Talk:RedSpan Revealer/19th July 2006

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Might want to make it the 19th of July 2006 -- Sephirah Bishamon Family 19:51, 19 July 2006 (CEST)

War-Mongering ASI? We declare ONE war and we are war-mongers? Remember...RedSpan and Abington declared war on ASI the first time. RedSpan only lost Sullenport and Byblack precisely because that war was never concluded. We have declared war on only ONE nation since I've been King...because even the war with Carelia was one she declared on us--but that is old news, and has long since been settled. -- DRP Primus Family

Aye, it is often claimed by rapists: "I only raped her ONCE!" It takes only once to reveal your true nature, King of Snakes. This is the war you have always tried to deny you wanted, and even now, your ignorant buffoons of soldiers believe - or at least say - that it isn't a war at all! But your armies march on Abington. The truth accounts for itself. Olik 20:48, 19 July 2006 (CEST)

Indeed...just the way RedSpan declared war on Tara AND Carelia the first time, on ASI during another that is 3 wars from recent times that RedSpan declared...if ASI is a war-monger for doing it ONCE, then what is RedSpan for doing it 3 times, in the same time-frame? Funny how you compare war with Rape...for you see, ASI never loots and pillages her enemies...your people, on the other hand, used to make it their PRIMARY POLICY...not sure if that still stands since we haven't fought since those dark times. were trying to say, what exactly? DRP Primus Family

What YOU are saying is that "Hey, ASI isn't a warmongerer, because other nations warmongered!" A comparison is not a justification, particularly as it isn't Redspan you're invading now, but Abington. Two wrongs do not make a right and your sense of rationality is deeply missing. So to answer your question: your nation is mongering this war like a cheap Ashlantean streetwalker. Olik
I seem to remember a while ago. That ASI took advantage of Redspan in her vunerable state we had two huge armies at the doors of Stargard, but we could not do anything for which ever one we attacked would let the other one in. One of those armies was ASI and we had to let you take Sullenport just to keep you of our backs. There was much anger in the council. Some saying they would prefer death to giving ASI Sullenport. So to me that seems like bullying, a much larger realm is jealous of the smaller realm and wants his toys. So must resolve to threats and violence. ScottSabin 10:54, 20 July 2006 (CEST)
I'm sorry but you have not a leg to stand on! As I recall ASI graciously gave Sullenport back to Redspan after the Taran war. Did we have to? No. But we did. How did you repay this act of kindness? By taking advantage of ASI in her vulnerable state. You declared war and stole Byblack and Rogeshore from us while we were busy fighting for our lives and the islands that bear our name. Then later on you gleefully aided in the rape and plunder of Ash'rily. Is it any wonder then, that ASI might have had an axe to grind with Redspan considering all the harm she caused us? - Revan
I seem to recall that ASI wanted us to backstab Abby by joining them. We chose not to and joined our allies. ScottSabin 12:57, 20 July 2006 (CEST)