Obsidian News

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Revision as of 17:12, 29 May 2007 by Garad Damar (talk | contribs)
Realm-Obsidian%20Islands.jpg Obsidian News
Price: Free Editor: Spider Jerusalemspace Issue: No. 1 - May 1007

From the Obsidian Islands to the world

Excal-icon.gif   May 25, 2007   Excal-icon.gif
Global Drought!!
"Global Drought

The weather has taken a turn for the worse all over the island. The priests are unsure as to what the reason might be, and are praying that it improves again."

The East Continent has been hit by a global drought. No one is sure why this has happened or what the overall effect on the continent will be. However, it does not appear to be a good sign for Perdan.

{{Template:RampantLeftV2| date = May 20, 2007| headline = Obsidian Islands Gets a New Duchy| article = Duke Atticus has realigned the duchy of Chaos Temple to the new realm of the Obsidian Islands. Perdan has now divested itself of all five of the island regions. This brings the long task of the reformation of the island realm to a close. Perdan and Old Rancagua have completed the task of cleansing the island of the usurpers and reforming

Excal-icon.gif   May 18, 2007   Excal-icon.gif
Obsidian Islands Emerges!
Duke Prometheus of Old Rancagua has seceded Kalmar city to form the realm Obsidian Islands. The region of Stora joined in the secession. In a few days Duke Atticus of Perdan will realign the duchy of Chaos Temple to the new realm, taking the remaining five regions of the traditional island realm to the new kingdom.

The Council positions are expected to be filled by Shady Soulja (King) and Paul Aelradir (Banker) from OR and Karlson Solarin (Arch Priest) and Kerwyn T-style (High Marshal) from Perdan. The other Perdanese that have nominated themselves to join the new colony and will soon be farewelling Perdan include Apollyon, Atticus, Fabian, Fingal, Iridian, Orion, Thar and WAYLANDER. We salute these pioneers, wish them luck in their journey and hope they know that Perdan will always be a home for them if they need it.


King Shady has made his first announcement as King:

Letter from Shady Message sent to the Rulers of this world (10 recipients) Rulers of the East Continent,

First, I would like to thank King Dekion and Queen Evangerline for making everything possible today. Thanks to them, and the nobles of both realms we where able to create Obsidian Islands here, in the place of Kalmar Islands and Avamar Selective. In the future I hope OI can have a peaceful time with all of you, and work together to make this continent even better now. Sorry for making this short, but there are some important matters I must attend to for my realm to be finished. I look forward to speaking with you all in the future, thank you.

Shady King of Obsidian Islands

Excal-icon.gif   May 15, 2007   Excal-icon.gif
The Obsidian Islands
Word has reached Perdan that Kalmar city is on the verge of declaring independence from Old Rancagua. Kalmar city will become the capital of a new realm in the islands surrounding the Kalmar Bay. The new realm, under the leadership of Sir Shady of Old Rancagua, will be known under the name of the Obsidian Islands. Many nobles from both Perdan and Old Rancagua will join the new realm as a renewed sign of dedication between Perdan and Old Rancagua to peace and prosperity for both realms, and their new colony. The formation of the Obsidian Islands will be the culmination and fulfillment of the promise made by Queen Lorraine of Perdan and King Dekion of Old Rancagua to remove the rebels who had infested the small island realm, and restore the lawful government to the islands.