Caligus/Battle Reports/Battle in Abadan 1/23/24

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Scribe Note, fresh this turn:

Battle in Abadan
1A 13th LegionAzerCaligus158 MIline  1452
2A Arden BowmenKenricCaligus35 Archskirmish  346
3A Chadwick's DefendersChadwickCaligus80 Archskirmish  625
4A Chaussier GuardsBlancheCaligus31 Infline  407
5A E I S E N R I T T E REisenritterCaligus153 MIskirmish  1333
6A Geoff's BanditoesGeoffreyCaligus77 Archline  608
7A Great hunters of ....AnastassiaCaligus76 Archskirmish  1101
8A GutrippasKoloyokCaligus43 MIline  521
9A LionguardGerardCaligus49 Cavwedge  876
10A Morkers MenGorker MorkerCaligus99 Archskirmish  1199
11A Mounted TorenGodric TórrarinCaligus114 Cavwedge  1651
12A Riding poetsGungirCaligus60 Cavwedge  1034
13A Swansong ArchersSeanCaligus65 SFskirmish  1568
14A The Golden HordeBjornCaligus50 SFskirmish  1178
15A The LuminariesLucienCaligus95 Archskirmish  1238
16A Witch HuntersFendorCaligus80 MIline  1034
17D 303rd ArchersJavPerleone123 Archskirmish  1309
18D Castle Isadril ArchersBarabbasPerleone155 Infline  1664
19D con Doin GuardsMatrimPerleone44 Infline  596
20D Golden ArchersAnnonPerleone90 Archline  1121
21D Highland FightersCosquePerleone50 Infline  416
22D Ibladesh EliteNicolaiPerleone60 SFskirmish  1305
23D Leibo's in LeotardsDantxPerleone60 SFskirmish  1368
24D Lions ArrowsMangusPerleone150 Archline  1561
25D Lions FireAnastasiaPerleone30 SFbox  662
26D Lions of the SouthLemricPerleone172 Infline  1841
27D Lions of the SouthMehoePerleone87 Infline  1138
28D Mormont RangersGreatjonPerleone70 SFskirmish  1483
29D O’Relaious GuardsTigerousPerleone39 Infline  637
30D People's Liberation ForceKirimanPerleone64 Archskirmish  763
31D Royal GreycloaksMarchussonPerleone81 SFskirmish  1444
32DRundry Town Guard(militia/guard unit)Perleone50 MIline  521
33D the black guardRobinPerleone34 Cavline  573
34D Wandering WraithsWightPerleone33 SFskirmish  558

16 attackers (31 Inf, 434 MI, 462 Arch, 223 Cav, 115 SF)
18 defenders (547 Inf, 50 MI, 427 Arch, 34 Cav, 334 SF)
Total combat strengths: 16171 vs. 18960

The region owner Perleone and their allies defend.
The Caligus troops attack because they are at war with Perleone.

A calm wind blows, to the joy of the archers.

Royal Nicolai Paxwax is spotted wielding the Battered Rod of Battle.
Royal Nicolai Paxwax is spotted wearing the Beasthide Helm of Sparky.
Distributor Mangus McGahee is spotted wearing the Bizarre Helm of the East Continent.
Protector Jav Lin is spotted wielding the Cursed Shield of Truth.
Knight Gorker Morker Flexible is spotted wearing the Helm of Evil.
Eisenritter Felsenbach, Patriarch of Caligus, Royal of Caligus, Duke of the Lion's Mane, Margrave of Akesh Temple, Marshal of the Wings of Retribution takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation.
Jav Lin, Protector of Perleone, Margrave of Isadril, Marshal of the Blazing Swords takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)
Turn No. 1

