Irombrozia/War of Secession

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  • This document is a historical and unbiased accounting of the campaigns, battles, and events of the Irombrozia vs. Riombara war, AKA, by Irombrozians, as the War of Irombrozian Secession.
  • This document is very much the sequel to a previous document, the Chronicles of the Honor War.

Pre-War Events

  • The Honor War.
  • Riombara allies with the Kingdom of Alluran. The Kingdom of Alluran lowers relations with Irombrozia to neutral. Irombrozia allies with Luz de Bia.
  • It is alleged that Irombrozia's ruler, King Marc, offers to re-unify Riombara and Irombrozia into one nation by terms of a duel to the death between himself and Riombara's ruler (Delvin). Winner take all.
  • Negotiations break down.


  • Irombrozia declares war on Riombara at night on December 14. The reasons stated are insults given by Riombara to Irombrozia, refusal to negotiate fair terms, refusal to follow through in giving back Rii, and to finish the Civil War.

First Campaign

  • AKA- The Pre-Emptive Strike

Invasion and TO of Rii

  • On December 13, 4k Irombrozian troops arrived in Rii, and they began a hostile TO after the declaration of war on the 14th of December. Unlike in the Honor War, Irombrozia refrained from looting.

First Battle of Rii

  • On December 16th, 7k Riombaran forces attack just under 5k Irombrozian forces in Rii. They are victorious, decimating Irombrozia's army, while not sustaining severe casualties themselves.
  • Irombrozian forces begin to limp back to Irombro

Winter Break

  • Over the deep winter weeks, heavy rains arrived and turned the roads to slush, and most nobles stayed inside by the warm fire, and had much-needed family time. (OOC- Christmas inactivity)

Second Campaign

  • AKA- "The Irrelevant Campaign"

Invasion and TO of Rii

  • On December 28, 4,8k of Irombrozian troops invade Rii, and begin a hostile TO. Again, there is no looting.
  • On December 30, the TO is broken when Irombrozia's 5.4k troops are defeated by 6.3k of Riombaran troops. Irombrozia falls back to Irombro and refits.

Hinterland Campaign

  • A sub campaign of the Second Campaign.
  • On January 2, 2.4k of Irombrozian forces enter Ruefillo.
  • Later in the day, they move to Rii, while another 2k Irombrozian forces eneter Ruefillo.
  • January 4th, Irombrozian forces mostly pull back to Irombro as 4k Riombaran forces arrive in Rii (defeating a small straggler detachment of about 600-700 CS), and about 2.5k arrive in Rii (defeating a small straggler detachment of about 300-500 CS)

News from the North

  • January 1, news arrives that Hireshmont, King of Irombrozia, is marrying Retravic, Prime Minister and Grand Justiciar of the Republic of Fwuvoghor.
  • January 5, news arrives that RoF is closing it's borders to allies of Riombara.


  • Irombrozia gained very little, and didn't really hurt Riombara much. As such, the direct aftermath of the campaign was... almost nothing. Things stand as they did at the beginning. But, the ramifications of the wedding, and of RoF's closed borders policy, are very great, and will probably be seen more in future weeks and months.


  • Due to chaos of nature (OOC- coding changes) no actions were taken for a few days around January 10 to 13th. (OOC- An OOC ceasefire)

Third Campaign

  • AKA- The Amalgamation Campaign
  • the exact details of this campaign are lost to history. Many small expeditions were launched into Riombara. Small attacks and raids, usually swiftly crushed by Riombara. Their goal was usually to serve as a distraction to Rio, or to take out small Rio detachments.


  • Very little. This campaign was a series of small campaigns, none of which had much lasting effect on the war.

Fourth Campaign

  • AKA- "The Broken Campaign"

Invasion of Rii

  • January 21, 1007, the RIM enters Rii and begins a TO as Riombaran forces retreat in the face of some 18-21k Enweil/LdB forces in Glongin.
  • January 25, 1007, the RIM retreats to Ruefillo as 10k Riombaran forces enter Rii and break the TO.

First Battle of Ardmore

  • January 26, 1007- A combined LdB and RIM army of about 12.5k attacks Ardmore and is completely defeated by 16.5k of Riombaran forces.


