Atamaran Advocate/Issue 2

From BattleMaster Wiki

Morale Managment
6th March
War is everywhere in Atamara right now. It's almost a bit hard to remember who is allied with who, who is fighting who, and what they're fighting about. With RedSpan now at war with Ash Sea Islands, things have gotten that much more complicated. While most RedSpanners are happy (or outright elated) that they are finally retaking Rogeshore, a few nobles have voiced their displeasure with the offensive, calling it dishonorable and underhanded.

The most outspoken is one Min Al'akor, a somewhat new RedSpanner, who unlike the general populous of RedSpan, is not a follower of Da One. This, combined with her claims that RedSpan is being underhanded in their war with ASI, has caused a couple of other nobles to voice their displeasure, and distrust, of the Lady of Al'akor. Below is the letter that started it all.

Um, maybe this is a "dumb" question, but wont we run into a few enemies of ASI? Wow, this is kinda dishonorable. Attacking them while everyone else does. They will see this as scum-like, I think we should expand, but there is no honor in this war. I will fight with Redspan, and I will try and crush any enemy Dielo commands me too, but I dont believe in this war.

Min Al'akor of RedSpan Micro RedSpan.png

The most public opponents of Lady Min so far have been Benny Kimura and AJ von Kronder. Even King Tony Malone gave a very methodical, step-by-step breakdown of Min's message, countering her every point. (The following italicized text is what Min wrote. The rest is Tony's response to that).

Um, maybe this is a "dumb" question, but wont we run into a few enemies of ASI? --

ASI allies are busy in their own wars. We wont see them for a very long time. -- Wow, this is kinda dishonorable. Attacking them while everyone else does. -- During the Tara war, we we're attacked by, CE/Tara/Darka and Fal/ASI. ASI decided to come and gainthe region of Sullenport, Rogeshore and Byblack while we were dfending stargard at the very walls. You can read more about this in the wiki vault of knowledge. -- They will see this as scum-like, -- And holding a realm to ransom to gain 3 of our regions whilst others attack it is not? -- I think we should expand, but there is no honor in this war. -- Not many wars would be fought if these two statements are together in the same sentance.

Tony Malone of RedSpan Micro RedSpan.png

Min, again Min, always Min...

Dear, dear moral, misguided and misinformed Min,

My grandmother once suggested, as I was about to comment on the harvest, that in case a topic came up of which I knew nothing, it would be best for me to shut up then to bother everyone with my boorish opinion. A gem of wisdom. Use it wisely.

Ash Sea Islands is an enemy by nature. Has always been. Backstabbers, betrayers, looters, rapist, predators, vile, low scum. Words are too good to describe them. Da One's fart would be, for that matter.

Do you cuddle vipers, Min? Do you french kiss a rattlesnake? Would you let an anaconda play in the same tub as your own children?

I imagine you do not. Hence, Da War is back on. All is fair in war, even morally wrong things. If you prefer the moral high horse, get on it and ride into the rigtheous sunset. If not, gear up, roll in the mud, stop shaving for once and be One with Da Rest!!

AJ von Kronder of RedSpan Micro RedSpan.png

While things have remained mostly civil thus far, the only real shaky territory being AJ's veiled threats and Min's personal attack on an un-named noble's honor, things could be heading down a slippery slope. Some nobles have taken to Min's viewpoint, most notably Dabug Habap.

I must side with our beloved Min here. I serve the King regardless of whether I serve Da One. If the King were in some way to cross Da Way and anger Da One, I am certain that Da One would deal with him. By faithfully carrying out the orders of my King, no blame falls upon me if there is any to be had. Of course, Da One, in his infinite wisdom, may choose to punish me also for reasons that may not be apparent.

Dabug Habap of RedSpan Micro RedSpan.png

In this dire time of war, will this outspoken young lass quiet down so things can run smoothly as possible, or will RedSpan go through a movement similar to when Vatticus Vashmere was made a Marhsal of Darka? Truly, the pen is mightier than the sword.
by Benny Kimura of RedSpan Micro RedSpan.png