Church Of The Holy Sacred Grove/The New Temple/Nohl

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Nohl of the Sun / Lord of Light

Lord of Light

Nohl the Sun God is one of three Celestial Divines who directly affect the world. He connected his temple and his domain to create the sun. The sun is actually light coming from Nohl's domain, the Radiating Spires. He does not leave the top of his temple as he promised to his faithfuls but to prevent him from burning everything, Aerosa made the earth rotate except his temple located in the east of Iniarbel.

The Radiating Spires

Mortals such as elves and humans cannot survive the intense heat radiating from the spires. Mortals will be reduced to ashes within seconds. No mortal, even after death, dares to enter the ever illuminating realm of the Sun God. The domain itself is located just above the Emerald Halls.