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"There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable."

Introduction to Gymnistism

Greetings dear child,

You have entered the Holy Temple of Gymnistism, the religion that was born at the sandy and sunny beaches of Avamar Selective. Where the people enjoy themselves without frontiers, making love, swimming in the friendly Chaos Sea, partying all night long and generally enjoying every aspect of life.

Those who follow us must have the strength to face the naked and often cruel truth in the eye and stand "naked" in front of the Eyes of the Goddesses. Remember! The Goddesses aren't offended by your body!

How to Get Started Being Naked

It's simple. There's really only one step, which costs nothing and requires very little time:

Take your clothes off! Yes my child, take your clothes off. And by clothes we don t mean only those that cover your body, but those that cover your heart and mind as well.

Faith my child is a big word. Do you believe? Are you certain you believe? Certainty, in fact, is not fertile ground for spiritual growth. It is only when we are seeking and searching that we are “open” to new truths. Some of the worst things that have been done by humanity have been (and are still being) done by those who have been absolutely sure they were absolutely right! Those with war ideals for example, dressed up like saviours of the World and convinced they apply Justice when the naked truth would prove them as murderers! But what are they without their shinning armours? Naked, as you my child!

Our Church believes in Freedom, in Justice, in Democracy! In Love and Peace! And our beloved Goddesses stand for every single one of them!

Welcome to the Church of Gymnistism!

Release yourself from any kind of clothing your body and soul wear.


Our Church praises the three Great Goddesses: Freedomia, Democratia and Lustia.

These are the Three Sisters that came to life from the body of The One Great Master Ottom.

The Three Sisters are the Protectors of the People. There are dozens of minor Deities and Semi-Godesses that enrich the Pantheon of Gymnistsism. The key to get the blessing of all is only one: Nudity

Many will hurry to call us heretics, or perverts! But a naked body can t hurt anyone! The People must accept who they really are and must have the strength to stay naked infront of anyone with only weapon their sensuality and their pure feelings. Evil or Good it doesn t matter, just stand naked, honest and truthful!

Our Church stands for Freedom, Justice, Democracy, Peace, Love, Equity and Nudism! Besides,in front of the eyes of the Gods we are all naked, no clothing or mask can hide who we really are. It's time that we decide to stand naked in front of Them and face their Judgement and through their punishment find the path to purification.

The principles of our religious order strictly forbids forceful convertions of followers. Only voluntarily, People, can see the naked Truth! No power, Divine or Human, can force the People to a certain belief.

The Pantheon of Gymnistism

There are countless major and minor Deities that the followers of Gymnsitism praise. Namely we mention the most important of them. Feel free to seek for more information on them.

Major Godesses

Freedomia is the Godess of Freedom.Those who were blessed enough to see her, said that she bares marks in her both hands from the chains of God Ottom. Moreover her face and body is full of hideous scars made by those Gods and mortals that hated and oppressed her due the eternity. But Finally Freedomia was set free after seducing her captors and now reigns in the blessed Island of Avamar Selective. Freedomia fights for the freedom of speech of all the People. Everyone has the right to speak up his mind and opinion, everyone is responsible for his actions, and everyone is competent for his own affairs. Freedomia stands for the view that very rarely those that lead are the ones that should decide as well. Becoming Her Follower will make you an eternal warrior of Freedom

Democratia is the Godess of equal chance and value for everyone. Not only you must have the right to speak freely but your opinion must have the same value as everyone's else. In the Church of Gymnistism and in the Island of Avamar Selective, your opinion and vote shall be valued as equal even with the Pontifex himself. Becoming Her Follower will make you an eternal Warrior of Democracy

Lustia is the Godess of Love and unstopabble Lust. Because life isn t just speaking and voting! Lustia is here to remind this to the People. No war,no pain,no suffer and no government can take away your sensuality and thirst for love. Trust yourself in her hands and you will enter the Realm of hedonism. Becoming Her Follower requires constant (daily) participation to activities that praise what she represents.

Lesser Godesses, Minor Deities and Semi-Goddesses

Justicia is the Godess of Justice, daughter of Democratia (Democratia became pregnant due to pathenogenesis). She fights for Justice, often in close co-ooperation with her Mother and her Aunts or with lesser Godesses. It is said that She is always fair but She doesn't hesitate to chop the heads off injust, dishonourable and ignoble people. Strangely enough, Justicia is not very popular among the Islanders, as She is the Guardian Godess of Lawyers and Judges.

Conan the Dancing Queen is the Semi-God (?) of All Strange Things. He is "son" of Lustia and a mortal Barbarian. Conan is the only somehow "War" Deity as "He" protects the soldiers and men at arms by sacrificing himself in every battle.

Timoria the Punisher is daughter of Freedomia and of an uknown father (it is speculated that Freedomia became pregnant during her long captivity, so most probably her father is a God of another religion, one of those that kept Freedomia imprisoned for so long. Her only purpose is to take revenge from those that tortured her Mother.

Queen of the Horn-Owls is daughter and assistant of Timoria and Democratia(thus Grandaughter of Freedomia, nice of Conan and Justicia but also cousin and sister to them). She was born when Her Mothers united to one Being to withstand an assault made by the Deamon King with the Pointy Ears whose Name Shall Never Be Mentioned. Queen always appears accompanied by a flock of Horn-Owls, which are Her familiars. With her greatTwo-Handed Sword, She protetcs all those that travel or remain active at night. Usually she castrates bandits and other scums that dare to interfere with peaceful night travelers and guards. She is particularly cruel when she deals with Assasins working at the shadows or at night.

Avamarinus Prosfygus one of the oldest and most peculiar Minor Gods of unknown sex, appearence and origin. It has many followers though as it is the protector of all Refugees, Emmigrants, Exiled, Vagabonds, Wanderers and Homelesses

Sea Mistress Delaya She is the Godess of all waters. She is the favour deity of the Seafarers, Sailors and Infiltrators as she commands the seas and the weather and She can cause great travel delays to Her enemies or speed up the travels of Her followers. Delaya is worshipped by most Islanders.

Chaosia The Daughter of Chaos She the semi-godess of Chaos Sea and of all Chaotic Creatures that lurks beneath the endless water. Chaosia is daughter of Sea Mistress Delaya and a of a Sea Deamon. She often interfere to things outside Her Realm (particularly when she fancies a man, woman, animal or deamon that live on the Islands), causing chaotic situations, misunderstandings, arguments and disagreements.

And remember:

All things are completely naked and widely opened in front of the eyes of the Goddesses