Talk:Toren Herald/Old Issues/Karibash

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Welcome to the ranks of the South-East Island newspapers! It's glad to see more and more competition turning up! When it rains, it pours! -- Dennis, Editor of the Taselak Tribune

A large welcome from the Ikalakian Times as well, its good to see aother paper up and running :) Kainaq - Editor of the Ikalakian Times

The prophet of Tor congratulates you on a job well done. --Widfara Exiled 17:41, 16 November 2006 (CET)

Nice little paper! --Habap 22:28, 12 December 2006 (CET)

Still alive?

Has the Toren Herald deserted the realm also? I've seen several nobles switch to Taselak or Ikalak. Did the paper desert also? --Habap 21:23, 8 January 2007 (CET)

Glad to see you have not folded. Thanks for the correction on the office which Maximus holds. Do you seriously think that your Toren leaders are not getting bribes for duping their nobles in this war? As yet, we have been unable to verify the rumors that this occurred. Just trying to be fair and balanced in our reporting. --Habap 13:50, 24 January 2007 (CET)
As one of the leaders high up in Toren, I KNOW that there is no payments... Smooth move on that one. Reporting? You're little more than a propoganda machine! It's quite funny. Run on and spread more lies, just be ready to taste MY blade. George the Hippy 17:55, 31 January 2007 (CET)


Actually, when you are in an enemy capital, you can visit their bank and send money to someone in that realm. I'm surprised you didn't figure this out when we were in Sandalak City. Thus, an Ikalakan could easily have slipped into Toren Stronghold and bought off your leaders. It's a shame they didn't share any of it with you. --Habap 15:40, 10 February 2007 (CET)

Oh, I thought of another method - they could have given the money to a noble who changed realms from Ikalak to Toren and that noble could have transferred the money internally. --Habap 15:42, 10 February 2007 (CET)

Erm... you can't. They 'refuse to serve foreign nobles'. And no Toren have defected to Ikalak in... 3 months? But at least it only took you a month to get an snappy remark. I think the snap faded though.

There are other ways to have done it. I didn't respond for so long because it's not very important. Either your leaders were bribed or they are incompetent. If you insist that they are simply incompetent, I can accept that. If you insist. --Habap 23:21, 12 February 2007 (CET)
Ha ha, very funny. I have yet to see Taselak actually threaten Toren. The leaders are not incompetent, we've managed to survive this long. Taselak on the other hand, is actually bleeding to death. Sorry :) George the Hippy 22:21, 13 February 2007 (CET)
Survive? By whoring yourself out to Ikalak, you mean? 'Survival' implies that you are facing overwhelming odds, which you aren't exactly facing, now are you? Let's see how long you survive if Taselak is defeated and it's Toren against Ikalak. You may not realise it right now, but they will be the victors if this pathetic 2-on-1 war keeps going. They'll simply blitz your northern regions while keeping a force in the south. Also, your leaders are in fact imcompetent, as they botched up the latest assault on Falens. In case you hadn't noticed yet, we just took Lesthem and Seggelin, and we're in the process of taking Kail. Our army is stronger than yours, our realm is larger than yours. But yes, I can see why you're under the impression that you're doing a good job. Let's face the facts: if it wasn't for Ikalak bailing you out time and time again, Toren would be a non-factor by now. For a lap dog, you're not doing a very good job. - Sennianus the Mad Andrasta 22:32, 13 February 2007 (CET)