Luria Nova/Events/Estate-Manager/Retention Specialist Event: Reclaiming Your Livestock Business

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You opt to hire the Retention Specialist for 3 gold, determined to reclaim your businesses from the clutches of the D'Haran Merchant Guild. The specialist meticulously assesses the situation over the course of several weeks, gathering valuable information and formulating a strategy.

Subsequently, he embarks on the daunting task of negotiation with the D'Haran Merchants, aiming to secure the return of your livestock business. Days turn into weeks as discussions unfold, testing the specialist's resolve and expertise.

After a prolonged and arduous negotiation, the specialist achieves a breakthrough. He successfully persuades the D'Haran Merchants to relinquish control of your livestock business for a sum of 1 gold. This marks the first step in your journey to reclaim what was rightfully yours.

Should you choose to accept this deal, the specialist will dedicate his efforts to regaining your raw material production businesses as well. However, it becomes apparent that this endeavor will require a more substantial financial commitment than you currently possess. Your choice now hinges on whether to proceed with the specialist's plan, investing further to regain full control of your estate's economic activities.

Outcome: Successful Repurchase

You decide to accept the retention specialist's offer and repurchase your livestock businesses for 1 gold. The news of your decision spreads quickly, and both the peasants and merchants who lost their livelihoods to the D'Haran Merchant Guild are overjoyed to see their businesses return under your ownership.

The retention specialist wastes no time and immediately begins negotiating for the return of your raw material production businesses from the D'Haran merchants. He leverages your guild connection to work the deal in your favor. For a sum of 2 gold, you will regain control of your raw material production businesses, and as soon as the agreement is finalized, the D'Haran merchants will depart from your estate for good.