  11 (114-C)
12 (60-C)
2 (35-A)
7 (76-A)
9 (49-C)
15 (95-A)
1 (158-M)
3 (80-A)
5 (153-M)
6 (77-A)
8 (43-M)
10 (99-A)
13 (65-S)
14 (50-S)
16 (80-M)
4 (31-I)
  32 (50-M)
17 (123-A)
20 (90-A)
22 (60-S)
23 (60-S)
24 (150-A)
25 (30-S)
28 (70-S)
31 (81-S)
34 (33-S)
18 (155-I)
19 (44-I)
21 (50-I)
26 (172-I)
27 (87-I)
29 (39-I)
30 (64-A)
33 (34-C)

Royal Greycloaks (31) fire on Chaussier Guards (4), scoring 582 hits.
Morkers Men (10) fire on Rundry Town Guard (32), scoring 518 hits.
Leibo's in Leotards (23) fire on Chaussier Guards (4), scoring 315 hits.
The Golden Horde (14) fire on Rundry Town Guard (32), scoring 524 hits.
Chadwick's Defenders (3) fire on Rundry Town Guard (32), scoring 131 hits.
People's Liberation Force (30) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
303rd Archers (17) fire on Chaussier Guards (4), scoring 279 hits.
Gutrippas (8) move closer to get better shots.
E I S E N R I T T E R (5) move closer to get better shots.
Rundry Town Guard (32) fire on E I S E N R I T T E R (5), scoring 63 hits.
Great hunters of .... (7) move closer to get better shots.
Swansong Archers (13) fire on Rundry Town Guard (32), scoring 401 hits.
Ibladesh Elite (22) fire on E I S E N R I T T E R (5), scoring 282 hits.
The Luminaries (15) move closer to get better shots.
Witch Hunters (16) move closer to get better shots.
Geoff's Banditoes (6) fire on Rundry Town Guard (32), scoring 150 hits.
Lions Fire (25) fire on Witch Hunters (16), scoring 243 hits.
Arden Bowmen (2) move closer to get better shots.
Golden Archers (20) fire on E I S E N R I T T E R (5), scoring 218 hits.
Wandering Wraiths (34) fire on Gutrippas (8), scoring 204 hits.
Lions Arrows (24) fire on Witch Hunters (16), scoring 593 hits.
13th Legion (1) move closer to get better shots.
Mormont Rangers (28) fire on 13th Legion (1), scoring 805 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 3584, Defenders: 1724
the black guard (33) stay in their defensive position, awaiting an opportunity to charge.
Riding poets (12), Mounted Toren (11) and Lionguard (9) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
Lions of the South (26) stay behind their camp fortifications.
Castle Isadril Archers (18) stay behind their camp fortifications.
Highland Fighters (21) stay behind their camp fortifications.
con Doin Guards (19) stay behind their camp fortifications.
Chaussier Guards (4) advance towards the enemy.
O’Relaious Guards (29) and Lions of the South (27) advance towards the enemy.

Gutrippas (8) take 204 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties.
E I S E N R I T T E R (5) take 563 hits from archer fire, which cause 14 casualties.
Rundry Town Guard (32) take 1724 hits from archer fire, which cause 46 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors.
Chaussier Guards (4) take 1176 hits from archer fire, which cause 25 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors.
Blanche Chaussier, Dame of Viseu has been wounded by Leibo's in Leotards (23).
Witch Hunters (16) take 836 hits from archer fire, which cause 18 casualties.
Fendor Windbreaker, Exarch of Coin of Caligus, Count of Aureus has been wounded by Lions Fire (25).
13th Legion (1) take 805 hits from archer fire, which cause 23 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 3584 (0 from close combat and 3584 from ranged), Defenders: 1724 (0 from close combat and 1724 from ranged)
Total casualties: 88 attackers, 46 defenders

Turn No. 2

    2 (35-A)
3 (80-A)
6 (77-A)
7 (76-A)
10 (99-A)
11 (114-C)
12 (60-C)
13 (65-S)
14 (50-S)
15 (95-A)
1 (135-M)
5 (139-M)
8 (35-M)
9 (49-C)
16 (62-M)
    17 (123-A)
20 (90-A)
22 (60-S)
23 (60-S)
24 (150-A)
25 (30-S)
27 (87-I)
28 (70-S)
29 (39-I)
31 (81-S)
34 (33-S)
18 (155-I)
19 (44-I)
21 (50-I)
26 (172-I)
30 (64-A)
33 (34-C)

