedicated in Heart to both the realm and their beliefs. Sons of the church. Their deaths on the field of Honor will not be forgotten. We faithful ask only for the safe delivery of their bodies so that we can give them their proper sendoff to the next life. We ask those of the Faith and those who knew them to join us in a week of mourning.

May the Creator envelop them in his hands and walk with them into the ever-blessed light.

Yours in Faith Bertie Shikshiena (Priest of The Word)


Important Event for "The Word" (8 hours, 38 minutes ago) Kargnchha Xanio has left the order "The Word". Also check the Guild Log for recent events.

Noble has left (8 hours, 38 minutes ago) Xanio the Great (Knight of Ptaphoc, Talerium) has been killed during the battle in Amdor.

Roleplay from Hottori (3 hours, 43 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (71 recipients) Talerium itself has been struck a blow today. Whereas many things have been said about Horace and his virtues, I cannot but echo them. Horace as we all know was a good man, and true - this no man can deny.

However, I would rather speak of Xanio today. I won't claim to have known him best, but I have known him for quite some time now. I recall well when I first met Xanio, in Wayburg upon the founding of Kybcyell. He was barely a lad it seemed, freshly arrived from Minas Ithil full of enthusiasm and ready to take on Abington single-handed. If will were speartips, and enthusiasm were arrowshafts, I have no doubt the twin destriers would still be flying above Wayburg today.

Of course, will and zeal cannot hope to best an overwhelming force of arms. It was true then, as it is today... yet Xanio did not hesitate to stare down over nine hundred enemy troops, and rose to challenge them. That, my friends, says more about both Xanio and Talerium than I could hope to convey with mere words. It is not Xanio that I attempt to honor with my words today. Rather it is Xanio who has honored each of us. Hottori Murakama Count of Lowdale


Important Event for "The Word" (8 hours, 38 minutes ago) Gnch Horace has left the order "The Word". Also check the Guild Log for recent events.

Noble has left (8 hours, 38 minutes ago) Sir Horace Malitia, Minister of Defense of Talerium, Baron of Mattlu has been killed during the battle in Amdor. The ruler should appoint a new Minister of Defense. Mattlu is now without a lord.

Horace shall be remembered for what he accomplished in Talerium. He has been one of our great Generals of Talerium. He's led many successful campaigns under our banner and always learned more from every mission. He will be a deep loss for our realm, but Horace would want us to stay strong in his absence. We will learn from the lessons this battle has brought to us, be become stronger because of it. Letter from Andrew (just in) The condolences of Eston go to the family of Minister of Defense Horace. He was a good noble: Wise and courageous.

Respectfully, Sir Andrew McKay King and High Marshal of Eston


I did not know Xanio as well as some, so I will allow someone more qualified to speak in his remembrance as to do him the justice he deserves as a Talerium Knight. Roleplay from Garthon (just in) Prime Minister Captain, My deepest condolences for the loss of Horace and Xanio. I know my brother will be greatly saddened by the news, having fought side by side with both. Please pass along Carelia's respects to both families. May their Lord embrace them now they have met face to face. With Faith,

Garthon Dumeric Arch Priest of Carelia, Duke of Nida Letter from Basil (just in) Most August Captain,

To our most worthy and courageous allies in Talerium, I cannot express deeply enough the gratitude and humility that such sacrifice inspires in me. Horace was a great leader of men and a fine noble. Xanio I knew little of, but the stories of the valor of his fall are already being spread across our land and set to song by our minstrels.

Both of these men will be remembered, and their likenesses will be set in stone in the hall of Heroes in the Temple of the Venerated.

As long as breath is drawn in Eston, their names shall not be forgotten: Horace the True and Xanio the Valiant.

I am now, as always, your humble servant, Basil ARISTON Duke of Massillion

The hero Sir Horace Malitia, Minister of Defense of Talerium, Baron of Mattlu was killed.

