Sinweaver Family

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Revision as of 03:28, 30 September 2006 by Sinweaver (talk | contribs)

General Sinweaver Family History

Hailing from Eldoret on the East Continent, the Sinweaver Family gained its wealth from the lucrative mining industry in the area. For many generations Sinweaver family members have worked the mines, eventually becoming a major competitor in the Ubent iron market. Now, thanks to the hard work of past generations, all male Sinweaver family members are sent to the Academy in Castle Ubent in the hopes that it may one day lead them to a successful military career.

Individual Family Members

Although the Sinweaver family tree has many branch houses, as of yet only three siblings from the main house have gained any status in their military careers worthy of mention.

Lothar Sinweaver

Vital Statistics

Age: 28
Sex: Male
Occupation: Mentor
Title: Baron of Eldoret
Status: Active


First born male of the main house of the Sinweaver Family, Lothar was the favorite from an early age and deemed most likely to have the best chance of a successful military career on the East Continent. After serving as a faithful troopleader in Ubent for a year, Lothar was appointed to lordship of Eldoret, his hometown. He still serves Ubent in that capacity to this day, as well as serving as a mentor for future generations of nobles and troopleaders.


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Bellonngian Sinweaver

Vital Statistics

Age: 23
Sex: Male
Occupation: Cavalier
Title: Count of Lorient
Status: Active


Younger brother of Lothar, Bellonngian left Ubent in order to gain a military career in a realm out of his brother's shadow. He chose to join Perdan, a geographically nearby realm and (then) ally to Ubent. He served in Perdan throughout two years of near constant war, political turmoil, and internal strife, all the time staying loyal to the ideals of the Perdanese people. Today he serves Perdan as Count of Lorient.

Bellonngian is unique in Perdan in that he is the only troopleader that commands Special Forces soldiers into battle. His unit, the ANBU, is part of Perdan's Crimson Wing (PCW), the largest battle group in Perdan's military. The word ANBU means "dark side" but is actually an acronym for "Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai", or Assassination Tactics Special Force. The ANBU is an incredibly elite and bloodthirsty group of the most skilled, viscious, and unscrupulous warriors in all of Perdan. Men who would "slit their mothers' throats if paid to do it" as Bellonngian himself once described them. In short, men skilled in only one thing: killing. Their extreme lust for battle has gotten them into trouble on several occasions, as they were once involved in an incident where they attacked Ubentian soldiers on Ubentian land due to a severe miscommunication by Gary, Bellonngian's usually trustworthy personal scribe.


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Suzy Sinweaver

Vital Statistics

Age: 20
Sex: Female
Occupation: Hero
Title: Noble
Status: Active


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