Ibladesh Elite (22) fire on 13th Legion (1), scoring 528 hits.
Mormont Rangers (28) fire on E I S E N R I T T E R (5), scoring 175 hits.
Wandering Wraiths (34) fire on E I S E N R I T T E R (5), scoring 157 hits.
The Golden Horde (14) fire on Lions Arrows (24), scoring 285 hits.
Lions Arrows (24) fire on Lionguard (9), scoring 257 hits.
Chadwick's Defenders (3) move closer to get better shots.
Golden Archers (20) fire on Witch Hunters (16), scoring 509 hits.
People's Liberation Force (30) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Witch Hunters (16) move closer to get better shots.
Lions Fire (25) fire on Witch Hunters (16), scoring 362 hits.
Great hunters of .... (7) move closer to get better shots.
Geoff's Banditoes (6) move closer to get better shots.
13th Legion (1) move closer to get better shots.
Morkers Men (10) move closer to get better shots.
Gutrippas (8) move closer to get better shots.
E I S E N R I T T E R (5) move closer to get better shots.
Royal Greycloaks (31) fire on E I S E N R I T T E R (5), scoring 490 hits.
303rd Archers (17) fire on Gutrippas (8), scoring 727 hits.
Leibo's in Leotards (23) fire on 13th Legion (1), scoring 382 hits.
Arden Bowmen (2) move closer to get better shots.
Swansong Archers (13) fire on Lions of the South (27), scoring 430 hits.
The Luminaries (15) move closer to get better shots.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 3587, Defenders: 715
Riding poets (12), Lionguard (9) and Mounted Toren (11) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
the black guard (33) ride on, closing in on the enemy.
con Doin Guards (19), Highland Fighters (21), Lions of the South (26), O’Relaious Guards (29), Lions of the South (27) and Castle Isadril Archers (18) advance towards the enemy.

Lions Arrows (24) take 259 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties.
Lionguard (9) take 257 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
Witch Hunters (16) take 871 hits from archer fire, which cause 19 casualties.
Fendor Windbreaker, Exarch of Coin of Caligus, Count of Aureus has been wounded by Lions Fire (25).
13th Legion (1) take 910 hits from archer fire, which cause 26 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Gutrippas (8) take 727 hits from archer fire, which cause 27 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Koloyok Sethar, Count of Winkamus has been wounded by 303rd Archers (17).
E I S E N R I T T E R (5) take 822 hits from archer fire, which cause 21 casualties.
Lions of the South (27) take 430 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 3587 (0 from close combat and 3587 from ranged), Defenders: 689 (0 from close combat and 689 from ranged)
Total casualties: 98 attackers, 17 defenders

Turn No. 3

    13 (65-S)
14 (50-S)
2 (35-A)
3 (80-A)
6 (77-A)
7 (76-A)
10 (99-A)
15 (95-A)
5 (118-M)
11 (114-C)
12 (60-C)
16 (43-M)
9 (44-C)
27 (78-I)
29 (39-I)
33 (34-C)
17 (123-A)
18 (155-I)
19 (44-I)
20 (90-A)
21 (50-I)
22 (60-S)
23 (60-S)
24 (142-A)
25 (30-S)
26 (172-I)
28 (70-S)
31 (81-S)
34 (33-S)
30 (64-A)

