Greater Aenilia

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Greater Aenilia

Greater Aenilia was forged from the ashes of the old order and although secular, its offical religion is dedicated to the protection, preservation, worship and glorification of the Aenil. In addition to this, through the incorporation of the Arch-Priest into the Council hierarchy, we have ensured that the Church has some say in the government.

The Lands and Lords of Greater Aenilia

The Duchies, their Lords and their Vassal Regions

Orphen - Duke of Idapur

• Dawn - Countess of Erahol

• Tharion - Count of Ornaz, Marshal of the Army of Nahad

Luyten - Arch-Priest of Greater Aenilia, Duke of Nahad

The House of Lords Hierarchy

• Caerid - King of Greater Aenilia

• The High Council of Greater Aenilia

• Orphen - First Lord of the House

• Luyten - Second Lord of the House

• Tharion - Lord of the House

• Dawn - Lord of the House

• Igna - Lord of the House

Brief History of Greater Aenilia

In the days preceeding the creation of Greater Aenilia, the Far East was on the verge of continental conflict. The realms of Ethiala and Taith Aenil, formerly close friends, had fallen into a brutal conflict. The war was primarily caused by Taith Aenil's earlier actions in invading the founding city of Ethiala, Talex and Ethiala's overwhelming superiority in numbers, along with the assistance of their allies, was resulting in what would inevitably be the end of Taith Aenil.

During the times of this war, a young noble by the name of Luyten, a former Taith Aenilian turned Ethialan, was a strong supporter of the war which was to result in the destruction of Taith Aenil. He believed that the Vandaenil, under the command of Arella, the Arcangela and founder of Taith Aenil, had become corrupt with her power and a descended into the deepest forms of heresy against the faith. Having left Taith Aenil several months before, Luyten became an influential Lord and military figure within Ethiala, as well as a senior member of the Ethialan Senate.

With Ethialan involvement in the war in the north with Arcaea, Taith Aenil attacked Hupar and caused Ethialan retaliation. As the armies of Ethiala, Lasanar and the Antoza Commonwealth overran the vastly outnumbered Taith Aenilian forces, the figurehead Pontifex of Taith Aenil, Orphen, came to King Osric and Luyten with a plan. This plan would involve the secession of the traditional capital and founding city of Taith Aenil, Idapur into a new realm which would be free from the heresy which had clouded the path of the Vandaenil.

After two weeks of careful planning and negotiation, the act to create the new realm of Greater Aenilia was performed, as Luyten left his adopted home of Ethiala to return to Idapur and fulfill the destiny which he revealed to the Taith Aenilians when he departed. Idapur was seceeded as Luyten became the founder of this new realm, not ruled by the Church, but a secular realm whose offical religion became the worship of the Aenil. The true mark of the Aenil were gleaned from the usurping heretics and as the armies of Greater Aenilia marched upon Nahad, the last stronghold of the heretics, it was clear that the will of the Aenil had spoken, and Luyten's actions were blessed. The story continues....

Current History of Greater Aenilia

Through the divine inspiration and strength of the Aenil, Luyten, first King of Greater Aenilia was able to form the realm and lead the armies of Aenilia to their first victory. In this civil war with Taith Aenil, the heretics were relegated down to their last city, the stronghold of Nahad. But, with the assistance of their closest ally Ethiala, the valiant troops and their Nobles from Greater Aenilia were able to defeat Kali, last of the old guard, and take the city.

Following the capture of the city and the destruction of the last remnants of Taith Aenil, much was done to restore the lands from the turmoil of the previous weeks. Lords were appoint where available, the government was reformed and the temples and guilds of the Vandaenil were cast down and replaced by new ones, constructed by Luyten and Orphen. After these works were achieved, Luyten stepped down to allow Greater Aenilia its first free elections.

These elections were an historic event and incapulsated Greater Aenilia as the nobles chose who would lead them into the next era of Greater Aenilian existence. The two main candidates for election were Caerid, a former Ethialan noble, and Orphen, former Pontifex of Taith Aenil and co-founder of Greater Aenilia. To everyone's surprise, Caerid was elected as the ruler of Aenilia by a large majority. From then on further infrastructural works were implemented as the cities of Idapur and Nahad were outfitted with palaces and the like. During this time, the first Temple of the Magna Aenilia Ecclesia was constructed in Idapur, and was followed by another in Nahad. Orphen, who had long been a religious figure became the first Priest of the faith, and was soon followed by Bronhogen.

Allies and friends were made, and some enemies came, but all in all the first 100 days of Greater Aenilia's existence were untroubled, until the war in the south-east came....

Structure of Greater Aenilia's Government

Greater Aenilia is formed as a constitutional monarchy, the rights of the Nobles are protected by law and the primary governing and advisory body is House of Lords. Customarily this House will consist of all Council members, along with every landed Noble in the realm. In recent times however, under the request of the King, further Nobles have been added as honorary members due to their service to the realm. Hierarchy in the House derives from position.

The King is on a level of his own, however the Duke of Idapur as the Lord of the capital city holds the title of First Lord of the House and is in the position to rule the realm in the Council's stead if all other Council members are incapcitated. Below the First Lord comes the second, the rest of the House are given the title of Lord, however have no determining rank apart from their seat within the House. Outside the High Council and the House of Lords, the Nobles are all protected by law to express their opinions about any governmental action, and should the direction of the Council or the House be disagreed with, a two-thirds majority may overturn the decision. The House of Lords also acts as the High Courts of the realm.

Greater Aenilia and Diplomacy

Greater Aenilia is a realm which is devoted to peaceful methods of negotiation, and has striven for peace with almost every realm in the Far East. Currently, Aenilia maintains peace treaties with many realms, and of course, an alliance with their closest friend and ally in Ethiala. Recently, Caerid, the second King of Aenilia chose to enter into another alliance, this time with the League of Anacan to the south-east. This decision however has turned sour with war springing up involving the League, and Greater Aenilia becoming involved.

Greater Aenilia, the Military and the Justice system

The Greater Aenilian military is one which has so far, been untested against an enemy apart from the disorganised rabble of Taith Aenil. However, under the leadership of their current High Marshal they have been formed into BattleGroups and continue to train their troops in the hopes that, when the time comes one day to defend Aenilia or her allies, they will be ready.

The Greater Aenilian justice system is based around the decisions of the Arch-Priest, a member of the Church. Many of her laws revolve around maintaining the honour of the nobles, the realm and the Church. In this case, because Greater Aenilia has such a history, a higher standard of behaviour is enforced, but it is nothing which would inhibit the rights of any Noble within the realm. If in the case of a Noble who is punished wishes to appeal the decision of the Arch-Priest, then he must submit such a request to the House who will then decide upon the issue. Should the House of Lord's reach a unanimous decision, the Arch-Priest must comply.

Greater Aenilia
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Location of Greater Aenilia
Continent / Island Far East
Capital Idapur
Largest City Idapur
Government System Monarchy


Region Numbers 4
Population 44400
Food Production 424 bushels