  • Irombrozian military might was shattered, and faith in our allies was somewhat weakened. Also, Riombara remained strong in the area while LdB had almost no army in the area, and Irombrozia barely had a man standing. This left the area ripe for Rio to reconsolidate their power

Fifth Campaign

  • AKA- "The Liberation Campaign"

Invasion and Liberation of Rii

  • February 2, the RIM enters Rii with about 3k forces.
  • February 3, the RIM begins a hostile TO of Rii, no looting, as usual.
  • February 4, in an amazingly brief TO, Rii is liberated from Riombara and brought under the Irombrozian banner.
  • February 7-10, 1007, RIombaran makes several half-hearted TO attempts on Rii, all thwarted.

First Battle of Eno

  • On February 10, 1007, Irombrozian forces attacked Eno in cooperation with Enweil and Luz de Bia.
  • 25k Enweil, LdB, Irombrozia vs. 13k KoA battle, KoA was defeated and annihilated.
  • 2k Irombrozian forces withdraw to Bolkenia, and defeat 3k attacking Riombaran forces in a small skirmish.

First Battle of Irombro

  • February 11, 1007, 4k Irombrozian forces in Irombro are defeated by 14k Riombaran forces attacking, and begin razing the walls, but no looting or TO begin.
  • Later on february 11, 1007, 1,000 CS of Irombrozian troops are defeated by 10k Rio CS.

Occupation of Irombrozia

  • February 11-14, 1007, the 14k Riombara troops disperse. About 4k remain in Irombro, and about 4k go to Rii, while the other 2-3k remaining after the Battle of Irombro scatter in Bolkenia and Ruefillo. Irombrozia's walls are reduced to Level 4, and a TO is begun in Rii. That TO fails, and a second is begun.
  • February 14, 1007, about 2.5k CS Irombrozian forces rally and attack Rii, and are defeated by 7k Rio forces. The TO continues
  • February 15, 1007, small skirmishes continue as Riombaran troops withdraw northwards. The TO of Rii fails.
  • February 16, 1007, 5k Alluranian forces invade Bolkenia. Total Irombrozian CS is about 1,200 CS at this time.


  • Irombro's walls are greatly hurt, production is hurt some, and Irombrozia is, on the one hand, shaken. It isn't nearly so hard a blow as the Sack had been... but it is a large setback. On the other hand, it is a good experience. It clears out many unwanted militia, and many Irombrozians were encouraged by their ability to resist the Riombaran campaign. This campaign is a victory for Riombara, but not so great a victory as it could have been.

Sixth Campaign

  • AKA- Escalation Campaign

TO of Bolkenia

  • KoA has 6k in Bolkenia and from February 16 until February 21 runs one Hostile Takeover, and 2 or 3 Brutal Takeovers. One Alluranian TL loots against orders two times.
  • Irombrozia lodges numerous complaints against Alluranian brutality while recruiting troops in Irombro.

First Battle of Bolkenia

  • February 20 4.5k Irombrozian forces move into Bolkenia but, strangely, no battle is fought. For a whole day Alluranian and Bolkenian forces have a standoff and shout insults at each other.
  • February 21 5,107 Irombrozian CS attack 5,908 Alluranian CS and are defeated. The Irombrozian hero Lou dies in battle, but the TO of Bolkenia is broken.
  • Alluranian forces retreat to Eno to refitt, and Irombrozian forces largely begin to retreat to Irombro.

Retreat and Refit

  • February 21-24 Irombrozian forces retreat to Irombro and refit as fast as possible. We are able to amass an army larger than our previous one, but not by a vast amount. Unfortunately, Alluran is also able to amass a larger army than before.
  • February 22-23 we send a small TO force to Ruefillo but, unfortunately, do not have sufficient troops to run a TO.
  • February 24 we move back into Bolkenia.

Second Battle of Bolkenia

  • February 24, 1007, in a battle of roughly 4.5k vs. 6k we are again defeated, but inflict high enough casualties to break the TO.
  • In the aftermath of the battle Irombrozia retreats to Irombro, and many Alluranians withdraw to Eno, but a sizeable force remains in Bolkenia.