Leibo's in Leotards (23) fire on Lionguard (9), scoring 691 hits.
Ibladesh Elite (22) fire on Lionguard (9), scoring 1112 hits.
The Golden Horde (14) fire on Lions of the South (27), scoring 668 hits.
Great hunters of .... (7) fire on O’Relaious Guards (29), scoring 398 hits.
E I S E N R I T T E R (5) fire on the black guard (33), scoring 352 hits.
303rd Archers (17) fire on Lionguard (9), scoring 431 hits.
Golden Archers (20) fire on Lionguard (9), scoring 714 hits.
Chadwick's Defenders (3) fire on O’Relaious Guards (29), scoring 226 hits.
Lions Fire (25) fire on Lionguard (9), scoring 353 hits.
Lions Arrows (24) fire on Lionguard (9), scoring 671 hits.
Arden Bowmen (2) fire on the black guard (33), scoring 91 hits.
Swansong Archers (13) fire on Lions of the South (27), scoring 514 hits.
Morkers Men (10) fire on the black guard (33), scoring 424 hits.
The Luminaries (15) fire on O’Relaious Guards (29), scoring 757 hits.
Mormont Rangers (28) fire on Lionguard (9), scoring 811 hits.
Witch Hunters (16) fire on the black guard (33), scoring 246 hits.
Geoff's Banditoes (6) fire on Lions of the South (27), scoring 206 hits.
Wandering Wraiths (34) fire on Lionguard (9), scoring 339 hits.
Royal Greycloaks (31) fire on Lionguard (9), scoring 704 hits.
People's Liberation Force (30) fire on Lionguard (9), scoring 344 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 6170, Defenders: 3882
Lionguard (9) charge forward.
Mounted Toren (11) and Riding poets (12) charge ahead, into the defenders' ranks.
the black guard (33) charge ahead, into the attackers' ranks.
Highland Fighters (21), con Doin Guards (19), Lions of the South (26) and Castle Isadril Archers (18) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Center Line):
31 Caligus banners are visible in the melee.
E I S E N R I T T E R (5) score 237 hits on the black guard (33).
Witch Hunters (16) score 236 hits on the black guard (33).
the black guard (33) score 229 hits on Witch Hunters (16).
the black guard (33) score 791 hits on E I S E N R I T T E R (5).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 1020, Defenders: 473

Close Combat (Defender Line 2):
2 Caligus banners are visible in the melee.
21 Perleone banners are visible in the melee.
Mounted Toren (11) score 1272 hits on O’Relaious Guards (29).
Mounted Toren (11) score 2939 hits on Lions of the South (27).
O’Relaious Guards (29) score 612 hits on Mounted Toren (11).
Lionguard (9) score 1357 hits on Castle Isadril Archers (18).
Lionguard (9) score 402 hits on Highland Fighters (21).
Highland Fighters (21) score 225 hits on Lionguard (9).
con Doin Guards (19) score 372 hits on Riding poets (12).
Riding poets (12) score 1354 hits on Lions of the South (26).
Riding poets (12) score 361 hits on con Doin Guards (19).
Lions of the South (27) score 1058 hits on Mounted Toren (11).
Lions of the South (26) score 1635 hits on Riding poets (12).
Castle Isadril Archers (18) score 1448 hits on Lionguard (9).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 5350, Defenders: 7685

Mounted Toren (11) take 1670 hits in close combat, which cause 43 casualties.
E I S E N R I T T E R (5) take 791 hits in close combat, which cause 20 casualties.
O’Relaious Guards (29) take 2653 hits (1272 in close combat, 1381 from archer fire), which cause 39 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Tigerous O’Relaious, Duke of Al Arabia, Margrave of Al Arab has been wounded by Great hunters of .... (7).
Lionguard (9) take 7843 hits (1673 in close combat, 6170 from archer fire), which cause 44 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Gerard Crewins, Dux Militum of Caligus, Baron of Aestus has been wounded by Castle Isadril Archers (18).
Highland Fighters (21) take 402 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties.
con Doin Guards (19) take 361 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties.
Riding poets (12) take 2007 hits in close combat, which cause 48 casualties. 2 Caligus banners fall.
Lions of the South (27) take 4327 hits (2939 in close combat, 1388 from archer fire), which cause 78 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Lions of the South (26) take 1354 hits in close combat, which cause 27 casualties.
Witch Hunters (16) take 229 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.
the black guard (33) take 1586 hits (473 in close combat, 1113 from archer fire), which cause 34 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Robin Shepherd, Knight of Castle Ubent has been wounded by Morkers Men (10).
Castle Isadril Archers (18) take 1357 hits in close combat, which cause 28 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 12540 (6370 from close combat and 6170 from ranged), Defenders: 12040 (8158 from close combat and 3882 from ranged)
Total casualties: 160 attackers, 226 defenders

