Unti Family/Nerta/A5S4

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Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
I didn't expect to run into Valesmen up here. I take it the battle against the Dread Necromancer hasn't gone well. Do you need any aid?
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
Letter sent, the cloaked woman checks the bounty board outside the Temple.

Seems the Valesmen had been busy in their takeover, with a lot of notices bearing the mark of Fheuvenem's Eagles and other lords.

There was some mess in a stables...

"Guess that's mine."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Yao Ling Pryde
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
"I have no need of using the portal myself," Yao Ling said to Emperor Ehrich. "Though a thought has come to mind that a portal like this could be most... useful if it were to be between more... friendly regions. I can't say it is possible. This may have been a one-time, time-limited gift from the gods. But if it were possible to have a more permanent portal, between more secured and friendly regions, would it be of interest to you?"
Yao Ling Pryde (High Shugenja of Daishi)
Letter from Ehrich Weisz
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
Greetings Priestess Nerta,

Alas resistance against the relentless waves of undead has been unsustainable for some time but the deterioration and this new opportunity were both sudden. Do you come this far north often? I regret I know little of the Old Gods.

With respects,
Ehrich Weisz (Emperor of Shattered Vales)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
I wander throughout the north, helping to slay monsters and protect people in the name of the Gods. Admittedly the last time I was through here there were Irondale banners, but things change.

I was hoping your people would have more insight into what the Dread Necromancer of the Sunken Kingdom seeks. They have grown bold since Keffa, but it sounds like we are all in the dark.

As for the Old Gods, you probably know them by other names. They are the powers of Beluaterra and your people have spent months battling the servants of the Crystal Maiden. The Soul Crusher, the Deep One, the Cursed Seductress.

As you can imagine, we don't like her much.

The Followers focus on the other 5 Gods. But what is most important are displays of human excellence and, of course: killing monsters. So long as you do the good work of protecting people and battling the Inhumans you're alright in our books.

After these months, none would doubt the dedication of the Valesmen to that task.

But leave it to a priest to preach when there is work to do. Do you need anything?

Ooc: this video explains a lot of the basics if you don't want to read.

Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Boffin Barthold
Message sent to Personal message to Nerta
I am interested in your "Old Ways". Will you do me the honor of a visit that I might learn more?
Boffin Barthold (Knight of Gethsemene)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
So you want to learn more about the Gods. I'm happy to share a tale or two but, what would you like to know?

Most warriors are drawn to the Wolf Lord. The Savage Scream, The Beastmaster, Tree Shaper, Life Bringer. He is brutal in countenance and fury, as only life can be. One doesn't worship the Wolf Lord so much as honour him with thought and deed.

But perhaps you are seeking to protect and guide, placing you in the care of the Dark Mistress. The Pale Wanderer, Gift Giver, Life Taker, she who eases the burdens of a harsh life and provides tools to tame the wild lands. A Goddess of civilization while the Wolf Lord is one of the wilds.

There are others aside, but these are the two main ones that draw attention.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Boffin Barthold
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
This is quite helpful and I enjoy the lore you've shared. I will visit the temple. I'm curious, as a priestess, which do you serve?
Boffin Barthold (Knight of Gethsemene)
Roleplay from Ehrich Weisz
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
"Continuing our earlier conversation Priestess Yao Ling, I believe the inherently temporary nature of the portal has already been revealed and it continues to shrink daily. By accelerating our route here the portal gave assistance in our most desperate hour of need but I do not see them as either that viable or desirable in a more enduring form. A key advantage of our new homeland is that the Vales are now far more centrally connected by conventional routes so from the Vales point of view the portal route has fulfilled its exceptional purpose."
Ehrich Weisz (Emperor of Shattered Vales)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
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You're welcome to join us Boffin. Hopefully you find what you seek. As for my beliefs: I follow all the Gods, but The Dark Mistress has made it abundantly clear that I should not ignore them.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Ehrich Weisz
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
Priestess Nerta,

Your speech and explanation is well received and wonderfully illustrated. I do not have further practical tasks I would ask of you at this time but appreciate our meeting.

