The Cathay Chronicle/October Edition

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2 Silver for commoners, free to all nobles of Cathay. The Cathay Chronicles is now ready for reading and been hand writen by many of Cathays fine citizens. Any nobles of Cathay feel free to add what you like Second Edition, October
Editor: Walter Mowby

Funded by Redwald Carver

The Defence of Ethialan Territories. Cathay Marches To War.

Cathay expeditionary forces successfully battled against Arcaean invaders in the region of Larmebsi.

Two glorious battles ensued as the Ethialans sought to rid their lands of the Arcaean insurgents. Cathay provided a significant force to aid our allies in the Northern territories, near twenty bold Knights marched from the stone gates of Anacan to assist in the landmark defence.

Though the Arcaeans fought bravely, their Queen and Marshall were both injured in the first wave of attacks. This left the remaining forces leaderless and battered, victory began to favour the Ethialan and Cathay forces.

Shortly after the second clash of arms the remaining Arcaean Knights fled back to their lands. They accepted defeat with measured grace and complimented both sides for the battle that had passed.

Hero Returned?
Rumours are going around the city that ex Monarch, and legend, Sir Galiard, has returned to Cathay. While this has not be confirmed as he seems to be keeping low, the rumours are also coming from nobles themselves. I have also heard from an official source that our very own king, his majesty Sir Ranulf, has sighted Sir Galiard. It is also rumoured that Sir Galiard is travelling with an unidentified man who seems to be wearing the strangest of clothes made from, what looks like anything he could get his hands on. One old sentry said that the man looked like a sir Dodd. More on this later.

If anyone has any more information on this then feel free to tell me and in the case of nobles or higher, add what you wish.

Violence increasing?
Today i noticed a scene down a back alley of which a fight had clearly broken out. However, people just walked past as if nothing unusual had happened. Some people who don't go downtown very often may wonder why. However, the reason is simple. This is because it is not unusual at all. As i investigated, i managed to get a statement from one of these 'Pub Brawlers'.

"My normal day usually consists of searching for a full pub, smashing a window with a mans head and then picking up a wooden chair and hitting everyone in sight. I don't do it on my own though. NMe and 5 other lads do this good sport together." I don't know about you but i find this appaling. So is anhone going to do anything about it? We'll have to wait and find out.