The Blackest Bible

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The Blackest Bible.

The Blackest Bible is a uniformed dogma and guide to those who seek to summon destruction, chaos or the laws of evil upon the entire world. Those who read from it with desire to apply its wisdom are often labeled members of The Blackest Cult. The passages of this bible are ever growing and fully evil in its truest form. The Bible seeks to destroy both the reader and itself in its text. Evil consumes at different paces for different evils, but all forms of darkness agree that evil is the truest nature of the beast of man. Read for whatever reasons you wish, but remember that the Blackest Bible is more then just a book created by zealot mad men. It is the true word of all prophets of the natural force of darkness and chaos. Behold the tidbits of information with a careful mind’s eye, for not everything here is true, nor is one thing entirely false. Welcome to the Blackest Bible.


To agree to serve evil and bring it to fruit, a man must agree that the idea of evil is one of dogma and symbolism. Evil is less real then the wind. It has no shape or true material weight. It cannot be proven or dispelled by fact or magic. Evil is a common concept invented by those who doubly support the falsehood known as “good’. There is no such force at work in the universe. The reality we exist within has no governing laws to control the path of planets, plants or people. The philosophy of good/evil is one created by man. Man may call you evil for embracing your desires or accepting your rightful place among animals. For this reason we accept their title as a figurehead of our movement. Evil could also be described in such fashion as- “A false doctrine forced on those who seek total enlighten through desire, gluttony and worship of the animal rights of man”

The creation of langue and law has painted this false thing called “evil” to really exist when in reality it is just a meaningless word with no chemical or material makeup. An evil man can be loving, gentile, kind, generous and honest just as any alignment of moral. It is only the racist nature of man that projects the word “evil” on those who embrace the universal truths of life. We will adopt this cloak as garments of ceremony. As a magnificent banner to march under."

We allow “evil” to describe us because it shuns most men. Those who think Evil is a real object or force are already under the influence of the Shepard of “good”. Shepards influence sheep. Those who can look past the word of “evil” can only then fully evolve into a perfect being.


Another figment of the human mind. A disgusting nature that limits the natural desires of men. Good often seeks to bar man from lust, gluttony, rage, sloth, pride and many other natural desires of all living things. Good normally lords over the weak , promoting law over the free choice of men. Good is often seen as “right” even though it is a human’s normal desire to perform evil. Good is the long struggle, while Evil always represents the easiest and fastest way to achieve all goals. Good normally benefits the few at the helm of authority while limiting the common man’s desires and freedoms placed on him at birth. Good is the enemy of man’s freedom. Good is closest to the most noted definition of evil then any other object, force or being.

The titans

Do not fear these foolish beings. They are not present to twart evil or stop injustice. They are not "good" or filled with a light that drives to destroy "evil". If you are a black hearted man, the titans are powerless to stop your darkness in good view of "whats right". Publically laugh at the titans if a man threatens you with them. They are not heros or questing angels that take stances on subjects of good vs evil. In fact they are blind to such matters. The Titans can be seen as both evil and good, or not one of each. They are mighty in power and ability but they take no stance on matters of morality or alignment of one's soul. If others think your evil ways are crushing the good hearts of those around you, make them aware that you are not afriad of these flacid beings who take no care with the tiny wars of man.

OOC: The Titans are of course to be feared if you are ruining the game for other players or abusing the rules. Here is the quote from the Titan's page.

"The Titans' business is OOC things and only OOC things. They will not intervene because someone plays an evil ruler, or an arbitrary and unjust judge. They will not act on in-game nastiness or carnage. They will act if and only if there are OOC elements involved that are damaging the fun for someone or are violating the Social Contract or the Inalienable Rights.

The Blackest Cult does not support abusing the game or its rules, ruining the fun of the game, or in angering the titans directly. I personally am sorry for any time I accidently do so myself.

The 1st chapter

[The dragon vs the baby]: Shows how good created the idea of evil to confuse the natrual laws of the universe.

[The snake and the rat]: Shows how to deal with other evils who can help you.

[The Beloved Evil King]: Shows how to keep those around you feeling equal and friendly.

The dragon vs the baby

The good Noble had traveled to destroy the evil dragon. The dragon had spent years pillaging and eatng the countryside clean of its cattle and people. The King of the land had sent the Noble to end the dragon’s evil by slaying it dead in the cave it slept in.

After some time, the Noble had climbed the mountain to reach the Dragon’s cave and entered. When walking down the dark cave’s mouth, the Dragon was found overlooking a human baby. The creature was about to devour it for a midday snack before the Noble spoke.

Noble: Dragon! You doth Evil and I valiantly await to destroy you in battle! You have done many dark things that man has dubbed “evil” in its very essence, and I the “good” Noble shall slay you.