A better understanding of your beliefs is useful as well as interesting. Your focus on the virtue of deeds against the insidious rogues being as important as theological scripture is encouraging from the point of view of constructive relations. There have been occasional disturbances with members of your religion attempting to overhaul temples of our Daishi faith particularly in Irondale but your more measured approach suggests these might be the shortcomings of individual lords rather than any indication of a wider problem. I will be glad to try to promote good relations between our faiths where goodwill remains dominant.

If you are venturing further and should be returning along the northern coast then by all means call upon us on your return and I will see whether we can expand on the accounts in the south which may be of interest to you in the light of your beliefs.

I was curious in a personal capacity to read about the references to the study of alchemy within some of your religious traditions. In Iato we were attempting to form a guild with a particular emphasis in that field, the Liber Alchemical, but alas it will be a while before we can establish a guildhouse in the north. You would be welcome to visit in due course. In the meantime I bid you safe and productive travels.

With highest respects,
Ehrich Weisz (Emperor of Shattered Vales)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Message to Ehrich Weisz
Your majesty,

I can understand your curiosity. The Dalesmen are very.... Valentic in their approach to things, which is quite different from the eastern style in Thalmarkin and Ar Agyr.

Since our faith is very decentralized and personal in character, no two Followers will hold the same practices. This constant evolution and growth has seen the faith thrive for almost two decades now, but it does occasionally cause conflict. If you ever have trouble with the Dalesmen, I suggest bringing it up with them, but I can always act as an intermediary.

Now since the north west lacks a Guardian at the moment I'll be in the area for some time yet. The quests tend to pile up. When you, or your people, have time I would be delighted to record what you have learned through bitter experience.

As for matters of alchemy, that is old magic. Hardly more than parlor tricks compared to what I have seen in recent years. But then again, such modern magic is the reason why the Dread Necromancer is so powerful in the first place, so there is wisdom in such old ways. Still if you have an interest in scholarship you may wish to visit the Agyrian Academy. It's as old as the faith and has a great deal of knowledge & lore, much of which has apparently been forgotten. There used to be an Annex in Firbalt but I think it was lost during a fire...

Best of luck to you your majesty and, though I wish it under more auspicious omens, welcome to the north.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Boffin Barthold
Message sent to Message to everyone in the Old Gods
I greet you all, and look forward to continuing the fight against the cursed one. I am eager to learn your ways.
Boffin Barthold (Knight of Gethsemene)
Letter from Ehrich Weisz
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene
I was just corresponding with your Queen, perhaps your messengers might reach her before mine? You are free to read the attached in that it relates to some of what we have discussed:
Letter from Ehrich Weisz
(Personal message to Aibhlidhn Dubhaine)
Queen Aibhlidhn,
We have tried to maintain a narrow corridor along the southern edge of the Vales, but even those last outposts are unlikely to hold more than a few days now especially if we can be successful in moving our capital.  Ships have been charted to evacuate as many of the population as we can but it is a desperate and miserable situation as the devastation that built up along our frontier now overwhelms our lands.  The time to withdraw the main body of your troops is likely arrived too if that is not already under way.
We bid you safe travels back to where-ever can hold the line next.  There seemed to be some hope that the undead were becoming more reluctant to be target densely occupied lands, but when we dared hope that might offer a chance to retake Ete they fell upon us again with renewed vigour suggestive of deliberate ambush.  
There were stories of a dread lieutenant with particular malice leading a regiment of damned knights amongst the massed hordes in the final battles but as the slaughter spread, reliable information was displaced by the impending terror.  
With regards,
Ehrich Weisz
Emperor of Shattered Vales
Ehrich Weisz (Emperor of Shattered Vales)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Message to Ehrich Weisz
I fought one of those death knights in Bessimir when it tried to ambush Guardian Balin. Tell me, did the eyes change colour? Often a blue fire becoming more a witchfire green. When that happens the Dread Necromancer has taken direct control of the thing, enhancing it's strength and providing it with a bounty of other abilities.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Message sent to Message to everyone in Gethsemene