It's been many months since I spoke to Sir Horace, not since I was High Marshal of Minas Ithil. I remember communicating with him before he became High Marshal, on several occasions within the borders of Abington.

I will miss him dearly, as he was a fine man, and a fine leader.

Please pass my condolences onto your realm. Katherine Yorke Arch Priestess of Minas Ithil, Countess of Cheltenborne

Captain, sad news are spreading that your general got killed and rumours about another fallen hero too.

Darka mourns for their allies losses.

-KK Kostaja Kosunen Cosula King of Darka Letter from Jaime (21 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (71 recipients) Sir Horace was, as many have mentioned, a man of honor and of bravery. He was a brilliant tactician and a peerless warrior. Myself and many of my men owe their lives to Horace; were it not for his leadership, we would not have survived so many battles. He set an example for all of us. If I can someday be half the Talerium that Horace was, I will die a happy man.

Sir Xanio I did not know as well, but he was my brother in arms many times on the battlefield. Devout in his religion, perilous in battle, he was an asset in any conflict. You could find no better man to fight beside. May the Creator watch over his spirit. Jaime Lannister (Knight of Mapaxal)

Roleplay from Zebulon (19 hours, 33 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (71 recipients) What an incredible tragedy. Horace and Xanio both, in their very different ways, were representative of the greatness of Talerium. I ask that the Metemec Camel Corps wreathe their regimental colors with black for the remainder of the campaign in honor of these two fallen heroes. Zebulon Ilwaukim Duke of Metemec Letter from Captain (14 hours, 33 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (70 recipients) Letter from Nuno Freire (11 hours, 50 minutes ago) Greetings, I just receive the news about the dead of Sir Horace and Xanio. Let me send my condolences to all the nobles of Talerium. I didn't know Xanio personally but i had the pleasure to work side by side with Sir Horace and i know its a big lose for all Atamara. Regards, Sir Nuno Freire de Andrade Minister of Defense of Cagilan Empire, Baron of Sauvia Letter from Kara (9 hours, 24 minutes ago) The hero Sir Horace Malitia, Minister of Defense of Talerium, Baron of Mattlu was killed. The hero Xanio the Great (Knight of Ptaphoc, Talerium) was killed. They were great men and will be missed. Kara Salvator (Dame of Massillion) Letter from Tiana (9 hours, 22 minutes ago) The hero Sir Horace Malitia, Minister of Defense of Talerium, Baron of Mattlu was killed. The hero Xanio the Great (Knight of Ptaphoc, Talerium) was killed. Nooooooooooo not these two men any one but these to. They were great men. Night Hawk and I will miss them most dearly. Tiana Salvator (Dame of Anost) Letter from Sarrath (9 hours, 13 minutes ago) Lord Captain, Xanio was like a brother to me, and I had the utmost respect for General Horace from our work together in the past. This is a sad day for all. Please accept my condolences, and pass them to your people and the families of the fallen. I shall pray for them both to receive their due Warrior's welcome in the hereafter. Sarrath d'Peabee (Lord) Letter from Gucky (8 hours, 39 minutes ago) Captain, Please accept the condoleance and best wish of Falasan for the familly of the 2 fallen and Talerium. It's a sad thing to lose heroes in war, even more when it's a war that didn't required your involvement. Gucky Zotral King of Falasan Letter from Big Bad (7 hours, 14 minutes ago) My sincerest condolences for the fall of a great General, Noble and friend. I worked with him several times when I was general of Cagilan Empire and feel saddened that I haven't been able to talk with him in the past few months. Truly the world is a poorer place and humanity a poorer race now that he is no longer among us. I will drink to his memory tonight. Yours Big Bad Lumberjack Marquis of Trawiy Roleplay from Magnus the Mighty (5 hours ago) Captian, My condolences on the loss your realm has suffered. Caergoth mourns for Talerium's loss, but celebrates Sir Horace Malitia's valiant efforts and triumphant entry into the halls of glorious Valhalla. In glory and respect, Sir Magnus the Mighty Crownguard King and Royal Treasurer of Caergoth Letter from Bartho (3 hours, 34 minutes ago) Sir Captain My deepest condolences for your loss of Sir Horace. He was a fine general and an excellent swordfighter who I had the privelige of meeting at several tournaments in my time. I hope that he finds his peace in the afterlife as he was a great warrior in life. Yours, Bartho Baraedor High Marshal of Carelia Roleplay from Crashem (8 minutes ago) Prime Minster Captain, My sincere condolences concerning the fallen heroes including my cohort, Sir Horace and Xanio, who I recently had the pleasure of meeting. Sir Crashem de Struct High Marshal of Falasan, Marquis of Belegmon Roleplay from Katheryn (10 hours, 11 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (70 recipients) A personal and profound loss was that of the two warriors; Xanio, the vigilant and enthusiastic warrior and Horace, the wise advisor and dear friend. They shall both be sorely missed.

