Metsamees Family/Voidsmith

From BattleMaster Wiki

Voidsmith Metsamees

He is third oldest of his brothers.
Like all other his brothers he finds the woods same dear to his hearth.
He to dont like crowds or being to close to humans just like his brothers.
But when he was young he atempted to become a smith, he loved to create things almost as mutch as destroing them.
At winters when snow was on ground and a day was warm then he would make a snowman, mighty and bigger than it self, and when it was finished he would destroy it.

Some time after his brothers went to all manor of armys he to went to an army, he traveld to South-East and joined Taselak
near the end of Taselak. He stayd in Taselak untill the fall of it.
After the fall of Taselak and when all the realms reapeard he joined Ikalak.
He leads his men with thight disipline, that he followes himself and demands that all of his troops follow it aswell.
Honor and disipline mean alot to him.
He fights besides his men, cause finds it more usefull to do so than to stay behind in safety.
To him and his brothers personal strength and wisdom are as valuable as life.