Dragon: (musing) Evil? What is this evil?

Noble: You eat our cattle!

Dragon: The gods made all animals to feed larger animals. The chain of food is long and unedited since the beginning of all things. Cows fit in my mouth, and they are numbered enough to feed me. I eat only to survive. They are not your cows, they are simply cows. And Dragons eat cows. It is not evil, it is the law of life. The universal law of life.

Noble: Dragon! You eat humans as well! This IS evil!

Dragon: But humans are simply smaller cows. Dragons are larger cows. And all cows are made to eat by the bigger beast. This is not evil, it is again, the universal law of life. Humans eat cows, so do dragons…Dragons also eat humans. This is just the way god made us, and it is nothing you call “evil”.

Noble: (musing) Well, maybe so! But that baby is innocent and not worthy of being eaten! THAT is evil!

Dragon: the baby is merely a smaller cow then you. Innocence? All animals are innocent. There is no defining laws declaring one animal more guilty then the next. To create such laws and force them on the natural design of any animal is unnatural in the greatest form! (dragon roars with rage)

Noble: Well, I hear by aware you that you as a natural animal should not eat what you have evolved to eat. That the natural laws of the universe do not apply to you NO MORE! It is good’s unnatural right to demand you cease being a dragon, and start being a dead thing that no longer lives by natural law!

Dragon: And what gives you the right to change the laws of life? Change the very nature of nature? To force a dragon to starve and cease being the animal he was born to be?

Noble: Man! Man and his ideas of good that we push on you! You are no longer allowed the life your kind are born to be. You are no longer allowed the freedom of nature and creature. The laws of the universe cease to rule in the face of good. All tings will bend to this new law or be slain like I shall now slay you.

The Noble rushed forward sword held high. The dragon devoured him in one swift move. The Knight was unaware of the natural dangers of dealing with an “evil” beast within his home. The idealism of good blinded him to his stupidity. The Dragon finished his meal with one tasty screaming baby. (Dharghoolien Proverb of nature)

The snake and the rat

A snake had called a rat a slithering fool. The rat retorted to the snake that it was vermin and without honor.

Both shook hands and agreed to kill the turtle together. (Proverb of Wargore)

The Beloved Evil King

The evil king sat among his advisors preparing to address his commonwealth. The head servant reminded the King that he was in great danger at all times. That his conquests and victories have cultivated a sea of jealousy and spite among those who plot against him. The King asked his advisor what he would have him do to limit any attacks on his person.

The advisor replied “Come with me to the fortress on the hill. There we can be safe from assassins and mercenaries who will undoubtedly try to murder us today”

The King responded as he always did. “Though I am an evil king, I commit my evils for the people of my land. My love for them is as great as my thirst for power. My kingdom is a garden of peace for the people. My kingdom showers its commoners and Nobles alike with freedom and happiness. I will not separate myself from my people to hide In the fortress on the hill”

The advisor was upset by this, and decided that he would go to the fortress himself and allow the king to die at the hands of those who surly plotted to strike this day. The advisor, you see, had secret reports detailing a plot to strike the King’s chambers to assassinate the hated among the elite. The reports were sound and correct, there were assassins in the kingdom, and they indeed plotted an attack. Pressing the issue no further, they advisor went to the fortress and allowed the king to enter the crowd without shareing the secret details of his findings.

The speech was wonderfully delivered to a cheering nation. The crowd had thrown roses and kisses the king’s way for his devotion to the realm. The King announced that he would be taking a cut in his earnings to increase the wealth of all within his realm. He openly refused gifts to celebrate his generosity, instead he allowed himself to have nothing more fabulous then his people owned. His made sure his cloths were no better then those who served him and that his luxuries did not number greater then those owned by his Nobles. He then announced a holiday on behalf of the people of his kingdom. The love was undying and the king entered the crowd to shake the thousands of hands that welcomed him. He was surrounded by a kingdom that loved him.

At that exact moment an assassin entered the fortress where the suspecting advisor rested. His chambers were filled with luxuries that the commoners could never afford. His cloths were of finer fabrics then all those of the land. His guards were under paid to insure the advisor’s wealth retained. The advisor never saw the assassin who was allowed entrance by the jealous underpaid guards. The advisor was found with his neck slit and cloths stolen. He was killed by a kingdom he never knew.

Moral of the story: Do not build fortresses to protect yourself. Isolation is dangerous. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Do not hoard or plot behind the common man's back. Instead, wallow in every man's shoes and never allow your happyness to rise above those who serve you. Only through being equal to your servants can you ever earn thier love and respect. Make those around you want your love, not want your belongings.