Turn No. 4

    13 (65-S)
14 (50-S)
2 (35-A)
3 (80-A)
6 (77-A)
7 (76-A)
10 (99-A)
15 (95-A)
5 (98-M)
16 (38-M)
  11 (71-C)
12 (12-C)
18 (127-I)
19 (37-I)
21 (37-I)
26 (145-I)
17 (123-A)
20 (90-A)
22 (60-S)
23 (60-S)
24 (142-A)
25 (30-S)
28 (70-S)
31 (81-S)
34 (33-S)
30 (64-A)

People's Liberation Force (30) fire on E I S E N R I T T E R (5), scoring 212 hits.
E I S E N R I T T E R (5) fire on Royal Greycloaks (31), scoring 236 hits.
Chadwick's Defenders (3) fire on Lions Arrows (24), scoring 128 hits.
Ibladesh Elite (22) fire on Witch Hunters (16), scoring 628 hits.
The Luminaries (15) fire on Mormont Rangers (28), scoring 207 hits.
Royal Greycloaks (31) fire on E I S E N R I T T E R (5), scoring 757 hits.
Witch Hunters (16) fire on Leibo's in Leotards (23), scoring 85 hits.
Mormont Rangers (28) fire on Witch Hunters (16), scoring 1015 hits.
Great hunters of .... (7) fire on 303rd Archers (17), scoring 318 hits.
Wandering Wraiths (34) fire on E I S E N R I T T E R (5), scoring 88 hits.
Lions Fire (25) fire on E I S E N R I T T E R (5), scoring 182 hits.
Swansong Archers (13) fire on Lions Arrows (24), scoring 195 hits.
Leibo's in Leotards (23) fire on E I S E N R I T T E R (5), scoring 628 hits.
303rd Archers (17) fire on Witch Hunters (16), scoring 544 hits.
Geoff's Banditoes (6) fire on Golden Archers (20), scoring 177 hits.
The Golden Horde (14) fire on Lions Arrows (24), scoring 241 hits.
Arden Bowmen (2) move closer to get better shots.
Golden Archers (20) fire on Arden Bowmen (2), scoring 334 hits.
Morkers Men (10) fire on Ibladesh Elite (22), scoring 321 hits.
Lions Arrows (24) fire on Arden Bowmen (2), scoring 373 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 4761, Defenders: 1908

Close Combat (Defender Line 2):
21 Perleone banners are visible in the melee.
Highland Fighters (21) score 252 hits on Mounted Toren (11).
con Doin Guards (19) score 219 hits on Riding poets (12) (411 before overkill).
Lions of the South (26) score 728 hits on Riding poets (12) (1364 before overkill).
Castle Isadril Archers (18) score 1286 hits on Mounted Toren (11).
Mounted Toren (11) score 877 hits on Castle Isadril Archers (18).
Mounted Toren (11) score 272 hits on Highland Fighters (21).
Riding poets (12) score 233 hits on Lions of the South (26).
Riding poets (12) score 64 hits on con Doin Guards (19).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 2485 (3313 before overkill), Defenders: 1446

