Luria Nova/Events/Estate-Manager/Tybalt's Struggle

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Monster Invasion(i): Battle-Hardened Soldiers Seek Refuge

A group of battered yet battle-hardened soldiers, survivors of the eastern onslaught, have arrived in your estate, determined to lend their aid in the face of impending peril. These valiant warriors stand ready to bolster your defenses during the monster invasion, offering their experience and resolve to help safeguard your lands.

As they gather within your estate, these brave defenders bring with them disconcerting news – some of the relentless monsters have been tailing them from the fallen eastern defense line. The encroaching threat draws ever nearer, and it won't be long before your estate must confront the looming menace head-on. Prepare for the impending clash!

Monster Invasion(ii): Blighters Threaten the Estate

Reports from your surviving scouts have revealed a temporary respite from the threat of massive monsters, as they are currently preoccupied with feasting on smaller, less formidable creatures. However, the smaller monsters are desperate to evade their larger counterparts, and some unfortunate ones have found their way into your estate. While the smaller intruders were swiftly dispatched, they have brought with them larger predators—known as Blighters—that pose a unique danger.

Blighters, resembling twisted trees, have a sinister agenda: they root themselves in fertile fields, sapping the land's vitality until it becomes an arid wasteland. Swift action is imperative to prevent irreversible damage. These creatures are formidable, so you must decide on the best course of action.

Your first option is to confront the Blighters aggressively, even if it means potentially sacrificing lives to eliminate the threat quickly. Alternatively, you can take a more calculated approach, sacrificing some farmland to bait the Blighters into planting themselves, rendering them immobile and easier to neutralize. Lastly, you can seek assistance from neighboring estates to tackle the Blighters collectively, as they are vulnerable to a well coordinated attack, requiring a significant number of men rather than highly trained professionals.

Outcome: The Victory Against the Blighters

With determination, you decide to tackle the blighters head-on before they can establish themselves as a more significant threat. Three groups of vigilantes from Lexis' estate lend their assistance in this endeavor. The blighters, not yet rooted, prove to be surprisingly agile, making the battle a challenging one. Your soldiers and vigilantes engage in a fierce struggle, enduring casualties before finally managing to bring down the menacing creatures.

Following the victory, some soldiers suggest that you use the blighters' remains as fertilizer. Taking their advice to heart, you transform the fallen blighters into ashes. Now, you face a choice: do you apply this unique fertilizer to your fields, potentially boosting your crop production, or do you consider selling it to others who might find it valuable?

News of your successful campaign against the blighters spreads throughout the estate, and your people rejoice in this small but significant victory. While more monsters may still loom on the horizon, for now, they can savor this moment of triumph.

Outcome: The Blighter Fertilizer

You decide to utilize the fertilizer made from the defeated blighters on your fields. A week later, your farmers provide feedback on the results. They observe that the fertilizer didn't significantly increase crop yields, but it had a notable effect. The crops seemed to have become more robust and resilient against diseases.

While the increase in yields may not have been substantial, the improved resilience of your crops is valuable, as it helps safeguard your agricultural production against potential threats. Your estate can now count on more reliable harvests, even in the face of challenges.

The River Bandits' Threat

Amid the chaos of the ongoing monster invasion, a new threat emerges in the form of river bandits. Exploiting the turmoil, these opportunistic criminals have set their sights on your estate. Their methods are both audacious and unsettling. Some of them actively lure monsters toward your domain while others kidnap innocent peasants to hold them hostage.

In their grim offer, the river bandits propose a deal. If you are willing to pay a ransom, they will release the kidnapped peasants unharmed and move on to the next vulnerable estate, leaving your territory in peace.

If you choose to confront the bandits and fight them off, there's a risk that they will escalate their provocations and draw even more monsters toward your estate. The bandits' use of boats to traverse the rivers also presents a challenge, as it might require your soldiers to pursue them for an extended period, possibly causing them to miss the next impending monster attack.

Leaving the river bandits unattended, on the other hand, will allow them to persist as a recurring menace. It's a precarious decision to make, as it involves weighing the immediate safety of your estate against the long-term consequences of allowing such a threat to endure.