Kiranost Family

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The Kiranost Family from Atamara is a relatively young family having only achieved notoriety a short time ago; but already they are making great strides in the land of Carelia to increase their fame.


Alekzander Kiranost is a headstrong young man, whose rash, impulsive temper often gets him into trouble with the law, other armies, and just about anything else he can find. Despite that, he is a dedicated soldier of Carelia, and is a member in (hopefully) good standing of "The Defenders of Carelia". Alas, his inability to get effective scribe help, usually causes him to miss battles of importance; causing some to think him lazy, and/or incompetent. He hopes to rectify that problem soon.

His Black Wind Legion serves Carelia with every shot they take against the monsters that would attempt to plague the land.

Black Wind Legion

The Black Wind Legion under Alekzander is one of the prides of the Kiranost family. Culled from some of the best archers in the land, they work tirelessly to prevent harm to Carelia. They constantly keep their skills at a high level, so as ready to be called out at a moments notice. The Legion was named after a quote that stuck with Alekzander when he was a small child practicing archery; "A black wind will cut through even the hardest steel, and can wound the soul directly." They are led by the grizzled, yet experienced Captain Fosten Ameron; who often serves to keep Alekzander's minor idiocies in check.


Serapha Kiranost is a deadly woman with a blade, and attractive to boot. Her skills as a child took her a different path than that of Alekzander and his archery. Her sword, the rapier Starheart, while it bears the same name as many others in the Kiranost family, it is completely different. Every Starheart rapier is individually made and constantly made stronger by each individual Kiranost woman. As a result of her training, and her upbringing, Serapha chose to follow her brother into the world of serving Carelia, rather than a dedicated housewife. That is to say, she chose adventure over tedium, but being a woman, still longs for romance, and her white knight. In honor of the legends of her family, she took on the Starheart Blades, and prepared for adventure.

Starheart Blades

The elite, all woman brigade of the Swords of Carelia; the Starheart Blades can break your heart and your armor in two. They are led by Captain Hayley Viktor, stern disciplinarian, yet motherly all the same. Captain Viktor communicates very efficently with Captain Fosten, and rumors of a relationship between the two have been budding. She serves to keep the women in check, and keep them at A-1 status. Time will tell if they are to be saviors of Carelia, or just another forgotten brigade.


Mandeep Kiranost was destined to be a great tactician and honorable warrior on the field of combat; however his luck was to be not the greatest. He was born in the land of Carelia, and his branch of the family chose to emigrate to RedSpan; for what reason, they never told. As a young boy, he kept to the teachings of Evgenis, as well as his family. One day, a group of rabid followers of "DA WAY" happened upon them, and noting their faith, cursed them. Mandeep was to spend his life as a wasted shell of his destined glory. The RedSpan Kiranosts have had much adversity, and certainly Mandeep was no stranger. As time went on, he trained his cursed self to the pinnacle of perfection that it could achieve. His brilliant mind was unaffected, and he still to this day searches for a cure. However, his currently only foray into commanding was cut short by his wretched disease and spellbound existance. His unit, DA Wookies, was banded and disbanded within a very short time. Only time will tell if Mandeep will ever find a cure and return to the field of battle where he belongs.