E I S E N R I T T E R (5) take 1867 hits from archer fire, which cause 48 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 9 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat. 26 Caligus banners fall.
Highland Fighters (21) take 272 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Ibladesh Elite (22) take 292 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties.
Royal Greycloaks (31) take 236 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
Witch Hunters (16) take 2187 hits from archer fire, which cause 38 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Mormont Rangers (28) take 207 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
con Doin Guards (19) take 64 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Lions of the South (26) take 233 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties.
Leibo's in Leotards (23) take 85 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Castle Isadril Archers (18) take 877 hits in close combat, which cause 18 casualties.
Mounted Toren (11) take 1538 hits in close combat, which cause 39 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Riding poets (12) take 947 hits in close combat, which cause 12 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Gungir Gabanus, Knight of Evora has been captured by Lions of the South (26).
303rd Archers (17) take 289 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties.
Arden Bowmen (2) take 707 hits from archer fire, which cause 26 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Golden Archers (20) take 161 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties.
Lions Arrows (24) take 513 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 15 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 7246 (2485 from close combat and 4761 from ranged), Defenders: 3229 (1446 from close combat and 1783 from ranged)
Total casualties: 172 attackers, 80 defenders

Turn No. 5

    13 (65-S)
14 (50-S)
3 (80-A)
6 (77-A)
7 (76-A)
10 (99-A)
15 (95-A)
   18 (109-I)
19 (36-I)
26 (140-I)
17 (114-A)
20 (86-A)
22 (53-S)
23 (58-S)
24 (127-A)
25 (30-S)
28 (65-S)
31 (76-S)
34 (33-S)
30 (64-A)

Lions Fire (25) fire on The Luminaries (15), scoring 200 hits.
Royal Greycloaks (31) fire on Morkers Men (10), scoring 222 hits.
Great hunters of .... (7) fire on Lions of the South (26), scoring 508 hits.
Lions Arrows (24) fire on The Luminaries (15), scoring 271 hits.
Mormont Rangers (28) fire on Morkers Men (10), scoring 502 hits.
Ibladesh Elite (22) fire on Chadwick's Defenders (3), scoring 365 hits.
Leibo's in Leotards (23) fire on Geoff's Banditoes (6), scoring 217 hits.
Swansong Archers (13) fire on Castle Isadril Archers (18), scoring 210 hits.
The Golden Horde (14) fire on Castle Isadril Archers (18), scoring 239 hits.
Wandering Wraiths (34) fire on Great hunters of .... (7), scoring 154 hits.
Golden Archers (20) fire on The Luminaries (15), scoring 320 hits.
303rd Archers (17) fire on Great hunters of .... (7), scoring 282 hits.
People's Liberation Force (30) move closer to get better shots.
Chadwick's Defenders (3) fire on Lions of the South (26), scoring 239 hits.
The Luminaries (15) fire on Castle Isadril Archers (18), scoring 550 hits.
Geoff's Banditoes (6) fire on con Doin Guards (19), scoring 272 hits.
Morkers Men (10) fire on Lions of the South (26), scoring 712 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 2533, Defenders: 2730
Lions of the South (26), Castle Isadril Archers (18) and con Doin Guards (19) advance towards the enemy.

Great hunters of .... (7) take 436 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors.
Lions of the South (26) take 1459 hits from archer fire, which cause 29 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Castle Isadril Archers (18) take 999 hits from archer fire, which cause 21 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Chadwick's Defenders (3) take 365 hits from archer fire, which cause 14 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
con Doin Guards (19) take 272 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
The Luminaries (15) take 791 hits from archer fire, which cause 20 casualties.
Geoff's Banditoes (6) take 217 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties.
Morkers Men (10) take 724 hits from archer fire, which cause 19 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2533 (0 from close combat and 2533 from ranged), Defenders: 2730 (0 from close combat and 2730 from ranged)
Total casualties: 72 attackers, 55 defenders

Turn No. 6

    13 (65-S)
14 (50-S)
6 (69-A)
10 (80-A)
15 (75-A)
  19 (31-I)
  17 (114-A)
20 (86-A)
22 (53-S)
23 (58-S)
24 (127-A)
25 (30-S)
28 (65-S)
30 (64-A)
31 (76-S)
34 (33-S)

