
From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 02:30, 16 June 2006 by Grontar (talk | contribs)
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Hi, I´m Fernando, i´m from Brazil, this one, Grontar is one of my characters, my favorite one. He´s from Caligus, and a member of the Stryfe Family. Yep, that´s the family I play, I found this name in a webcomic Zap in Space (so as all the names of my characters Grontar, Gunner and Naveed) you should check it out, it´s really good.

I found this game thanks to a friend, and I´m loving it!

Well time to get back and do some real work for University...I´ll write more latter

Oh and Grontar is also an editor of Caligan Courier go and check it for the news in East Continent