Itorunt Informer/December '06

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Revision as of 18:52, 1 December 2006 by The1exile (talk | contribs) (whoops typo)
1st round... god that hurts...
The Itorunt Informer
Free, although we like it when you throw money.
Written by Valdid Juramona, and San Exiled, and Thray Walsh pretends to work here but doesn't really.
Bringing you the best of the press from Itorunt, but missing our past editors. November Edition


New month, off with a bang

Several new pieces of news. Firstly, our army system has been a success as far as I can see - the army of Semall has been successfully integrated and I have been made marshal by the grace of Duke Robert.

Also, Sir Emanuel, the Count of Zawr, announced that he has the intention to be founding Itorunt's first religious when he has gathered enough funds for the task. This is good news following concerns that Itorunt's nobles were mostly indifferent to religion. I myself have this explained by my path in the Guardians of Twilight religion, but many others have no calling whatsoever.

We will keep you updated on how things turn out.


Comments for this month

Thray's comments

None Yet (and likely to stay that way, since he's lazy)

Valdid's comments

None Yet

San's comments

We'll miss Ichigo here at the II. We wish him much happiness and lots of pie in future.
Yay, I'm Marshal!