The Golden Horde (14) fire on con Doin Guards (19), scoring 434 hits.
Golden Archers (20) fire on The Luminaries (15), scoring 333 hits.
Leibo's in Leotards (23) fire on Morkers Men (10), scoring 452 hits.
Swansong Archers (13) fire on con Doin Guards (19), scoring 664 hits.
Lions Fire (25) fire on Geoff's Banditoes (6), scoring 165 hits.
The Luminaries (15) fire on con Doin Guards (19), scoring 670 hits.
303rd Archers (17) fire on Geoff's Banditoes (6), scoring 413 hits.
Royal Greycloaks (31) fire on Morkers Men (10), scoring 390 hits.
People's Liberation Force (30) fire on The Luminaries (15), scoring 140 hits.
Lions Arrows (24) fire on The Luminaries (15), scoring 200 hits.
Ibladesh Elite (22) fire on Geoff's Banditoes (6), scoring 427 hits.
Morkers Men (10) fire on con Doin Guards (19), scoring 911 hits.
Geoff's Banditoes (6) fire on con Doin Guards (19), scoring 285 hits.
Wandering Wraiths (34) fire on The Luminaries (15), scoring 128 hits.
Mormont Rangers (28) fire on The Luminaries (15), scoring 348 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 2996, Defenders: 2964
con Doin Guards (19) advance towards the enemy.

The Luminaries (15) take 1149 hits from archer fire, which cause 29 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 8 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
con Doin Guards (19) take 2964 hits from archer fire, which cause 31 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Matrim con Doin, Knight of Mines of Isadril has been wounded by Geoff's Banditoes (6).
Morkers Men (10) take 842 hits from archer fire, which cause 22 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 7 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Geoff's Banditoes (6) take 1005 hits from archer fire, which cause 35 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Geoffrey Barber, Knight of Fontan has been wounded by 303rd Archers (17).
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 2996 (0 from close combat and 2996 from ranged), Defenders: 2964 (0 from close combat and 2964 from ranged)
Total casualties: 101 attackers, 31 defenders

Turn No. 7

    13 (65-S)
14 (50-S)
     17 (114-A)
20 (86-A)
22 (53-S)
23 (58-S)
24 (127-A)
25 (30-S)
28 (65-S)
30 (64-A)
31 (76-S)
34 (33-S)

303rd Archers (17) move closer to get better shots.
Swansong Archers (13) fire on 303rd Archers (17), scoring 435 hits.
Royal Greycloaks (31) fire on The Golden Horde (14), scoring 435 hits.
Golden Archers (20) move closer to get better shots.
Wandering Wraiths (34) fire on Swansong Archers (13), scoring 53 hits.
People's Liberation Force (30) move closer to get better shots.
Leibo's in Leotards (23) fire on Swansong Archers (13), scoring 382 hits.
Lions Fire (25) fire on The Golden Horde (14), scoring 145 hits.
The Golden Horde (14) fire on Golden Archers (20), scoring 329 hits.
Ibladesh Elite (22) fire on Swansong Archers (13), scoring 223 hits.
Lions Arrows (24) move closer to get better shots.
Mormont Rangers (28) fire on Swansong Archers (13), scoring 193 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 1431, Defenders: 764

303rd Archers (17) take 435 hits from archer fire, which cause 14 casualties.
Swansong Archers (13) take 851 hits from archer fire, which cause 18 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 3 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Golden Archers (20) take 329 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties.
The Golden Horde (14) take 580 hits from archer fire, which cause 13 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors.
Bjorn Utengar, Baron of Scio has been wounded by Lions Fire (25).
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1431 (0 from close combat and 1431 from ranged), Defenders: 764 (0 from close combat and 764 from ranged)
Total casualties: 34 attackers, 23 defenders

Defender Victory!

The battle does extensive damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 36 %.
The local roads network has also been damaged.
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