
From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 07:55, 7 September 2006 by ESP (talk | contribs) (removing from places catagory)
Realm Eston
Duchy of Belegrond
Local Lord none
Region Type Stronghold
Gold 195 gold
Food 167 bushels
Weather Area North Tundra
Famous landmarks

  • Thanatos Stronghold

A near-impenetrable fortress, shielded from one side by the vast mountains of Moramroth, and by a 12-foot thick, 30-foot high massive granite wall on the other side. There is no way through the wall, if you want to take the fortress, you have to scale the walls. The stronghold is deigned in such a way that a small force can defend it from a much larger army, something that Norland has experienced the hard way. They attacked the fortress with a vast army when it was protected by only a handful of soldiers and sentries, and they were driven off the walls time and time again. The top of the walls have only a narrow walkway, so attacking forces have to tread carefully to avoid risking a deadly plunge. Only the strongest infantrymen can defend the walls, as they are the best when it comes to pushing back attack ladders and fighting man-to-man on the narrow ledges. The fortress keep has space for up to 8 garrisons of archers, who are able to cover the entire length of the wall with archer fire, creating a second, very deadly line of defense. Thanatos Stronghold is currently governed by Duke Hades Reaver.