Prayers of mourning can already be heard and a thousand candles have already been lit in the gardens of Mapaxal on their behalf. Without a doubt, they will receive a hero's welcome in the next life. Lady Katheryn Larkspur (Duke)

Letter from Captain (7 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (70 recipients) Letter from Arturius (6 hours, 20 minutes ago) Lord Captain, As soon as I heard the reports that two of the favorite sons of Talerium have fallen my heart sank. They fell defending a cause that was not necessarily one that is embraced by your realm as a whole. I wish to send my deepest sympathies to you, Talerium and the families of the fallen from myself, my family and the Army of Barad Lacirith. Let us not be sad that they fell, but rejoice that they fell honorably. I would also like to personally thank the realm of Talerium for assisting us in restoring order in this insane war. Deepest Regards, Arturius Entreri Marquis of Anost, Marshal of the Logans Lacirith Army Roleplay from Luka (5 hours, 42 minutes ago) Please send my heart felt condolences to the family and friends of Sir Horace. My older brother Kealan remembers him best from our family, but today I have to speak for my brother as he is as yet unable to send his own thoughts and prayers to the family and friends of Horace, laying as he is, unconscious in the medic tent following the battle in Amdor. Talerium's efforts are duly noted in the matter of keeping Eston together and the Emarama family will never forget the blood and sweat expended by Talerium in the cause of balancing out the black arts that saw Falasan turn this war around. OOC: I hope to soon see the former borders returned to where they should be. Power gaming and bug abuse makes me sick. Luka Emarama Marshal of the Army of the Citadel Letter from Night Hawk (5 hours, 26 minutes ago) My condolences to Talerium and the families of Horace and Xanio. Horace was a great leader, and Xanio was Xanio. I'll arrange to have a badger killed at Xanio's funeral. I don't think I ever really knew Horace, but I'm sure I'll think of something.

Night Hawk Calanar (Knight of Massillion) Letter from Willem (3 hours, 9 minutes ago) Prime Minister Captain, Although I did not know either of the heroes that died on the field of battle, and I did not have the privilege or honor to fight against them, they will be remembered in Amdor. They died on the lands that I oversee, and I shall have a small monument erected to them, near the fortifications. Their names shall be inscribed upon it so that generations in the future will not forget them. Please convey my deepest sympathies to the families of Horace and Xanio, and to their realm-mates. With great sorrow and respect, Willem Tinsley Marquis of Amdor Letter from Ceowfyr the Brave (2 hours, 35 minutes ago) Prime Minister Captain, Allow me to extend my condolences for the loss of Horace and Xanio. I know it probably means little to you, but we in Norland believe that sacrificing one's life for one's realm is the utmost achievable. And regardless of their faiths, we are convinced that they now reside in the Halls of Valhalla, with all others who fell in battle for their realms. Regards, Ceowfyr the Brave Andrasta Prime Minister of Norland
